
  • 网络Advertisement Recruiting
  1. 不过2.3万英镑的薪水包食宿的待遇还是在这份工作刚在BBC登广告招聘的时候就让英国人挤破了头。

    However , the £ 23000 salary , free food andpaid rent meant that thousands of people jammed phone lines whenthe job was first advertised on the BBC .

  2. 当伊什梅尔哈瓦拉(ishmaelchawla)在新德里登广告招聘软件开发人员时,他做好了受挫的准备。

    When Ishmael Chawla advertises for software developers in New Delhi , he braces himself for rejection .

  3. klingelnberg正努力寻找另一个解决办法:本月,该公司通过广告招聘年满60的工程师,以满足该公司对经验丰富的问题解决者的需求。

    Klingelnberg is trying out another solution : this month it advertised for engineers aged 60 and over to answer its need for experienced problem-solvers .

  4. 我是应你们广告招聘一名助手而来的。

    I come in answer to your advertisement for an assistant .

  5. 那家公司已在报上登广告招聘职员。

    That company has put an advertisement in newspapers for clerks .

  6. 这无疑是最低标准:应刊登广告招聘实习生。

    This is surely a minimum : Internships should be advertised .

  7. 琼:上星期一我登了一个分类广告招聘秘书。

    I placed a classified ad for a secretary last Monday .

  8. 我们登广告招聘一个看管花园的人。

    We 've advertised for someone to look after the garden .

  9. 我是来应聘你们广告招聘高级生产管理人员的。

    I came about your advertisement for a senior production planner .

  10. 然而这份广告招聘的忍者工作内容已经有了一些改变。

    The job specification has been somewhat changed for the advertised roles .

  11. 玛丽,我想登广告招聘一名初级秘书。

    Mary , I want to advertise for a new junjor secretary .

  12. 他在当地报纸上登广告招聘助手。

    He advertised for an assistant in the local newspaper .

  13. 我们登广告招聘,但是反响寥寥。

    We advertised the job but received very few replies .

  14. 上星期一我登了一个分类广告招聘秘书。

    I placed a classified ad for a secretary last Monday . -

  15. 为了补充空缺,我们要做广告招聘职位。

    To fill the vacancy , we are going to advertise the post .

  16. 我打电话是想询问一下有关你们登广告招聘一位初级秘书的事。

    I 'm phoning to enquire about your advertisement for a junior secretary .

  17. 我是来应征你们在报纸上凳广告招聘的职位。

    I 've come to be considered the position which you advertized in post .

  18. 公司登广告招聘一名新秘书。

    The company advertised for a new secretary .

  19. 公司做广告招聘一个秘书。

    This company advertises for a new secretary .

  20. 他们登出广告招聘一位系统分析员。

    They 're advertising for a systems analyst .

  21. 我们登了广告招聘一名得力的办公室女秘书。

    We 've advertised for a girl Friday to provide general help in the office .

  22. 我打电话想询问昨天《中国日报》上广告招聘的驾驶员一职。

    I 'm enquiring about your advertisement for a driver in yesterday 's China Daily .

  23. 我们已登广告招聘保安人员。

    We have advertised for security personnel .

  24. 玛丽下个月离职,我们必须登广告招聘一个人接替她。

    Mary is leaving next month so we must advertise for a replacement for her .

  25. 我的秘书下星期要走,所以我们现在正登广告招聘一位替代者。

    My secretary leaves us next week , so we is advertising for a replacement .

  26. 本人欲申请<先驱早报>上广告招聘剪报随函寄去的职位。

    I wish to apply for the position advertised in the enclosed clipping from the morning Herald .

  27. 有位叫海伦•福特的小姐,今天上午来电话应聘我们广告招聘的初级秘书。

    A Miss Helen Ford telephoned this morning in answer to our advertisement for a Junior Secretary .

  28. 你们昨天在报纸上广告招聘营业部主任,我对这个职位感兴趣。

    I 'm interested in the post of a sales manager you advertised in yesterday 's newspaper .

  29. 在招聘人才的途径上提出了广告招聘,参加招聘会,通过员工介绍等方式。

    Personnel recruitment advertising to recruit is to participate in job fairs , through the introduction of staff .

  30. 多年前,有一位农场主拥有大西洋沿岸的一片土地。他不断地打广告招聘农场工人。

    Years ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast . He constantly advertised for hired hands .