
  • 网络temporal region;temporal area
  1. 颞区筋膜结构分析

    An analysis of the structure of fascia in temporal region

  2. 面神经分支在颞区的显微解剖学研究

    Microanatomy study of facial nerve distribution at the temporal region for safe facelifting

  3. 结论:耳颞区断面标本与CT图像进行对照研究,其结果对耳科疾病的影像诊断及手术治疗具有参考价值。

    Conclusions : Comparing sectional anatomy and CT image of auriculotemporal portion of temporal bone is valuable for diagnosis and treatment of otopathy .

  4. CD线后方颞区为避免面神经颞支损伤的安全操作区。

    The temporal space after the line CD is a safety operation area for the protection of temporal branch of facial nerve .

  5. 点燃癫痫模型中颞区脑组织GAD基因表达的研究

    Relationship between kindling model and the expression of GAD gene in temporal tissue

  6. 中央区的N1-P2、P2-N2、和P2波的波幅大于中颞区;

    The amplitudes of N_1-P_3 ,, P_2-N_2 and P_2 waves in the central area are greater than in middle temporal area ;

  7. 结果:颅内蛛网膜囊肿CT表现具有特征性,容易诊断和鉴别诊断,颞区蛛网膜囊肿是引起癫痫发作的原因之一。

    Results : CT manifestations of arachnoid cyst in encephalic has characteristic , and easy diagnosis or differential diagnosis . The one of cause of epilepsy was aroused by arachnoid cyst of temporal part .

  8. 方法正常SD大鼠12只,经尾静脉弹丸式注入脂氟显(0.02ml/kg),大脑颞区超声扫查。

    Methods Twelve normal SD rats were performed directly transcranial contrast imaging with bolus injection of zhifuxian ( 0.02 ml / kg ) via caudal vein .

  9. 结论耳颞区火棉胶薄层断面标本能良好显示圆窗区及其周围结构的解剖位置和毗邻关系,可直接与高分辨率CT扫描图像进行对照研究,其结果对耳科疾病的影像诊断及手术治疗有?

    Conclusions Temporal bone transection specimen had a clear picture of anatomical position between round window area and its related structure . Versus CT , the result contributed to image diagnosis and operation on auris diseases .

  10. 结论:AD模型大鼠额叶ERK表达较少,不受噪音刺激影响,颞区则相反,且明显上调;

    Conclusion : ERK in frontal cortex for AD model rat have fewer expressions and not being affected by 96 dB noise , but it is reverse in temple .

  11. 目的:探讨儿童期良性中央&颞区棘波灶性癫痫(EBCC)的临床发作形式,脑电图(EEG)不同类型的改变,追踪临床、EEG及预后情况。

    Objective : to explore the clinical attack of children benign epilepsy , the change of different types of EEC , and observe tracing the clinical manifes tation , EEG and prognosis .

  12. 目的总结具有中央-颞区棘波的儿童良性癫痫(BECCT)的临床及脑电图(EEG)特点。

    Objective To summarize the clinical and EEG characteristics of benign epilepsy of childhood with centro-temporal spikes ( BECCT ) .

  13. 发作间期EEG有癎样放电41例,其中位于枕区19例,枕、后颞区15例,少数可在枕区以外。

    The interictal EEG discharges were seen in 41 cases , of which 19 had epileptiform discharges localized in bilateral or unilateral occipital lobe , and 15 in occipital and posterior temporal areas .

  14. 【目的】探讨每晚1次服用妥泰治疗儿童良性癫痫伴中央-颞区棘波(Benignepilepsyofchildhoodwithcentrotemporalspikes,BECTS)的可行性。

    【 Objective 】 To study the feasibility of Topiramate taken once every night to treat benign epilepsy of childhood with centrotemporal spikes ( BECTS ) .

  15. 目的探讨儿童良性癫疒间伴中央颞区棘波(BECT)的临床表现和脑电图变化的特点。

    This study aimed to recognize the clinical characteristics and electroencephalographic features of BECT .

  16. 先证者EEG、Video-EEG、头颅MRA未见异常,家系中继发全面性强直阵挛发作患者EEG见枕颞区异常放电。

    EEG , Video-EEG , and MRA observation of the proband were normal . In patients with secondary generalized tonic-clonic seizure , EEG abnormal discharge were observed in occipital and temporal regions .

  17. 对正常和AD大鼠在额叶皮层、枕叶皮层和海马(颞区)等认知相关脑区的自发脑电进行功率谱分析,以研究AD大鼠的脑电频率特性。

    The EEG in the brain areas related with cognitive function ( frontal lobes , occipital lobes and temporal area ) were recorded in both normal and AD rats , to analyse the power spectrum and to study the AD EEG frequency feature of the AD model rats .

  18. 目的探讨伴中央颞区棘波的良性癫(BECTS)儿童在幼儿期的行为特点。

    Objective To explore the behavior characteristics in children with benign epilepsy combined with centro-temporal spikes ( BECTS ) .

  19. 目的探讨儿童良性癫痫伴中央颞区棘波(BECT)变异型的电-临床特征、治疗及神经心理学预后。

    Objective To study the electro-clinical characteristics , therapeutic response and prognosis of neuropsychology in children with variants of benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes ( BECT ) .

  20. 本文对50例正常成年人在中央区、颅顶中央区和中颞区的平均视觉诱发电位(AVEP)以及某些因素对它的影响进行了分析。

    The average visual evoked potential ( AVEP ) in the central , vertex and middle temporal areas of 50 normal adults and the factors influencing it were studied .

  21. 颅颞区骨质的测量研究及应用

    Measurement Study and Application of Substance of Bone in Temporal Region

  22. 眼轮匝肌蒂颞区皮瓣解剖学研究

    Applied anatomic study on the temporal flap pedicled with orbicularis oculi muscle

  23. 方法:对成人尸体30侧颞区进行肉眼解剖;

    Methods : Thirty cases of lateral temporal region specimen were dissected .

  24. 目的:探讨儿童良性中央&颞区棘波灶癫痫的特点。

    Objectives : To observe the benign epilepsy of children with centrotem-poral spikes .

  25. 眼轮匝肌蒂颞区皮瓣移位术的解剖学基础

    Anatomical basis of transplantation for temporal flap pedicled with the orbicularis oculi muscle

  26. 儿童良性中央&颞区棘波灶癫痫

    Benign epilepsy of children with centrotemporal spikes wave

  27. 伴中央颞区棘波的儿童良性癫痫典型及非典型病例探讨

    Benign epilepsy of childhood with centrotemporal spikes : study on typical and atypical cases

  28. 方法:对14具成人颅颞区6个分区的外板、内板、板障及全厚进行观察和精细测量。

    Methods We observed and measured six sections of temporal region in 14 adults .

  29. 颞区解剖学特点及临床应用

    Anatomic feature and clinical application of temporal region

  30. 触诊:颞区:颈椎:耳后、腕关节。

    Touch : temporal regions : cervical spine : ear hind , wrist joints .