
  • 网络rear station
  1. “靠后站。”他吼道。

    ' Stand back , ' he roared .

  2. 警察要求旁观者靠后站

    The policemen asked the spectators to stand well back .

  3. 我靠后站,好好欣赏这幅已完成的作品。

    I stood back and admired the finished product .

  4. 他靠后站,审视自己的作品。

    He stood back and surveyed his handiwork .

  5. 斯克罗吉慢慢地从桌子后站起身。

    Scrooge got up slowly from his desk .

  6. 华盛顿政策制定者与政治家需要靠后站,放手让这一调整自行展开。

    Washington policymakers and politicians need to stand back and let this adjustment play out .

  7. 他朝前台走去。台后站着一位瘦瘦的女人。

    He goes to the reservation desk . there 's a gaunt woman behind the desk .

  8. 演员穿着假肢并且化妆后站在绿色屏幕前。

    That was an actor wearing prosthetics and makeup standing in front of a green screen .

  9. 她跪后站起身来。

    She rose from her knees .

  10. 他在将剩下的放进口袋后站了起来。

    After he deposited the rest of the change back into his pocket , he stood up .

  11. 当我想到死后站在上帝的面前时,仍然怠惰于服事主吗?

    Can I think of dying , and standing before my God , and yet be slothful in my Master 's service ?

  12. 有人因为紧身牛仔裤太紧以致于摔倒后站不起来,有人的穿上紧身牛仔裤后大腿麻痹失去知觉。

    They range from falling over and not being able to get up again because of how tight the jeans are , to experiencing numbness in the thighs .

  13. 不,“那个着急的侍者一边说,一边拉下了铁百叶窗后站了起来。”我有信心。我完全有信心。

    No ," the waiter who was in a hurry said , rising from pulling down the metal shutters . " I have confidence . I am all confidence .

  14. 人在这种环境下也变成了小岛,独立自主,完整安详,尊重他人的孤独,不践踏他人的海岸半步,毕恭毕敬地在他人的奇迹面前靠后站。

    People , too , become like islands in such an atmosphere , self-contained , whole and serene ; respecting other people 's solitude , not intruding on their shores , standing back in revernce before the miracle of another individual .

  15. 铁路区间光纤综合接入系统,是适应铁路提速后站间距离加长、列车运行速度提高而满足区间综合信息传输需要的区间高速信息系统,其中配置了先进网络监控与管理系统。

    Optical integral access system in railway section is a high speed information system with advanced supervision system , which meets the needs of transmission of integral information in section since section distance become longer and the speed of train is up .

  16. 我们必须行动,尽管知道今天的胜利只是部分的成功,它将更多地取决于今后四年、四十年乃至四百年后站在这里的人们,继续发扬从费城独立厅传到我们手中的超越时代的精神。

    We must act , knowing that today 's victories will be only partial and that it will be up to those who stand here in four years and 40 years and 400 years hence to advance the timeless spirit once conferred to us in a spare Philadelphia hall .

  17. 用X射线衍射法测定振动时效后水电站钢岔管中的残余应力

    Testing for Residual Stress of Steel Bifurcated Pipe in Hydropower Station after Vibration Stress Relief by X-ray Diffraction Method

  18. 我从那里换了几趟火车,在后乐园站(Korakuen)下车,走到东京大学(UniversityofTokyo)的小石川植物园(KoishikawaBotanicalGardens)。

    From there , I hopped a couple of trains over to the Korakuen station and walked up to the University of Tokyo 's Koishikawa Botanical Gardens .

  19. 加入WTO后,站在经济全球化的视野下,认真分析我国纸业的发展变化规律,研究了加入WTO对我国造纸业的影响。

    The paper has analyzed development law of paper industry in our country from the view of economic globalization after our country joins WTO and its influence on our country paper industry to join WTO .

  20. 你到那里后就站在左边的转角处。

    When you get there , stand on the left corner .

  21. 几分钟后他站起来走进去了

    Couple minutes later he got up and went inside .

  22. 火车将在五分钟后靠站。

    The train will be stopping in five minutes .

  23. 两个月后,站在作坊门外,手拿着刚刚完成的提琴,我失望透顶。

    Two months later , standing outside the workshop , I was disappointed .

  24. 你通过金属检测仪后,站在扫描仪前就行了。

    You walk through the metal detector and stand in front of the scanner .

  25. 马绊倒后又站起来了。

    The horse recovered itself after stumble .

  26. 每晚我下班后会站在你家外面等你。

    Every night after work , I 'll come stand outside your house and wait .

  27. 她行过礼后,站在那儿,老眼昏花地瞧着我们,

    and after dropping a curtsey , she stood blinking at us with her bleared eyes

  28. 坐45分钟后,站起来,花5分钟动动身体。

    Get up and move your body for five minutes after 45 minutes of sitting .

  29. “学士后流动站”破解大学生就业难题

    Post-bachelor Mobile Station for Employment Problem

  30. 我们头痛的问题是姚明或麦迪拿球后大家站着不动。

    One thing we struggle with is when Yao or Tracy get it , we stand .