
  • 网络recruitment methods
  1. 你提到招聘方法的开头部分。

    You mentioned the opening section on recruitment methods .

  2. 此外,招聘方法也在改变。

    Recruitment methods are also changing .

  3. 日本的招聘方法对于初级应聘者而言具有一定优势。

    The Japanese hiring approach has its advantages for entry-level candidates .

  4. 发掘推荐最有效的招聘方法与渠道。

    Explore and recommend the most effective methods / sources of recruiting .

  5. 不同国家的员工招聘方法是不一样的。

    In different countries the way of recruitment of employees is different .

  6. 本文分析了当前我国企业人才招聘方法和现状;

    This paper analyses the currently method and situation in recruitment of enterprise ;

  7. 不同的组织或单位有不同的招聘方法。

    Different organisations have different ways of recruiting .

  8. 用人单位中有百分之几使用这种招聘方法?

    What is the percentage of the employers who engage in this method of recruiting ?

  9. 在华企业尝试新招聘方法的动机还源自于它们面临的挑战。

    The incentive in China to try new recruiting methods also stems from the challenges companies face there .

  10. 自从实行这种招聘方法,该公司的人员流动率从两位数直接下降到了个位数。

    Once we began hiring to those behaviors , we cut turnover from high double digits to single digits .

  11. 希望打造“合作伙伴”式开发小组的管理人员,可以考虑调整招聘方法,吸引更多有创意的开发人员。

    Managers looking to become Partner Player development shops should adjust their recruiting practices to attract creative development professionals .

  12. 每章开头很好,第一章关于招聘方法的内容很有用,案例研究中有一些显著的引用。

    Well , each chapter starts OK the first one on recruitment methods is potentially useful and there are noteworthy quotes in the case studies .

  13. 通过制订科学的用人标准、运用科学的招聘方法、重视人力资源规划,建立合理的薪酬制度等策略,调动员工的积极性。

    In order to arouse staff 's enthusiasm , human resources management should include the formulation of scientific servant standard , the application of scientific employment advertise method , emphasis on human resources plan , establishment of a reasonable salary system , and so on .

  14. 针对高新技术企业,研究其适用的招聘测试方法,并作了比较。

    This paper first analyzes and contradistinguishes some suitable methods of recruitment tests for technology intensive enterprise .

  15. 当然有很多因素,但是在大多数情况下,问题的根源在于传统招聘的方法和观念。

    Many factors contribute , but traditional hiring methods and beliefs are at the root of the problem in most businesses .

  16. 在招聘的众多方法之中,杜内特(Dunnette)通过对各种人才甄选技术进行比较后,加权履历表法招聘方法以效度高、可用性高、成本低优势凸现出来。

    In the recruitment of numerous methodologies , Dunnette through various technical personnel selection of comparison , weighted resume law recruitment methods is outstanding for high usability high salience , low cost advantage .

  17. 大多数的人事部经理都认为,职位面试是客观性最少的招聘员工的方法之一。

    Most personnel managers agree that job interviews are one of the least objective recruitment methods .

  18. 从万科物业的实际情况出发,结合国内外研究成熟的招聘理论与方法,针对万科物业的招聘问题提出了针对性的解决办法。

    From the property of the actual situation , unifies the domestic and foreign research mature recruitment theory and method , according to the property of recruitment problems and puts forward solutions .

  19. 企业招聘中候选人评价方法研究

    Research of candidate evaluation methods in enterprise recruitment

  20. 在猎头和招募方面,寻找好的猎头和招聘人员的最佳方法就是通过介绍。

    With job headhunters and recruiters , the best way to find a really good headhunter is through referral .

  21. 本课题研究内容及成果将为企业招聘提供理论和方法,为相关的人力资源管理部门制定人力资源招聘策略提供理论支持,进而促进企业在竞争中立于不败之地。

    The contents and achievements researched on this thesis are about to give theories and methods to the relative department of human resources management for drawing up tactics , standing a superior position in the furious competition .

  22. 并认真地做好每次招聘评估并根据招聘评估有针对性地改进招聘方法,从而建立起动态的有效招聘模式。

    And treat recruitment assessment conscientiously every time , then improve recruitment model and establish a dynamic and effective recruitment model .

  23. 在人力资源管理中,招聘是人力资源管理的重要模块之一,要成功地为企业招聘到合适的人才,招聘的方法选择至关重要。

    In human resources management , recruitment is one of the most important modules recruitment methods selection is very important to successfully hiring good people for the enterprise .