
  • 网络Enrollment Advertisements
  1. 双重人际关系探索&对英语问答式招生广告的语类分析

    Explorations in Dual Interpersonal Relationship : Genre analysis of English question-and-answer education ads

  2. 美国高校招生广告的语篇结构模式

    Textual Pattern of Education Advertisements of American Colleges

  3. 英语组合广告研究&对两则英语招生广告语篇的分析

    A Study of English Composite Ads & An Analysis of Two Related English Education Ads

  4. 本文仅研究这其中比较常见的一种&英语招生广告。

    This thesis only focuses on one kind of the most common commercial advertisements & the English education advertisement .

  5. 研究证明,招生广告语篇的这一特征有助于对该体裁进行理性的识别和解读。

    The findings proved that such features help readers to get the rational identification and comprehension of education advertising genre .

  6. 毕业之后,巴菲特又看到这门课的招生广告,决定再次报名。

    After graduating , Buffett saw the ad for the course again and decided to give it a second chance .

  7. 因此,探究英语招生广告语篇的语言特征、寻求其语言谋篇布局的步骤性和规律性具有重要的指导作用和实践意义。

    Therefore , exploring its language features and seeking the generic layouts and regularities of the discourse pattern hold important guiding and practical significance .

  8. 本研究扩充了其适用范围。另外,本文解释了英语招生广告是如何阐述其观点的。

    The present study broadens the scale of its application . Furthermore , this study explains how advertisers put forward an evaluative stance in English education advertisements .

  9. 基于前人的研究发现和理论建构,本研究从两个层面对招生广告语篇进行了分析和探索。

    Based on the previous research findings and theoretical framework , this study intends to carry out the research and exploration into English education advertisements from two levels .

  10. 稍微有钱的父母可将子女送到在报上刊登招生广告的低收费学校就读,每个季度只需支付几个先令。

    For parents with a bit more money , there were inexpensive pay schools advertised in the newspapers , taking in children whose parents could afford a few shillings a quarter .

  11. 他帮助读者/潜在的客户对所广告的学校有一个更好的理解,帮助他们找到更理想的学校。招生广告帮助学校更好的推广他们的项目,吸引更多的新生。

    It helps the readers / potential customers to get a better knowledge of the advertised school , and find their ideal one , and the advertised schools to promote their programs and attract new students .

  12. 然后,对其他30则招生广告进行概括性研究,发现这同一次语类的语篇模式生成的语篇具有相似的语言结构和实现语篇目的的方法。

    Then , by probing into other thirty advertisements of the same sub-genre as a whole , it discovers that the texts generated in the same pattern share similar linguistic structures and fulfill the same discourse purpose .

  13. 首先,文章对三则典型的叙述式招生广告语篇的语义结构进行分析,找出它们所共享的核心的和阐述性的语义特征,区分了必要成分和可选成分;

    In the first place , it analyzes the semantic structures of three typical narrative ads with a view to discovering the shared nuclear and elaborative semantic characteristics , thus finding out the obligatory elements and optional elements .

  14. 然后,回顾了国内外对评价理论的研究及对广告及英语招生广告的相关研究。

    Secondly , the previous researches at home and abroad on APPRAISAL Theory are introduced . Thirdly , the previous researches on advertisements are presented . Lastly , some related studies on English education advertisements will be reviewed briefly .