
  1. 恰尼先生也不打算改变他备受争议的广告策略。

    Nor does Mr Charney intend to change his controversial approach to advertising .

  2. 这一被设计用来吸引海外游客到澳大利亚旅游的具有争议的广告语还未出现取得成功的明显迹象。

    It 's not yet apparent if the controversial catch-cry designed to lure overseas tourists to Australia is succeeding .

  3. 苹果在处理使用受争议的广告的格式方面颇负盛名,所以它将是政府的好盟友。

    Apple already has a reputation for cracking down on apps that use controversial ad formats , so it could be a willing ally .

  4. 盲人足球运动员踢猫与呼叫中心人员嘴里塞满东西唱歌被列为过去50年来最受争议的广告。

    A blind footballer kicking a cat and call centre workers singing with their mouths full are among the stars of the most controversial adverts of the past 50 years .

  5. 基于上述法律理论,应认定白平诉阎崇年悬赏广告纠纷案中争议的悬赏广告成立。

    Based on the theory of the law above , the controversial reward advertisement in " the case between Bai Ping and Yan Chongnian " shall be deemed as be established .

  6. 过去50年里争议最大的商业广告就是2010年电视上播出的一则玛丽•史托帕斯堕胎慈善机构的广告。

    The most controversial commercial of the past 50 years is an advert for abortion charity Marie Stopes , which was shown on television in 2010 .