
  • 网络Superior Temporal Gyrus;STG
  1. 结果SPM分析显示双侧额叶、左侧颞上回、左侧边缘叶钩回(BrodmannArea20)、左侧丘脑乳头体、右侧扣带回、右侧壳核血流下降。

    Results SPM showed that the rCBF decreased in the bilateral frontal lobe , the left superior temporal gyrus , the left limbic lobe uncus ( Brodmann area 20 ), the left thalamus mammillary body , the right cingulate and the right putamen .

  2. [结果](1)6例正常人左右侧颞上回,右侧中央前回、中央后回、缘上回、颞中回、背侧丘脑、尾状核激活(r0·8)。

    [ Result ] ( 1 ) Bilateral superior temporal gyrus and right precentral gyrus , postcentral gyrus , supramarginal gyrus , middle temporal gyrus , dorsal thalamus , caudate nucleus are all activated ( r0.8 ) .

  3. 事实上,整个过程似乎都集中在了大脑的某一小部分区域上:“前颞上回”(anteriorsuperiortemporalgyrus)。

    In fact , the whole process seems to be centred on one small part of the brain : the anterior superior temporal gyrus .

  4. 精神分裂症患者比有血缘关系的同胞存在双侧颞上回区、枕叶,左侧前额叶、顶叶和胼胝体相关脑区FA值降低(P0.001,未校正)。

    Patients had white matter FA values reduction in the bilateral temporal on the back area , occipital lobe , the left prefrontal lobe , parietal lobe and corpus callosum compared with siblings relation to enrolled patients ( P0.001 , uncorrectoin ) .

  5. 听觉任务主要激活了双侧颞上回、中央前回及枕叶,左侧顶上小叶。

    Activation in the left superior temporal areas was correlated with semantic retrieval and processing .

  6. 尼泊尔语任务主要激活了左侧中央前回、额上回及颞上回。

    And the Nepali task demonstrated the activation of left anterior central gyrus , superior frontal gyrus , superior temporal gyrus .

  7. 震动触觉刺激下,实验组与对照组激活语言相关脑区包括额中回、额下回、颞上回、颞中回、角回。

    Language-related cortex included angular gyrus , middle frontal gyrus , inferior frontal gyrus , superior temporal gyrus , middle temporal gyrus .

  8. 另外还发现右侧海马旁回、左侧梭状回以及右侧颞上回这三个区域在无意识感受惊讶面孔的功能中可能起到了关键性的作用。

    Additionally , the key role of the right parahippocampal gyrus , left fusiform gyrus and right superior temporal gyrus during unconscious perception of surprised facial expression has been observed . 2 .

  9. 两作业没有激活左侧颞上回进一步为汉语单字音义不分离,左侧颞上回加工汉语语义而不是语音提供了证据。

    Two tasks do not activate the left superior temporal gyrus , Furtherproviding evidences that sound and meaning of Chinese words are not isolated , leftsuperior temporal gyrus Process Chinese semantic rather than phonological .

  10. 对真假词的判断激活了两侧额下回、颞上回、颞中回、距状回、舌回及左侧缘上回等脑区。

    Processing of pseudo words and real words activated a highly comparable network of brain regions , including bilateral inferior frontal gyrus , superior , middle temporal gyrus , calcarine and lingual gyrus , and left supramarginal gyrus .

  11. 选取右侧海马旁回为种子区域,发现其与右侧杏仁核、左侧梭状回、双侧枕下回以及右侧颞上回这几个区域之间存在连接关系。

    Selecting the right parahippocampal gyrus as the source region , the results showed the connectivity between the source region and four regions , including right amygdala , left fusiform gyrus , bilateral inferior occipital gyrus and right superior temporal gyrus .

  12. 电针右侧合谷,信号升高区为:右侧额内侧回,左侧额中回,左侧扣带回前部,右侧扣带回,右侧颞上回;信号降低区为:左侧海马回,左侧下半月小叶,左侧楔叶。

    EA Hegu on the right induced signal decreases of left parahippocampal gyrus , left inferior semi-lunar lobule . Signal increases of left anterior cingulated , left middle frontal gyrus , right medial frontal gyrus , right cingulate gyrus , right superior temporal gyrus . 5 .

  13. 额中回的后面和中央前回汇合征;结果:男性激活的脑区包括双侧额下回、左额中回、左颞上回及双侧小脑。

    T type feature consisting of the inferior frontal sulcus and the inferior precentral sulcus ; Results : In males the activating areas were shown bilateral inferior frontal gyrus ( IFG ), left middle frontal gyrus , left superior temporal gyrus ( STG ) and bilateral cerebellum .

  14. 左侧组激活了左侧中央后回、左侧颞上回、左侧枕叶、右侧颞上回、右侧枕叶、右侧中央前回、右侧中央后回、右侧缘上回、右侧额上回及扣带回。

    Left postcentral gyrus , left superior temporal gyrus , left occipital lobe , right superior temporal gyrus , right ccipital lobe , right precentral gyrus , right postcentral gyrus , right supramarginal gyrus , right superior frontal gyrus and cingulum were activated in the left-side group .

  15. 失语性卒中后右颞前上回激活预测对所听语句的理解能力

    Right anterior superior temporal activation predicts auditory sentence comprehension following aphasic stroke

  16. 结论母语为汉语的正常人听觉性语言中枢与经典的语言中枢基本相符,即听觉性语言中枢定位于左侧颞中回、颞上回、缘上回。

    Conclusion The linguistic center of auditory function in Chinese people coincides with the classic language center , ie. is located at middle temporal gyrus , superior temporal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus .

  17. 结果与英语声音相比,汉语声音引起显著激活的脑区为右颞中回和右颞上回。

    Results The right middle temporal gyrus and right superior temporal gyrus were more activated by Chinese task than English one .

  18. 脑成像结果:汉字词提取过程主要的激活脑区包括前额叶、内侧颞叶、前扣带回、前楔叶、旁海马、岛叶、前中央回、颞上回等区域。

    The main findings of functional neuro-imaging results were as follows : retrieval process of Chinese words was associated with increased activity in prefrontal cortex , medial temporal lobe , anterior cingular cortex , precuneus , parahippocampal cortex , insula , superior temporal cortex and so on .

  19. 结果表明:单侧颞叶癫痫患者的缺省模式网络相比正常人,大部分区域功能连接度下降,以前额叶和同侧颞上回为著,这可能是由于颞叶癫痫患者的大脑功能内源性组织发生破坏。

    TLE group showed decreased functional connectivity in most of the default model regions with the predominance in the prefrontal lobes and ipsilateral superior temporal gyrus .