
  • 网络Post-Capitalist Society;post capitalist society;Root-Capitalist Society;Postcapitalist
  1. 二战后资本主义社会的进一步发展特别是信息革命的兴起,使当代西方发达国家的产业结构、劳动方式、阶级结构等都发生了深刻的变革。

    After the World War ⅱ, the new development in Capitalist Society especially the rise of Information Revolution , has Brought profound changes in structure of industry , mode of labor , structure of classes and so on in modern western developed countries .

  2. 没收财产刑发端于奴隶制社会,兴盛于封建制社会,衰落于启蒙思想兴起后的资本主义社会。

    It originated in slavery society , reached its climax of development in feudal society and waned in capitalist society after the Enlightenment Thought sprang up .

  3. 罗斯在《美国三部曲》中,表露了其对后工业时代人们生存状态的绝望。他认为,在后工业时代和资本主义社会里,人已经变成了碎片人和异化人。

    In The American Trilogy , Roth expresses his despair of the existence of man who has been fragmented and alienated in the post-industrial and capitalistic society .

  4. 后现代法学是后现代思潮中的重要支流,其对后工业时代资本主义社会中法律的自治性、普遍性、一元性的传统观念进行了辛辣地批判。

    The postmodern jurisprudence is an important branch of postmodern thoughts , which strictly criticizes the traditional concepts of laws of capitalist society in post industry times .