
  • 网络Echolocation;echolocating;echo location;echo-location
  1. 大多数蝙蝠靠回声定位来飞行。

    Most bats navigate by echolocation .

  2. 三种蝙蝠飞行状态下回声定位信号的比较

    Comparison of the echolocation signals in three species of bats at fly

  3. 这是一种声纳装置,一种回声定位系统。

    This is a kind of sonar - an echo-location system .

  4. 中国蝙蝠听觉和回声定位研究进展

    Recent researches on Bats ' auditory system and echolocation in China

  5. 它们用回声定位或者说声纳系统。

    The answer is that they use echolocation or sonar .

  6. 五种蝙蝠形态与回声定位叫声的性别差异

    Sexual differences in morphology and echolocation calls in five Chinese bat species

  7. 回声定位是动物和人类使用的一种声音系统。

    Echolocation is a sound system used by animals , and humans .

  8. 一些蝙蝠已经把用于发出回声定位叫声的结构专门化了。

    Some bats have specialized structures for emitting echolocation calls .

  9. 大多数蝙蝠通过收缩喉咙所发出的声音实现回声定位。

    Most bats produce echolocation sounds by contracting their larynx .

  10. 蝙蝠回声定位叫声的连续小波时频分析

    Time-frequency analysis of echolocation call of bat based on continuous wavelet transform

  11. 除已经提到的回声定位,蝙蝠还具有主动飞翔的能力。

    Except for echolocation , they also have the ability of powered flight .

  12. 三种共栖蝙蝠的回声定位信号特征及其夏季食性的比较

    Characteristics of Echolocation Calls and Summer Diet of Three Sympatric Insectivorous Bats Species

  13. 回声定位是一项具有高度技术性和趣味性的手段。

    Echolocation is a highly technical and interesting tactic .

  14. 菊头蝠科蝙蝠鼻叶宽与回声定位声波主频率的相关分析

    Correlation Analysis of Nose Leaf Width and Echolocation Domain Frequency in Rhinolophus Bats

  15. 依据回声定位声波参数判别同域栖息的蝙蝠种类

    Identification of bat species inhabiting the same area by analyzing the echolocation call

  16. 马铁菊头蝠不同行为下的回声定位叫声

    Echolocation calls of greater horseshoe bat at different behavior

  17. 声音1:在被问及他的回声定位技能时,本说:

    Voice 1 : When asked about his echolocation skills , Ben says :

  18. 声音2:本用回声定位来了解他周围的世界。

    Voice 2 : Ben uses echolocation to understand the world around him .

  19. 他学会使用回声定位技术来辨析周围世界的一切事物。

    He taught himself to use echo location to navigate around the world .

  20. 蝙蝠的回声定位系统和飞行是区别于其他哺乳动物的两大特征。

    Echolocation system and flight are two characters which distinguish bats from other mammalians .

  21. 随着时间的推移,他的回声定位技能不断提高。

    Over time , his echolocation skills improved .

  22. 鲸鱼和海豚靠回声定位系统来辨别方向。

    Whales and dolphins rely on their responsive hearing to interpret returning echolocation clicks .

  23. 马汀内斯并非发现人类有回声定位能力的第一人。

    Martinez isn 't the first to recognize the potential for echolocation in humans .

  24. 南海狮的回声定位

    Echo ranging of the South Sea Lion

  25. 现在,他只使用回声定位。

    Today , he uses only echolocation .

  26. 实验结果表明,基本可以根据输出脉冲对应的符号序列来确定目标的方位,说明回声定位能以这种方式来实现。

    The experimental results show that the objective can be identified by output symbol sequence .

  27. 主动飞翔和回声定位能力的结合,无疑为蝙蝠有效地捕食昆虫及占据夜空生态位提供了有利的帮助。

    The recombination of flight and echolocation helps bat hunt prey and occupy night niche successfully .

  28. “回声定位法”能自创影像。

    Echolocation creates its own images .

  29. 回声定位蝙蝠及其声通讯

    Echolocation and Acoustic Communication in Bats

  30. 例如,小型飞行哺乳动物蝙蝠,就利用回声定位在夜间飞行。

    For example , bats , small flying mammals , use echolocation to fly at night .