
  • 网络Flat-panel monitor;LCD;CRT;CRTmonitor
  1. 访问结束前,我被领到一个房间,在一个巨大的纯平显示器上有一个旋转的地球三维图像。

    Toward the end of my tour , I was brought into a room where a three-dimensional image of the earth rotated on a large flat-panel monitor .

  2. 这些小办公室看起来就像是在匆忙中租下来的:狭小的房间里挤满了穿着T恤的年轻人,他们围着巨大的纯平显示器,讨论Google的新程序代码。

    The small rooms were full of eager young Chinese men in hip sweatshirts clustered around enormous flat-panel monitors , debugging code for new Google projects .

  3. 触摸板是围绕一个10英寸纯平显示器和绑到AOL的服务。

    The Touch Pad was built around a10-inch flat-screen display and tied to AOL 's service .

  4. PACS采用1K显示器(19英寸SONY纯平显示器,1024×1024)进行影像评价和分析。

    IK monitors ( 19 inch plane SONY monitor ) were used to assess and analyze the images in PACS workstation .

  5. 吉田说,纯平显示器将是决定JSR公司经营策略的关键。

    Yoshida says the flat panel display business is key to JSR 's business strategy .

  6. 提出了一种全自动、基于纯平液晶显示器(LCD)平面格网、非参数畸变差和有限元内插模型的相机标定方法。

    A new camera calibration method is presented based on completely flat liquid crystal display ( LCD ) and the interpolation model of digital elevation model ( DEM ) by finite elements , which belongs to non-parametric distortion calibration model .