
  1. 我国企业债券投资风险的计量分析

    Econometric Analysis of Enterprises Bond Investment Adventure in China

  2. 保险资金进行债券投资的风险有:外部风险(利率、市场、流动性、通货膨胀、信用)、操作风险。

    Insurance funds for bond investments are faced with the external risks ( interest rate , market , liquidity , inflation , credit ), operations .

  3. 本文首先对证券投资的风险及其风险管理进行分析,其中重点研究了债券投资的风险及其风险管理。

    Firstly , this study makes the whole analysis of the risk and risk management of securities investmen analysis , which focuses on the bond investment risks and risk management including the specific induction of the bond investment risks and risk management methods .

  4. 国际组合债券投资的最优风险分散与套期保值决策方法

    Optimal Decision of Risk Diversification and Currency Hedging in International Bond Portfolio Investments APPLICATION OF FOXBASE  ̄ + IN BOOKS CURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

  5. 针对这些风险,保险公司通常运用优化债券投资组合、风险限额管理、强化资产负债管理等方法来规避和应对风险。

    Insurance is usually the use of bond portfolio optimization , risk limits management and other methods to achieve risk-averse and its own investment objectives .

  6. 持有希腊债务的投资者没有动力自愿参与任何展期计划中,也不愿承担债券投资缩水50%的风险。

    Investors holding Greek debt have no incentive to participate voluntarily in any rollover and risk a haircut of 50 per cent .

  7. 最后,我们针对中资机构发行的海外高信用债投资做了特别的研究,涉及到这类债券对于国内投资机构特殊的性质,以及这类债券的投资风险与策略。

    Last but not least , we do a special study on the high rating credit bonds issued by domestic issuers . These bonds have special character to domestic investment institutes . So some studies on investment risks and strategy on this kind of bonds are done .