
  • 网络Spencer Stuart;Hay Management Consultants;management consulting firm
  1. SAM公司值班花名册注册管理顾问公司名单

    SAM shift roster registered list of management consultants

  2. 睿仕管理顾问公司(RightManagement)最近进行的调查显示,92%的受访员工在过去五年里的工作压力大于经济衰退之前。

    Let 's say that you -- like 92 % of employees surveyed in a recent poll from consultant Right Management -- have been more stressed out at work over the past five years than you were before the recession .

  3. 史宾沙管理顾问公司(SpencerStuart)的猎头詹姆士•西特林(JamesCitrin)补充称,工程师擅长‘架构性思维’和解决逻辑问题。

    Spencer Stuart headhunter James Citrin adds that engineers excel at ' architectural thinking ' and logical problem solving .

  4. 据理特管理顾问公司(ArthurD.Little)称,在福岛核事故之前计划兴建的570个核电机组中,只有37个在危机爆发后被取消或暂停。

    Of 570 units planned before Fukushima , only 37 have been axed or put on hold since the crisis , according to Arthur D. Little , a consultancy .

  5. 据猎头公司史宾沙管理顾问公司(spencerstuart)称,去年标准普尔500指数(s&p500)成分股公司新任首席执行官的年龄中值是52岁。

    According to Spencer Stuart , the head-hunting firm , the median age of new CEOs of S & P 500 companies last year was 52 .

  6. 史宾沙管理顾问公司(SpencerStuart)的猎头詹姆士•西特林(JamesCitrin)补充称,工程师“擅长‘架构性思维’和解决逻辑问题。”我们听过太多关于未来的豪言壮语了。

    Spencer Stuart headhunter James Citrin adds that engineers " excel at ' architectural thinking " and logical problem solving . " So much for visionary rhetoric .

  7. 一些资深会计师本以为,在猎头公司史宾沙管理顾问公司(spencerstuart)发起一轮招募活动后,人选会在今年7月份举行的iasb理事会会议上宣布。

    Some senior accountants had expected an announcement in July at a meeting of the IASB trustees following a recruitment drive led by headhunters Spencer Stuart .

  8. A管理顾问公司员工激励机制研究

    The Research of Employees ' Motivation of A Management Consulting Company

  9. 成为中国最出色的设备管理顾问公司!

    To be the most excellent maintenance consulting company !

  10. 欢迎访问策略管理顾问公司网站,诚挚为您提供全面人力资源方案。

    Welcome to Idea Management Services Pte Ltd , your one-stop human resources solution .

  11. 短期聘用管理顾问公司理发师把他头发剪短了。

    The barber cropped his hair short .

  12. 注册管理顾问公司名单

    Registered list of management consultants

  13. 通常管理顾问公司和投资银行会用到这种面试形式。

    A case interview is much more specific and is used by employers such as management consulting firms and investment banks .

  14. 陈老师:现在几家管理顾问公司任专业培训师、企业发展顾问、人力资源顾问。

    Simon Chen is a professional Enterprise drillmaster and Enterprise development consultant and HR Consultant in several Enterprise Management Consultant Company .

  15. 这不是简单的巧合,访问全球管理顾问公司德勤咨询新的伦敦总部就像是到五星级精品宾馆检查住宿。

    It 's not simply a coincidence that visiting the new London headquarters of global management consultant Deloitte Consulting is like checking into five-star boutique accommodation .

  16. 管理顾问公司非常擅长将业界或者公共部门的人吸引过来,让他们置身于为他们量身定制的培训、并与行业指导以及优秀的教师建立起联系。

    Management consulting firms are very good at drawing in people from industry or the public sector and putting them through their own bespoke training and linking them with mentors and great teachers .

  17. 这表明,这种变化可能是更容易地使设计顾问公司开发一种新产品或服务,而不是聘用管理顾问公司,专门处理文化变革。

    This suggests that change may be more readily achieved by retaining a design consultancy to develop a new product or service rather than by hiring a management consultancy to specifically address culture change .

  18. 鉴于知识爆发科技资讯日新月异,企业整合力量加乘,高鸿精密与汜森企业公司营运透过管理顾问公司辅导组织人力整并,加强经营团队,满足市场需求。

    Whereas the knowledge is updated quickly day by day , we tried to integrate with business empowerment to plan a company government of instruction so as to complete human resource and strengthen manage teamwork to content market need .

  19. 长沙蓝海管理顾问有限公司发展战略研究

    The Research on the Development Strategy of Changsha Blue Ocean Company

  20. 我们是某国际集团名下的管理咨询顾问公司。

    We are a management and HR consultancy firm that belongs to an international group .

  21. 北京理实佳讯管理顾问有限公司

    Raise-Win Management Consulting Co. , Ltd

  22. 中港管理策略顾问公司提供多元化之专业服务,包括公司秘书、成立公司、会计、核数、税务、商业及管理顾问。

    Accounting , auditing , taxation , company formation , business consulting , management consulting service , wing-up and company secretarial services .

  23. 万博酒店管理顾问有限公司将与我们的客户携手共创美好明天。

    One Point Hotel Management & Consultation Co. , Ltd , will join hands with our clients to create a beautiful future .

  24. 编者按:王嘉琪,现任赛力佳人力资源管理顾问有限公司人力资源顾问,很高兴能与记者共同分享他的一些求职经验。

    Editor 's Note : Wang Jiaqi , a human resources consultant at Selegate Consulting Company was happy to share some of his experience with the Global Times .

  25. 杨国琦管理顾问有限公司是一间成立于1983年的本地管理顾问公司,专门为客户提供高水准的管理顾问服务。

    K Yeung Management Consultants Limited is a Hong Kong-based management consultancy company established in1983 to meet the emerging need for high quality and locally oriented management expertise .

  26. 正因如此,美发师和美容师这类职业要比管理咨询顾问和公司律师更快乐。

    That is why hairdressers and beauticians are higher up the list of happy professions than management consultants and corporate lawyers .

  27. 以管理顾问及咨询公司为背景,来探讨高新技术公司的风险.在分析可能产生的风险基础上,建立风险预测指标体系,并给出风险评估的方法。

    By analysis of operating risk in management consultative and advisory company , a risk forecast index system is built up and the method for risk evaluation is provided .

  28. 而当这些年龄更大的劳动者如今成为管理人员,顾问公司建议他们,只要年轻雇员工作做得不错、能按时完成,就得接受这种变化了的情况。

    However , nowthat these older workers are managers , they 're being advised byconsultants to accept the changed dynamics , so long as youngemployees are doing good work and meeting deadlines .

  29. 案例正文部分介绍了公司状况和一次性输液器的行业环境,公司领导层面临的困惑和管理顾问为达新公司设计的薪酬体系。

    In the case , the existing and redesigned pay policies are introduced as well as the industry situation of single use infusion set and the situation of this company .

  30. 苏州现代企业管理中心是一家香港投资的企业管理顾问公司。

    Modern Management center is a consultant company be invested S.Z.