
  1. 市场对该声明反应良好,欧元区债券期货随即下跌,货币市场利率有所缓和。

    Markets welcomed the announcement , with euro-zone bond futures falling and money-market rates easing in its wake .

  2. 某些衍生品交易如政府债券期货在芝加哥或伦敦的类似交易所进行。

    Some derivatives deals such as government bond futures are traded on similar exchanges in Chicago and London .

  3. 建立一个成熟的债券期货市场是利率市场化的重要组成部分。

    A sophisticated bond-futures market is an important part of liberalizing interest rates .

  4. 1994年,中国有债券期货,但出现了巨大的投机泡沫,许多人受了伤。

    In 1994 , China had bond futures and there were huge speculative bubbles and many people got burnt .

  5. 另一位参与此次会议的银行业人士称,未来六个月之内商业银行可能就会启动债券期货交易。

    Another banker present at the meeting with exchange officials said trading on bond futures could happen within the next six months .

  6. 当然,债券期货的波动很大,每秒钟会向任意方向波动几个基点。

    Of course , T-bond futures can be very volatile and can trade several tics in either direction in a matter of seconds .

  7. 一位与会者说,该交易所已经为欢迎商业银行回归债券期货市场做好了所有准备工作。

    ' The exchange has done all the preparatory work it can to welcome the banks back to the market , ' one person present at the meeting said .

  8. 另一方面,我遇到的交易量最大的场内交易者,他的账户平均有500份债券期货。

    On the other hand , one of the biggest floor traders I ever worked with trades for his own account with an average position of500 Treasury bond futures at a time .

  9. 当国际市场发生变化时,股票、债券、期货等市场也随之发生变化。

    When change in the international market , the share market of China will make change consequently .

  10. 债券、期货、股票、外汇、房地产市场、大宗商品期货市场以及大量金融衍生品交易市场等逐渐成为美国人创造新的货币财富的重要工具。

    In USA , debts , futures , stocks , foreign exchanges , real estates and a large number of financial derivatives have become important tools to create wealth for American people .

  11. 不过,从债券和期货市场的走势看,情况有所不同:10月份加息的可能性约为50%,年底前加息的可能性略高于这一水平。

    The bond and futures market , though , see things differently . They put a roughly 50-50 chance on a rate increase in October and a slightly higher chance of a rise by year-end .

  12. 由于担忧世界各地的央行计划对不断上升的通胀采取严厉措施,债券和期货市场昨日大幅震荡,一系列加息如今已体现在美国、欧元区和英国的市场价格中。

    Fears that central banks around the world are planning a crackdown on rising inflation saw bond and futures markets move sharply yesterday , with a series of interest rate rises now priced into markets in the US , the eurozone and the UK .

  13. 在发达国家,央行希望维持低利率,监管机构应该考虑一些辅助性工具,例如提高股票、债券及期货交易的保证金要求,或提高商业或投机性房地产交易的首付款比例。

    In developed countries , where central banks want to keep rates low , regulators should be considering supplementary tools such as raising margin requirements on stock , bond and futures transactions , or raising down-payment requirements on commercial or speculative real estate deals .

  14. 积极稳妥地发展债券市场和期货市场。

    We will energetically yet steadily develop the market for bonds and futures .

  15. 本文所讨论的证券主要是股票、债券、和期货。

    Stocks , bonds , and futures are the major concern of the paper .

  16. 二十世纪八十年代中期以来,一些学者研究了其它国家的日历效应,同时研究的范围也从股票市场扩展到债券市场和期货市场。

    Some scholars have studied the calendar effects of other countries since the middle of 1980s , the scope of the studies have extended from stock markets to bond markets and futures markets .

  17. 同理,如果一家银行的负债再融资期限短于其资产期限,银行出售债券买入期权或者债券期货的买入期权,实际上减少了其利率的敏感度。

    Similarly , if a bank that has liabilities with a shorter reprising period than its assets writes a call option on a bond or a bond future , it is actually reducing its interest rate sensitivity .

  18. 这些期货合约的杠杆程度非常高,因此,这些基金拥有大量多余现金可以投资于债券,利用债券的收入支付期货合约费用、管理费用以及派发红利。

    These futures contracts are highly leveraged , so the funds have plenty of spare cash to invest in bonds , using the bond income to pay for the futures contract , the management fee and any dividends .