
  • 网络transverse temporal gyrus;transverse temporal gyri
  1. 不同频率的纯音诱发的M100在大脑颞横回有其各自的定位和分布;

    The localization of M100 on transverse temporal gyri varied with the changes of stimulus frequency .

  2. 唐:那是因为她的颞横回较大的缘故。

    Don : That could be because she has a large Heschl 's Gyrus .

  3. 结果:在白噪音刺激时,音乐家与非音乐家主要表现为双侧颞横回区较弱的激活;

    Results : Both musicians and non-musicians demonstrated bilateral transverse gyrus weak activated while listening to the white noise .

  4. 我们发现在胚胎时期,左侧颞横回较右侧的先出现;

    It is found that during the fetal periods , the Heschl 's left gyrus occurs earlier than the right .

  5. 本文对150例胎儿和新生儿大脑的左右颞横回数目进行了观察。

    Observations on the numbers of the left and right Heschl 's gyri of150 fetuses and infants have been made .

  6. 科学家们认为右边的颞横回较左边大时,你就越有可能学好一门外语。

    And scientists think that the bigger your left Heschl 's Gyrus , the greater your chances of being good at learning languages .

  7. 唐:实际上不是这样。颞横回通常与处理基本的声音元素有联系,比如说音高与音量。

    Don : Actually , no. Heschl 's Gyrus is usually associated with the basics of sound processing , like pitch and volume .

  8. 雅艾尔:啊——是因为大脑在处理语言或其它事物时,其中颞横回扮演了很重要的角色吗?

    Yael : Huh - is that because the Heschl 's Gyrus plays an important role in how the brain processes language or something ?

  9. 雅艾尔:但是等等——你是说如果我碰巧有较小的右侧颞横回,那我就学不了一门新语言?

    Yael : But wait - are you saying that if I happen to have a small left Heschl 's Gyrus I can 't learn a new language ?

  10. 唐:颞横回——一种手指般大小的脑部结构——分布于大脑左右侧。

    Don : Heschl 's Gyrus - it 's a brain structure about the size of a finger - one in the brain 's left side , one in the right .