
  • 网络Management roles;manager role;The role of the manager;managerial roles
  1. 该算法利用管理者角色,以角色块结构表示工作流模型,满足USPA模型。

    Then using the USPA model , a role activity diagram ( RAD ) based on workflow-mining algorithm is proposed , which results in workflow models mode up of role blocks and management roles .

  2. 饭店总经理管理者角色理论的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Manager 's Role Theory of Restaurant General Manager

  3. 知识员工管理者角色与胜任力

    The Role and Competency of Knowledge Worker 's Managers

  4. 中层管理者角色认知及其职业危机管理

    Roles Cognition and Career Crisis Management on Middle Manager

  5. 试论中国特殊教育之校本管理者角色的范式转变

    The Tentative Discussion about the Normal Form Transformation of Chinese Special Education school-based Administrator 's Role

  6. 随着企业理论的不断进步,对管理者角色和作用的揭示也在不断的深化。

    With the development of corporate theory , the management role and function has been deepened .

  7. 传统的管理者角色理论是适应于传统组织环境条件下的管理活动的。

    The traditional theory of manager 's roles is suitable for management activities in the traditional organizational environment .

  8. 有抱负的领导者认识到,避免无聊的管理者角色最有利于他们的职业生涯。

    Aspiring leaders got the message that it was best for their career to shun the boring manager role .

  9. 有抱负的领导者认识到,避免“无聊”的管理者角色最有利于他们的职业生涯。

    Aspiring leaders got the message that it was best for their career to shun the " boring " manager role .

  10. 大学的内部治理是指利益相关者之间的互动和博弈活动,而影响治理,但表现为单向度的大学法令、政府(管理者角色)、市场等作为外部治理内容进行考察。

    The interior of University institutions means the mutual action and gaming of stakeholders influence Governing , while the content of exterior governing evaluated by unilateral laws for universities , government and market .

  11. 作为金融体系,特别是保险体系里重要的组成部分,非寿险企业由于承担着的社会专业风险管理者角色,在宏观经济中的经济补偿作用日益突出。

    As an important part of financial system ( especially insurance system ), non-life insurers are playing a more and more important role in economic loss financing because of their professional risk management .

  12. 进而,本文提出了摆脱困境的应对办法,包括建立知识的共同产权,发展共同语言,对边界人员充分授权以及管理者角色的转换。

    This paper , enlightened by the successes of Toyota Production System and Linux , initiates solutions to these dilemmas , including the common property of the collective knowledge , common languages for different communication level , and adequate empowerment as well as the transforming of roles of managers .

  13. 护理改革中护理管理者的角色转变

    On Changing the Role of the Nursing Administrator in Nursing Reform

  14. 从提高效率角度论管理者的角色提升

    On the Role Promotion of Administrator from the Angle of Efficiency Improvement

  15. 浅谈护理管理者的角色及行为素质

    Talking on diathesis of role and behavior of nursing administrators

  16. 现代企业经营管理者的角色分析

    Analysis on Role of Business Administrator in Contemporary Enterprises

  17. 公共管理者的角色与素质研究

    Study of Roles and Qualities of Public Administrators

  18. 在与员工共同成长的企业发展过程中,管理者的角色、企业的价值准则都发生了相应的转变。

    The role of manager and the firm 's value standard are also experiencing corresponding changes .

  19. 我总是处理管理者的角色,并且控制局面。

    I often find myself playing the role of leader and taking charge of the situation .

  20. 首先他不必指挥中国军队在缅甸的行动,同时也不再担任对华租借物资管理者的角色。

    Freed of overseeing Chinese operations in Burma , Wedemeyer also relinquished the role of Chinese lend-lease administrator .

  21. 同时,护理管理者的角色已不再单一,也需要具备多种领导技能,才能达到有效领导。

    Meanwhile , the role of nursing managers is no more single , they need more leadership skills for effective management .

  22. 这一切都冲破了以往对企业人力资源管理者的角色期待,而代之以更大的压力和挑战。

    All of them break the previous role expectations of human resource managers , and replaced them with great pressure and challenges .

  23. 我知道但凡有能力有抱负的人都渴望担当公司最高管理者的角色。

    I don 't know too many capable , ambitious people who don 't aspire to the highest management level within their companies .

  24. 我想担任一个管理者的角色,然后我申请了全国各地的工作,因为我已准备好在各地生活。

    I was looking to move into a managerial role , and applied for jobs all over the country , as I was prepared to live anywhere .

  25. 在苏南各县(市)的经济发展过程中,地方政府特别是县(市)政府,实际上承担着领导者和管理者的角色。

    During the development of southern jiangsu counties ' economy , the local government especially county-level government , in fact , assumes the role of leaders and managers .

  26. 但该国主要航空公司的一架喷气式客机在五天前失踪,使该国在全球众目睽睽之下担当起危机管理者的角色。

    But the loss of a jet airliner from its national fleet five days ago has thrust the country into the role of crisis manager in the full glare of global scrutiny .

  27. [结论]加强继续教育,转变观念及态度,促进基层护士在护理科研工作中应承担研究者、协调者、管理者的角色,是护理教育者、管理者亟待解决的重要课题之一。

    Conclusion : One of the problems urgently needs nursing educators and managers to settle is to strengthen continuing education , to change their concept and attitude and encourage nurses in primary hospitals to play the roles of researchers , coordinators and managers in nursing scientific research .

  28. 班组长影响着决策的实施,影响着企业目标的最终实现;班组长既是承上启下的桥梁,又是员工联系领导的纽带;班组长既承担管理者的角色,同时又是业务的多面手。

    Class leader affects the implementation of the decision-making , affect the enterprise realize its ultimate goal ; team leader is a bridge , is the staff to contact the leader ties ; team leader not only undertake the role of management , is also a business .

  29. 现代护理事业的发展要求护理管理者实现自身角色的转型,成为适应时代发展变迁的优秀管理者。

    With modern nursing profession development , excellent nursing leaders should realize self-role transformation , and know how to lead the underlings .

  30. 护理管理者应考虑角色认知变量和某些个体特征变量的影响,以进一步增强护士的组织承诺感。

    Hospital and nursing administers were suggested to consider role cognition factors and some personal characteristics when train or strengthen nurses'organizational commitment .