
zhēng biàn
  • argue;debate;contend;fight;wrangle;expostulate;clash;altercation
争辩 [zhēng biàn]
  • [contend] 辩论;争论

  • 顽强地为他所信奉的真理争辩

争辩[zhēng biàn]
  1. 我不想和你争辩——请干吧!

    I don 't want to argue with you ─ just do it !

  2. 我试图争辩,但他却申辩说各项计划尚未完成。

    I tried to argue but he countered that the plans were not yet finished .

  3. 这是一桩小事,不值得为之争辩。

    It 's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about .

  4. 此问题已由法庭判决,不容争辩。

    The matter was settled beyond dispute by the court judgment .

  5. 他的声音里透露着一种不容争辩的语调。

    The tone in his voice brooked no argument .

  6. 我们结束这场无聊的争辩吧。

    Let 's have done with this silly argument .

  7. 她在争辩中总是占上风。

    She always gets the better of an argument .

  8. 你和他争辩了?

    Did you have a fight with him ?

  9. 他争辩说这项议题已变得毫无实际意义,因为董事会已经改变了政策。

    He argued that the issue had become moot since the board had changed its policy .

  10. 他不想就语义进行争辩。

    He did not want to enter into a semantic debate .

  11. 在我看来,罗伯特爵士的争辩纯属瞎说。

    It seemed to me that Sir Robert 's arguments were nonsensical

  12. 他争辩说他才是真正能带来变革的候选人。

    He argues that he is the true candidate of change .

  13. 房间太漂亮了,要是再争辩的话就会显得很无礼。

    The room was so lovely it seemed churlish to argue .

  14. 她总是跟他争辩吵嘴。

    She was always arguing with him and fighting with him

  15. 他不愿与她争辩,让她更痛苦。

    He would not torture her further by trying to argue with her

  16. 国际象棋大师们以性格怪异和好与人争辩而闻名。

    Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative

  17. 他并非在争辩中总是能赢,但他经常是对的。

    He didn 't always win the arguments , but he often was right

  18. 罗德尼尽管非常喜欢与人争辩,却是个阳光、优雅、合群的人。

    Rodney was a cheerful , elegant and gregarious if rather contentious man .

  19. 别同意,但是也别争辩。

    Don 't agree , but don 't argue either

  20. 反对派争辩说新委员会不但违反宪法,而且没有效力。

    The opposition argues that the new council will be unconstitutional and without teeth

  21. 没人愿意与史密斯争辩。

    Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith

  22. 接着是一场唇枪舌剑的争辩。

    There followed an acrimonious debate .

  23. 别和我争辩。

    Don 't argue with me

  24. 他一直争辩,不能眼看着该党让此条约毫无异议地通过。

    He has always argued that the party cannot be seen to let the treaty through on the nod

  25. 两人都争辩说他们的旅行是在作为前座议员发言人的权限内进行的。

    Both men had argued that their trips had been undertaken in their capacity as front bench spokesmen .

  26. “你不过是看看而已。”萨曼莎争辩道,“什么活儿都是我来干。”

    ' You were just looking , ' contends Samantha . ' I was the one doing all the work . '

  27. “但是,先生,我是奉命——”克拉克打断他说道:“别跟我争辩。”

    ' But , sir , I 'm under orders to — ' Clark cut him off . ' Don 't argue with me . '

  28. 他争辩说她不该去。

    He argued that she should not go .

  29. 争辩戛然而止。

    The argument came to a halt .

  30. 平等者之间无统治权,这是国际上不容争辩的一项法律格言。

    “ Par in parem imperium non habet ” is an indisputable legal maxim in the world .