
  • 网络Reputation Risk;reputational risk;creditable risk;strategic and reputational risk
  1. 声誉风险管理已成为商业银行风险管理的重要组成部分。

    Reputation risk management has become an important part of commercial banks'risk management .

  2. 包括法律风险,但不包括战略风险和声誉风险。

    Legal risk is contained but strategic risks and reputation risk is not included .

  3. PEST分析法中主要得出了合肥市科技农村商业银行主要面临着较严峻的声誉风险和较强的监管力度。

    From the analysis of the PEST , the Hefei science & technology RCB is facing a serious fame atmosphere and powerful supervision .

  4. 他们情愿接受在世界某地失去业务,也不愿BAE承受声誉风险。

    They have accepted that it is better to lose business in some parts of the world than to expose BAE to reputational risk .

  5. 例如,饮品集团Diageo每月都会编写董事会报告,其中包括一份针对当前所有声誉风险的评估。

    Diageo , the drinks group , for example , produces a monthly board report that includes an assessment of all current reputational risks .

  6. 有着110年历史的美国保险经纪商dewittstern已经得到了伦敦承销商的回应,表示有兴趣支持其计划于2010年初推出的声誉风险产品。

    DeWitt stern , a 110-year-old US insurance broker , has already received expressions of interest from London Underwriters about backing a reputational risk product it aims to launch early in 2010 .

  7. 香港立法会议员昨日就电讯盈科(PCCW)拟议的出售交易,向香港政府提出质疑。这些交锋突显出该交易的敏感性,及其可能为香港带来的声誉风险。电讯盈科是香港最大的电信公司。

    Legislators yesterday challenged the Hong Kong government over the proposed sale of the city 's largest telecommunications company , in exchanges that highlighted the transaction 's sensitivity and the potential reputational risks it holds for the territory .

  8. 安永董事长兼首席执行官特黎(jimturley)表示,安永已决定在国际层面上任命4名非执行董事,因为该事务所面临的“诉讼、监管和声誉风险”都是全球性的。

    Jim Turley , chairman and chief executive , said E & Y had decided four non-executives would be appointed at an international level because the " risks about litigation , regulation and reputation " faced by the firm were all global .

  9. 从张季鸾与蒋介石的关系看记者职业的声誉风险

    The Honour Risk Reflected from Zhang Ji-luan 's Relationship with Jiang Jie-shi

  10. 但这不会降低声誉风险。

    However that does not diminish the reputational risk .

  11. 它们缺乏预防这种声誉风险的手段。

    There is no insurance against this reputational risk .

  12. 最后,对于声誉风险,企业应持一种平衡的观点。

    Finally , when it comes to reputational risk , businesses should take a balanced view .

  13. 本定义所指操作风险包括法律风险,但不包括策略风险和声誉风险。

    Under the definition of operational risk includes legal risk , but excludes strategic and reputational risk .

  14. 对企业声誉风险和敏感数据保护的高度关注还促使企业加强内部安全控制。

    Heightened focus on business-reputation risk and sensitive data protection is also driving closer internal scrutiny of controls .

  15. 学习认识你的业务面临的声誉风险,也许会保护你的品牌免受灭顶之灾。

    An educated awareness of the reputational risks your business runs may help protect you from brand-damaging disasters .

  16. 他们是否能更好地预见到和科技风险有关的社会影响以及声誉风险呢?

    Might they have been able to better predict the social impact and reputational risks associated with technological risks ?

  17. 完善的声誉风险管理组织体系是有效实施声誉风险管理的基本保障。

    Perfected organizational system of managing the reputation risk basically guarantees the effective implementation of managing the reputation risk .

  18. 近年来,各国商业银行在声誉风险管理方面,有成功的经验也有失败的教训。

    In recent years , there are both successful experiences and lessons of failure in international commercial banks'reputation risk management .

  19. 缅甸遭受的制裁,以及在流氓国家开展业务可能带来的声誉风险,一直是外国投资该国的主要障碍。

    Sanctions , and worries over reputational risk about operating in a pariah country , have been major investment deterrents .

  20. 商业银行声誉风险管理目标确定之后,需要由风险管理组织体系予以实施。

    After identifying the management objectives of commercial bank 's reputation risk , it needs to be implemented by the organizational system of risk management .

  21. 声誉风险成为商业银行越来越重视的问题,声誉风险管理也已成为商业银行风险管理的重要组成部分。

    Reputational risk to become commercial banks have become increasingly important issue , reputational risk management has become a commercial bank risk management an important part .

  22. Mimecast表示:对企业来说,使用消费者云文件共享应用共享企业数据是一个重大的安全、合规和声誉风险。

    Sharing enterprise data over consumer cloud file share apps is a significant security , compliance and reputational risk for enterprises , says the UK-based company .

  23. 绿色金融的提出与环境风险有关,除了自身的环境指标,金融机构还要面临信贷风险、法律风险及声誉风险。

    Green finance is related to environmental risks . In addition to its own environmental indicators , the financial institution will face credit , legal and reputation risks .

  24. 世界银行的一份调查发现,将社会环境问题纳入业务当中的银行已公布其利润得到提升,融资和声誉风险降低,更容易获得国际资本。

    A world bank survey found banks that integrate social and environmental issues into their business reported benefits for their bottom line , a reduction in risk financial and reputational and improved access to international capital .

  25. 同时,本文结合对网络传播渠道下声誉风险的管理原则,提出网络传播环境下商业银行加强声誉风险管理的应对措施,为商业银行维护自身声誉提供参考。

    At the same time , base on the index system , propose the measures to strengthen the risk management in the network communication environment and provide a reference for commercial banks to protect their own reputation .

  26. 有律师表示,虽然此案涉及的金额较小(仅涉及价值数千万美元的人民币-美元对冲合约),但在中国进行法律诉讼可能会旷日持久,并使摩根士丹利面对财务和声誉风险。

    Although the sums involved are small relating to renminbi-dollar hedges worth just tens of millions of dollars a legal battle in China could be prolonged and subject Morgan Stanley to financial and reputational risks , lawyers said .

  27. 银行业面临的主要风险归纳为8个方面,即国家和转移风险、市场风险、操作风险、利率风险、流动性风险、信用风险、法律风险和声誉风险。

    The main risk facing the banking sector divided into eight areas , namely national and transfer risk , market risk , operational risk , interest rate risk , liquidity risk , credit risk , legal risk and reputation risk .

  28. 在新媒体时代下,国内商业银行的声誉风险被放大,如何有效管理声誉风险,完善全面风险管理体系,成为商业银行不可避免要面对的新课题。

    In the new media age , the domestic commercial banks reputational risk is magnified , how to effectively manage reputational risk , improve the comprehensive risk management system , a commercial bank inevitably have to face a new topic .

  29. 银行风险已由单一的信贷风险发展成为包括信用风险、利率风险、市场风险、流动性风险、声誉风险、操作风险、法律风险、策略风险等在内的多类型风险。

    Bank risks not only include the single credit risk , but also include complex credit risk , such as interest rate risk , market risk , liquidity risk , reputation risk , operational risk , legal risk , strategy risk and so on .

  30. 对Cerberus的声誉而言风险巨大,因为这家汽车制造商处于亏损状态,而且最近数十年里一直在困境中挣扎。

    The risk to the firm 's reputation would be huge as the carmaker is loss-making and has struggled in recent decades .