
  • 网络Risks;pure risk
  1. 本文主要讨论静态风险。静态风险又称纯粹风险。

    It is called static risk or pure risk .

  2. 证券投资纯粹风险及其测度和应用研究

    A Study on the Pure Risk of Portfolio Investment and Its Measure and Application

  3. 尝试利用现代保险保单,进行纯粹风险的转移和损失融资等。

    Making use of effective insurance contract to transfer purity risk and loss financing .

  4. 纯粹风险包括损失或者充其量是收支相抵的情况。

    Pure risks involve a loss or , at best , a break-even situation .

  5. 本文将证券投资的纯粹风险界定为未来的一类可能损失的不确定性。

    This paper defines the pure risk as a kind of probable loss in the portfolio investment .

  6. 而处于这场革命风口浪尖的正是以处理社会纯粹风险为核心业务的非寿险公司。

    On the tip of this revolution , there is non-life insurance company that treats pure risk management as a core business .

  7. 首先对科技政策制定的风险进行了分析,分别讨论了科技政策制定的风险源、信息风险和纯粹风险。

    First of all , this paper discusses risk of S & T policymaking , which includes risk source , information risk , and pure risk .

  8. 给出了纯粹风险的绝对负偏差和半方差两类测度并用于建立证券投资多目标决策模型。

    It also provides the absolute negative deviation measure and the semi-variance measure of the pure risk and sets up the multiobjective decision-making models of the portfolio investment .

  9. 本文在对利益相关者理论评价的基础上,认为只有那些长期缔约者和纯粹风险承担者才有必要或有可能介入企业治理结构。

    Based on the evaluation of the Theory of Stakeholder , the paper holds that only for the " long-term contracting party " and " pure bearer of risk ", it is necessary or possible to be involved in corporate governance .

  10. 需要指出的是:纯粹追求风险是愚蠢的,除非建立了有效风险防范机制。

    And it needs to be that way : risk pursuance is pure folly unless it is accompanied by risk avoidance .

  11. 操作风险与信用风险和市场风险不同,商业银行为获得相应利益只能主动接受后两类风险,而操作风险作为内生的纯粹的风险,应实现风险与收益的匹配。

    Operational risks are different from credit risks and market risks which are accepted actively , because operational risks should be relative to revenues as an inner-growth risk .

  12. 本文就纯粹套利,风险套利和市场间套利三个方面简要讨论了价格偏差分析在对冲基金中的重要性。

    This paper described briefly about the methods in three scenarios : pure arbitrage , nsk arbitrage and inter - markets arbitrages .

  13. 对于纯粹的主权风险,我把希腊视为无条件破产;把意大利和葡萄牙视为具有偿付能力,但条件是回归长期增长。

    In the first category , I consider Greece to be unconditionally insolvent ; Italy and Portugal to be solvent – but conditional upon a return to sustained growth .

  14. 他说:只要你脑海中闪过对违约风险的怀疑,那么纯粹出于分散风险的目的,降低对西班牙之类较大国家的仓位就是理性的。

    The moment you have even a flicker of a doubt about default risk , it becomes rational to reduce positions in a larger country like Spain purely on grounds of diversification , he said .

  15. 相反,积极的货币政策遵循的是放松实体经济信贷限制的战略,而通胀威胁得到正确判断:在当前环境下,这不过是纯粹的理论风险,可不予理会。

    Instead , an active monetary policy has pursued a strategy of easing credit restraints on the real economy , and the threat of inflation has been rightly dismissed as a purely notional danger under present circumstances .

  16. 将纯粹的主权风险(减去为金融和非金融私营部门承担的或有负债)与仅仅在这些部门产生的风险区分开来,我对欧元区不同实体偿付能力的判断如下。

    Distinguishing pure sovereign risk ( minus the contingent liabilities for the financial and non-financial private sectors ) from risks that have arisen purely in those sectors , my judgment on the solvency of various entities in the eurozone has been the following .