
pínɡ zhuànɡ hé
  • claustrum
  1. 在视皮质(17区)各部位引入HRP:屏状核内未见标记细胞。而在双侧视皮质18区和对侧视皮质17区、双侧外侧膝状体背核和丘脑外侧后核可见逆行标记细胞。

    In the Injection different part area 17 : No labeled cells were found in the claustrum , but appeared in both sides of area 18 , contralateral area 17 , dorsal nuclei of lateral geniculated body and lateral posterior nuclei of thalamus .

  2. 应用这种方法分析运动实验fMRI数据,发现在基底神经节的苍白球和屏状核中存在有显著的任务间功能非对称性,证明了基底神经节在运动功能执行与调节中所发挥的重要作用。

    This schema was applied to the movement fMRI datasets and some nuclei of basal ganglia ( pallidum and claustrum ) were found to have significant inter-task functional asymmetry , which demonstrated the importance of basal ganglia in motor function performance and manipulation .

  3. 结论:(1)鼠脑屏状核神经元中AR、ER均有表达;

    Conclusions : ( 1 ) AR and ER are both expressed in the claustrum .

  4. 结果表明,生长抑素mRNA分布于尾状核、伏隔核、壳核、屏状核、隔核、杏仁核、嗅结节和梨状叶。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) Neurons containing SS mRNA were found in the caudate nucleus , nucleus accumbens , putamen , claustrum , septal nucleus , amygdaloid nucleus , olfactory tuberculum and piriform lobe . They were oval or fusiform in shape .

  5. 大鼠屏状核神经元中雄激素与雌激素受体的表达

    Expression of androgen and estrogen receptors in the rat claustrum

  6. 大鼠屏状核的传入联系

    The Afferent connections of the claustrum in the rat

  7. 颞叶病变与豆状核分界清楚是颞叶病变发展,累及岛叶、屏状核与外囊的结果。

    The lesions of temporal lobe were well demarcated with the lenticular nucleus .

  8. 荧光金逆行追踪法研究大鼠屏状核的传入投射纤维联系

    The Afferent Projection of the Claustrum in the Rat & a Fluorogold Retrograde Tracing Study