
  • 网络Acoustic communication;aeoustieeommunieation;UWA
  1. 相位共轭技术在水下声通讯中的应用研究

    The study of the application of phase-conjugate technique in underwater acoustic communication

  2. 凹耳蛙声通讯研究重要进展与启示

    Novel progress on acoustic communication in the concave-eared torrent frog and Its Revelation

  3. 动物声通讯及听觉机理研究新进展

    Progress in Acoustic Communication and Auditory Processing in Animals

  4. 声通讯在蛙繁殖行为中起着重要作用。

    Acoustic communication has an important role in the reproductive behaviour of anurans .

  5. 回声定位蝙蝠及其声通讯

    Echolocation and Acoustic Communication in Bats

  6. 万声通讯所具备的专业能力及关键管理技术均为国际性企业所运用的最新观念与最佳典范。

    The professionalism and key management technology that Welsend has is typical of the new concept used by the international enterprises .

  7. 这些结果可能为蝉科分类和蝉的声通讯研究提供某些参考。

    These results may provide some taxonomical information for the Family Cicadidae and reveal the means of the sound communication in cicadas .

  8. 随着城市化的快速发展,人为因素尤其是人为噪声对鸟类的声通讯产生了巨大的干扰。

    With the fast development of urbanization , the vocal communication of birds was mostly disturbed by human activities , especially the anthropogenic noise .

  9. 鸟类如何调节自己的发声使声通讯有效地进行,进而保证物种能够在浙江大学硕士学位论文:环境噪声对鸟类鸣声的影响噪声环境中得以生存繁衍,显得至关重要。

    It was very important for birds to regulate their vocalization to communicate with each other effectively so that the species could survive and brood in noisy environment .

  10. 水下声传输数据通讯技术研究

    Study of Data Communication of Underwater Acoustic Transmission