
zhāo biāo zhì
  • competitive bidding system;public bidding system
  1. 如今,我国实施的医药分家、药品招标制、医疗保险、药企GMP准入制度等,都给医药行业带来巨大的机遇。

    Nowadays , the implementation of the medical centre . drugs competitive bidding system , yearly medical insurance , medicine enterprises GMP admittance system etc. , all give medicine industry has brought tremendous opportunities .

  2. 在特许经营权出让方式上,建议推行质量招标制和限价拍卖制。

    On the mode of the transferring of a franchise , the author suggests to implement quality competitive bidding system and limited auction system .

  3. 我国公用设施项目业主招标制研究

    Study on Ownership Bidding System in the Public Service in China

  4. 论建设工程设计招标制的几个关键问题

    Some Key Problems of Design Tender of Construction Engineering

  5. 关于在装备采办中实行招标制的思考

    Thinking About Practice RFT in Equipment Acquisition

  6. 工程招标制在我国的实际运用中产生了大量的问题,对这些问题的解决是社会各界人士共同关注的话题。

    Inviting bids system of project has brought about a large number of questions in our country .

  7. 武器装备采办实行招标制探讨

    Biding system for equipment acquisition

  8. 适应市场经济发展推行公路养护工程招标制

    Adapt to the economic development of the market and push the invite public bidding and bid system on road maintain project

  9. 随着建筑设计投招标制的实施,在今天,建筑造型设计已愈来愈受到了设计师们的重视。

    As bidding is now widely in practice in architecture designs , building-sculpt design is already getting more and more attention from architects .

  10. 应考虑建立国有公司出资者监督代表的再监督制度和对财务监督人员的激励约束制度,推行国有公司年报审计的公开招标制。

    It is suggested to establish a re-supervisory program representing owners of State assets and an incentive supervisory mechanism for accountants as well as the bidding system for audit of State firms ' annual accounting report .

  11. 随着我国建设市场的快速发展,招标投标制、合同制的逐步推行,以及加入世界贸易组织(WTO)与国际惯例接轨等要求,工程造价计价依据改革不断深化。

    With the development of construction market , the carrying out of bidding and contracting institution , and our country joining the WTO to meet international practices , the construction cost valuation keeps being reformed constantly .

  12. 建设监理实施招标投标制刍议

    A Discussion on the Bidding System of Engineering Contruction Supervision

  13. 浅谈我国招标投标制存在问题及完善途径

    Problems in the System of Inviting and Submitting Tenders and its Improvement

  14. 推进招标代理制规范招标代理机构

    Advancing Tendering Agent System and Standardizing Tendering Agent Organization

  15. 推行设计招标投标制若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Competitive Bidding System for Engineering Design

  16. 实行了招标投标制、建设监理制和科学的合同管理;

    The bidding and tendering system , construction supervision system and scientific contract management has been carried out .

  17. 建筑工程实行招标承包制,是建筑业和基本建设管理体制改革的一项重要内容。

    The bid and contract system in construction engineering is an important content for construction industry and basic construction management system renovation .

  18. 三是新开工项目普遍推行了招标投标制、工程监理制、合同管理制。

    The systems of tendering and bidding , project supervision and contract management have been adopted and standardized among newly constructed projects ;

  19. 江垭水利枢纽工程建设推行了项目法人责任制、建设监理制和招标投标制。

    In the construction of Jiangya Water Control Project , the project legal person responsibility , construction supervision and bidding systems have been adopted .

  20. 公司全面推行了项目法人责任制、招标承包制、工程监理制。

    The Company completely carries out the project legal person responsibility system , the bidding and contracting out system and the project supervision system .

  21. 必须狠抓有形建筑市场的规范化建设,积极推行公开招标投标制和项目法人责任制,才能实现造价控制的目标。

    We must build standard construction markets , practice public bidding and legal responsibility for item legal person ; thus striving to achieve cost control target .

  22. 对水利工程建设项目监理招投标评标方法的探讨黄河水土保持工程可以实施招标投标制和工程监理制。

    Discussion on Methods for Assessing Biding of Surveillance Management in Hydraulic Projects Biding System in the Yellow River water & soil conservation engineering construction may be introduced .

  23. 全面推行招投标制加强工程造价管理黄河水土保持工程可以实施招标投标制和工程监理制。

    Comprehensively carrying out the biding system and intensifying the management of project price Biding System in the Yellow River water & soil conservation engineering construction may be introduced .

  24. 在建设管理体制方面,将实行项目法人责任制、招标投标制、建设监理制及合同管理制。

    In the field of construction management system , the project person duty system , the bidding system , the construction supervision system and the contract management system are practiced .

  25. 公路设计项目实行招标投标制适应社会主义市场经济体制要求,符合建筑市场经济规律的承发包管理模式。

    The implementation of bidding system of highway design projects adapts to the demand of socialist market economy system and accords with the contracts management model of construction market economy law .

  26. 三峡工程是规模宏大的跨世纪工程,工程采用的业主责任制、招标投标制、建设监理制在我国水电工程建设中是一项重大实践。

    TGP is a grand trans-century project and the adopted Owner responsibility system , tender and bidding system , construction supervision system is an important practice for hydro-electric project construction in China .

  27. 业主负责制、工程监理制和施工招标投标制是一整套建设制度,不可偏废,要加强施工过程的质量控制。

    A set of management system including owner responsible system , project supervision system and tendering and bidding system should not neglected and more attention be paid to quality control during project construction .

  28. 这次深刻的变革,逐步形成和完善了以业主负责制、建设监理制和工程招标承包制为主要内容的全新建设体制。

    The profound change , gradually formed and improve the responsibility system , construction supervision system in owner and engineering bidding contract responsibility system as the main contents of the new construction system .

  29. 随着市场经济的推进,水电项目实行业主责任制、招标承包制、建设监理制,造价形成的市场化程度日益提高。

    With the advance of market economy , the hydropower project adopts the owner 's responsibility system and project bidding and tendering and contracting system so that the cost has formed the market mechanism .

  30. 公司对工程管理全面实行了业主负责制、工程建设监理制、招标承包制及合同管理制。

    The Company exercised the overall responsibility system by the owner , the project construction supervision system , the bidding and contract system and the contract management system for the construction of the project .