
  • 网络BRIGHTNESS;Screen Brightness;display brightness;LUX
  1. 而在情况相对简单的情况下,比如只开着Safari浏览网页,用谷歌(Google)Docs编辑文档,同时将屏幕亮度调至3/4,Air的续航时间可长达8个半小时。

    Separately , when we kept things simple browsing the web with Safari , writing in Google ( GOOG ) docs , brightness dimmed to 3 / 4 the air managed an impressive 8.5 hours .

  2. 我将屏幕亮度设置在75%,开启Wi-Fi在后台接受邮件,并持续播放视频。

    I set the screen brightness to 75 % , kept Wi-Fi on to collect email in the background and played a loop of video until the tablet ran out of juice .

  3. 讨论了与室外全色LED大屏幕亮度、视角和色度性能有关的LED的最佳化。

    : The optimization LED for outdoor full color display is discussed especially in the aspects of luminous intensity , visible angle and chrominance .

  4. 不过要注意屏幕亮度控制,将屏幕亮度调到最大会缩短GalaxyS5的电池寿命。

    But beware of screen controls , a max brightness setting pared the Galaxy S5 's battery performance .

  5. ISI期间屏幕亮度极性为黑色,掩蔽物卡片为黑底白块。

    The luminance polarity of monitor during ISI was black , and the square on mask card was white with black background .

  6. 但在实际使用中,如果你打开WiFi,同时把屏幕亮度调至最高,续航时间会明显缩水,可能只要3小时就不得不关机。

    In reality , with features like Wi-Fi turned on and brightness near maximum , battery life sometimes fell short , running for as little as 3 hours before having to shut down .

  7. 谷歌声称其新款Nexus7的电池可以维持超过九个小时,但它们的测试是在飞行模式(没有网络连接)、屏幕亮度44%的设置下播放视频。

    Google claims the battery life can last over nine hours , but the company tests it in Airplane mode ( Internet connection off ) , with screen brightness set to 44 % while playing video .

  8. 一旦把这个工具栏放到了页面,点击一次便可启动或关闭五个功能——无线网络、蓝牙、GPS、账户自动同步(针对谷歌、Facebook、LinkedIn及其他账户)以及屏幕亮度调节(低亮、中亮、高亮或自动调节)。

    Once this bar is on a page , it will let you tap once to turn five features on or off : Wi-Fi , Bluetooth , GPS , automatic account syncing ( for Google , Facebook , LinkedIn and others ) and screen brightness ( low , medium , high or auto ) .

  9. 您可以为每个电源使用方案调整屏幕亮度设置。

    You can adjust screen brightness settings for each power scheme .

  10. 我应该调低屏幕亮度吗?

    Should I turn down the screen intensity ?

  11. 这些模块还具有日志管理、操作权限管理、上墙内容限制、屏幕亮度控制和多机容错等多项功能。

    Operation authority management . on-wall application limit . brightness control and fault tolerance with multi-machines .

  12. 注意将屏幕亮度调节到眼睛最舒适的程度。

    Take note that the brightness of the screen should make your eyes feel comfortable to gaze at .

  13. 此外,“自动亮度”可根据当前的照明条件进行屏幕亮度调整。

    In addition , turning on Auto-Brightness allows the screen to adjust its brightness based on current lighting conditions .

  14. 想在保持设备正常运行的前提下保留电量,最简单的方法就是调低屏幕亮度。

    The easiest way to conserve battery life while maintaining full function is to reduce the brightness of the screen .

  15. 本文从生理物理学的角度提出了一种简易的屏幕亮度及全屏显示质量测定及评估理论。

    Aimed at nonstandard complication of LED quality evaluation , this paper presents a simplified measuring and evaluating theory for LED visual image quality evaluation based on physiology .

  16. 在过去科学家们一直试图达到如此高的象素率,但这种尝试完全受到了造成屏幕亮度问题的聚积静电的限制。

    In the past , attempts to achieve such high pixel rates have been stymied by the build-up of electrical static , which caused problems with the brightness of the screens .

  17. 谷歌声称其新款Nexus7的电池可以维持超过九个小时,但它们的测试是在飞行模式(没有网络连接)、屏幕亮度44%的设置下播放视频。

    Google claims the battery life can last over nine hours , but the company tests it in Airplane mode ( Internet connection off ), with screen brightness set to 44 % while playing video .

  18. 另一种静音的快捷方式是通过双击主键(或使用四指向上滑动)调出多任务栏,然后从左向右滑动,即可看到静音图标以及音量及屏幕亮度滑块。

    Another quick way to mute is by pulling up the multitask bar by double tapping Home ( or using a four-finger swipe up ) , then swiping left-to-right to see a mute , as well as sliders for volume and screen brightness .

  19. 它跟踪,如CPU利用率和屏幕的亮度,估计用电量的计算机资源。

    It tracks computer resources , such as CPU utilization and screen brightness , and estimates power usage .

  20. 短弧UHP灯在常规点灯条件下存在随机的电弧不稳定性,导致在投影屏幕上亮度闪烁。

    Short arc UHP lamp has random arc instability under normal burning condition . this results in brightness flicker phenomenon in projection system .

  21. 请降低屏幕的亮度,并让它离眼睛越远越好;

    dim the screen and keep it as far away from the eyes as possible ;

  22. 尽可能降低电脑屏幕的亮度。液晶显示屏很耗电。

    Reduce the screen brightness as much as you can . LCD screens are a power hog .

  23. 这项发明十分有意义,因为电子设备90%的电量都是用来为屏幕提供亮度的。

    The discovery is significant because more than 90 per cent of a device 's battery power illuminates the screen .

  24. 该方法通过对显示屏幕的亮度分布进行测量,找出所有投影单元的亮度阀值,以此作为校正标准。

    It finds the threshold of brightness of all projection units by measuring the brightness distribution of the display screens .

  25. 虽然屏幕的亮度仍有提升空间,但通过无光表面处理,即便在当地咖啡厅中工作时,也能有效减少反光。

    And although the screen could have been brighter , its matte finished reduces glare even when working outside at a local caf é .

  26. 让我感到失望的是,这么一款优质笔记本在我严格的电池测试中却表现平平。我在电池测试中关掉了所有节能功能,将屏幕的亮度调到100%,一直连着无线网络在后台收邮件并且不停地循环播放音乐。

    I was disappointed that such a premium laptop was mediocre in my harsh battery test , where I turn off all power-saving features , set the screen brightness to 100 % , leave the Wi-Fi on to collect email in the background and play a continuous loop of music .

  27. 向大屏幕、高亮度方向发展的LCD技术及其应用

    Picture Gets Bigger and Brighter for LCD Technology , Applications

  28. 而目前最为流行的平面显示技术在发展了一百年左右之后,技术也日趋成熟,在轻薄度、屏幕大小、亮度、对比度和响应速度方面取得了非常大的成果。

    After 100 years develop of the popular 2D display technology , it has made great success of thinness , scale , luminance , contrast and response speed .

  29. LED大屏幕视频图象显示亮度校正的一种方法

    A luminance correction method of the LED large scale display panel

  30. 提出了一种实现LED大屏幕显示系统的亮度与对比度调节技术,介绍了该技术的算法与实现电路。

    The technology realizing the brightness and contrast adjustment of the large-scale LED display system and its algorithm and circuits are introduced .