
  • 网络Managing the Future;Managing for the Future
  1. 该白皮书讨论了为什么SNIAXAM对于信息管理未来是非常重要的。

    This paper discusses why the SNIA XAM specification is profoundly important for the future of information-based management .

  2. 然后提出了一些预算管理未来发展中应有的理念。

    Then , some ideas for the development of budgeting management are mentioned .

  3. 最后对油藏开发项目管理未来的发展做了展望。

    Finally , the paper looks ahead the development of reservoir project management in future .

  4. 最后指出了基于策略管理未来的发展方向。

    Finally , the conclusions and the future trends of policy-based management study are given .

  5. 最后,对并行工程产品开发质量管理未来发展方向进行展望。

    And show the future evolution prospect of the product development with Concurrent Engineering mode .

  6. 浅谈物业管理未来发展趋势

    Development Trend of Property Management Industry

  7. 总结本文的研究结论,并指出建筑施工项目合同管理未来的研究方向。

    Conclusions of this study concluded , and contract management of construction projects that future research directions .

  8. 最后展望了政务网通信项目风险管理未来的可持续发展方向。

    Finally the prospect of government affairs network communication project risk management the future direction of sustainable development .

  9. 最后,本文结合电信业的发展对收入保障管理未来的发展方向进行了展望。

    Finally , this paper forcasts the development of revenue assurance management mixed with the development of telecom industry .

  10. 理论的分析和现实的批判并不是目的,明确企业管理未来的战略重点和科学路径才是希冀所在。

    Theoretical analysis and practical criticism is not an end , a clear strategic focus on business management and science and the future path of hope is located .

  11. 随着电子邮件的数量和业务重要性的不断增加,各个组织正在寻找以可靠和更经济的方式管理未来需求的新选择。

    As e-mail messaging continues to grow in both volume and business importance , organizations are looking for new options to manage future demand in a reliable and cost-effective way .

  12. 美国政府不是在奉行旨在延续美国主宰地位的新保守主义战略,而是在分散其优势力量,鼓励亚洲友好伙伴的崛起,以协助管理未来的多极秩序。

    Rather than a neo-conservative plot to prolong US dominance , Washington is actually diffusing its preponderant power by encouraging the rise of friendly Asian partners to help manage a future multipolar order .

  13. 在分析采购与供应管理未来发展趋势的基础上,主要从创建无库存采购/JIT准时化系统和加强供应商管理两个方面对采购管理策略进行了探讨。

    The paper analyses the development trend of purchase and supply management , discusses the strategy of purchase and supply by establishing a non-stock purchasing or JIT system and improving suppliers ' management .

  14. 美国国务卿赖斯说,美国和俄罗斯关系涉及很多领域,认识到这一点很重要,双方制定出一个战略框架,管理未来的双边关系。

    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said it is important to recognize the breadth of U.S. - Russian relations . Both sides worked out a strategic framework to govern those relations in the future .

  15. 盖特纳表示,更具可持续性的未来全球增长模式的第二个元素是,改革金融监管“以限制冒险行为,改善我们防范和管理未来危机的能力”。

    Mr Geithner said the second element of a more sustainable future model for global growth was reform of financial regulation " to limit risk-taking and improve our capacity to prevent and manage future crises " .

  16. 最后,对本研究的主要内容进行归纳总结,指出研究的不足,并在资产全寿命周期的基础上提出计量一体化平台项目风险管理未来可能的研究方向。

    Finally , sum the main conclusion of study , point out insufficient of the research , and on the basis of life-cycle propose the measurement of project risk management of integration platform possible future research directions .

  17. 这种新的文印服务模式不仅将服务外包范围扩大,帮助客户降低成本,同时开启打印的网络时代,并满足企业内部个性化、多样性的文印需要,这都代表文印管理未来的发展趋势。

    This new printing service model is on behalf of the future printing management trends , not only extend the scope of service outsourcing , but also help customers reduce cost ; open the Internet Printing Age , meet the enterprise personalization and diversity printing and copying needs .

  18. 全IP化、业务极大丰富和高度智能化的网络管理是未来网络演进的重要趋势。

    All-IP-based , plenty of service and high intelligence are the important trends of future networks evolution .

  19. 本文主要从系统设备、器件、OXC恢复、光网络的管理以及未来的发展几方面谈谈自己的看法。

    This paper , in my opinion , describe OXC equipment , component , restoration and network management .

  20. Bill在演讲的最后做出结论,他讨论了分布式事务管理的未来、Xtreme事务处理以及云计算环境中的事务。

    Bill concluded the session with a discussion of the future of distributed transaction management , Xtreme transaction processing and the transactions in Cloud Computing environment .

  21. 随着NGN网络的成熟,实现煤矿企业安全生产中的语音、视频和数据等多业务在统一IP承载网中传输、控制和管理是未来煤矿安全生产调度发展的趋势。

    With the maturity of NGN network , it is a future development tendency of safety production and scheduling to achieve the voice , video , data and other multi-service can be transmitted , controlled and managed by the unified IP load bearing network in the coal mine enterprise .

  22. 最后对成品率管理的未来发展方向提出了展望。

    In the end , forecast the future yield management direction .

  23. 第一部分首先介绍了预算管理与未来学的关系。

    First chapter introduces the relationship between budgeting management and futurology .

  24. 撒哈拉以南非洲迈向可持续环境和资源管理的未来

    Towards Sustainable Environmental and Resource Management Futures for Sub-Saharan Africa

  25. 电信终端设备的管理及未来发展趋势

    The Management And Development Trend of Telecom Terminal Equipment

  26. 组织职业生涯发展管理的未来走向&与组织特性及相关因素相结合

    The Trend of Organizational Career Management & Combined with Organizational Characteristics and Related Factors

  27. 公共管理的未来&走向社会自治

    Social Self-Government & The Future of Public Management

  28. 本文最后对跨组织流程管理的未来发展作了展望。

    The last part of this thesis depicts the prospects of inter-organizational process management .

  29. 质量管理的未来&系统创新

    The future of quality management , system innovation

  30. 理解和管理顾客未来想法对于成功管理顾客动态关系是至关重要的。

    Understanding and managing these future-focused considerations is critical to successful dynamic Customer relationship management .