
  1. 在后金融危机时代,国际会计准则理事会(IASB)与美国会计准则理事会(FASB)联手进行会计财务报告研究,希望联合建立高质量的会计准则。

    In the post-financial crisis era , IASB and FASB jointly research for financial reporting in order to establish a high-quality accounting standards .

  2. 后金融危机下国内轮胎企业技术创新战略

    On Chinese Tire Enterprise Technology Innovation Strategy in Post-financial Crisis Era

  3. 当前,世界经济形势已步入后金融危机时代。

    The current world economic situation has entered a post-crisis era .

  4. 后金融危机时期,全球经济逐渐复苏。

    The global economy has been gradually recovering from the financial crisis .

  5. 后金融危机下准确把握调结构的理性维度

    A Rational Dimensionality on Grasping the Adjustable Structure Accurately under the Post-Financial Crisis

  6. 论中小商业银行在后金融危机下的发展战略

    The Development Strategies of Small and Medium-sized Commercial Banks Under Post Financial Crisis

  7. 后金融危机时代信用评级机构法律责任之完善

    On Improvement About The Legal Liability For Credit Grade-Assessing Agency Subsequent To Financial Crisis

  8. 目前,世界正处于后金融危机时期,经济形势依然严峻。

    Now , the world is in the post-financial-crisis period , economic situation remains grim .

  9. 后金融危机时代下财经类高职院校发展的策略

    The development strategy and inspiration about economical & financial vocational colleges under the post-financial crisis

  10. 后金融危机时代,中俄农产品贸易面临机遇与挑战。

    Post financial crisis era , the agricultural product trade is faced challenge and opportunity .

  11. 后金融危机时期大学生政治价值观变动的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of the Undergraduates ' Political Value Changes in the Post-Financial Crisis Period

  12. 进入这个后金融危机时代,很容易对华尔街咬牙切齿。

    In a post-financial crisis world , it 's easy to hate on Wall Street .

  13. 后金融危机时代经济运行的不确定性对银行信用风险管理提出了新的挑战。

    The fluctuation of economic operation in Post-crisis era poses a new threat on banking management .

  14. 后金融危机时期天津中小企业核心竞争力提升路径研究

    On Improvement of Core Competence of Tianjin 's Small and Mediumsized Enterprises After the Financial Crisis

  15. 论后金融危机的企业会计基本准则与国际财务报告准则的趋同趋势

    On the Convergent Tendency of Basic Standard of Enterprise and the International Financial Report after Financial Crisis

  16. 后金融危机时代科技型中小企业核心竞争力的打造&基于人力资源管理模式下的思考

    To Build the Core Competence of Small and Medium-Sized Science and Technology Enterprises after the Financial Times

  17. 在后金融危机时代,我国再次强调要做大做强“先进装备制造业”。

    And running advanced equipment manufacturing industry big and strong is emphasized in the period of after-financial crisis .

  18. 后金融危机时代,我国企业面临着前所未有的挑战,生存压力明显增大。

    The post-financial crisis era , enterprises in China is facing unprecedented challenges , survival increasing the pressure .

  19. 在后金融危机的今天东亚金融合作再次受到关注。

    Today , after the financial crisis , people attention once again to the East Asian financial cooperation .

  20. 本文正是在金融危机这个大的研究背景下展开的,其中心议题是后金融危机背景下碳排放权交易法律制度研究。

    The central issue is to research carbon emissions trading legal system under the background of the financial crisis .

  21. 后金融危机时代,中国的企业正努力通过转变经济增长方式以增强企业的抗风险能力和竞争实力。

    After the financial crisis , Chinese enterprises make transformation in order to strengthen risk resisting and competitive ability .

  22. 结论。从中国和世界的层面展望后金融危机时代伦理文化的发展方向。

    The last chapter concludes the prospects of moral cultures of post-crisis era both in China and the whole world .

  23. 战略性新兴产业,是后金融危机时代中国最炙手可热的词汇之一。

    " Strategic emerging industries ," is the one of the hottest words at the post-financial crisis era in Chinese .

  24. 上述发现对后金融危机时代的中国银行业的未来改革具有重要的启示。

    The research findings have important implications on future bank reforms in China in the aftermath of the current financial crisis .

  25. 当前正处于在后金融危机时代,这更加要求上市商业银行的自主发展的能力。

    We are currently in the post-crisis era . Therefore , Chinese Listed Commercial Banks must train their ability of independent .

  26. 高盛和摩根士丹利花了两年时间才想清楚后金融危机时代的定位问题。

    Goldman and Morgan have had two years to figure out what they want to be in the post-financial crisis world .

  27. 在后金融危机时代,要使企业逃脱破产倒闭的噩运,其竞争力的培植尤为重要。

    In the post-financial crisis era , the cultivation of corporate competitiveness is particularly important to escape the fate of bankruptcy .

  28. 亦即,在后金融危机时代,企业的出口形势日益严峻。

    That is to say , in the period after the financial crisis , export situation of the enterprises is increasingly grim .

  29. 在后金融危机背景下,美元一支独秀的国际货币地位得到了广泛的质疑。

    In the context of the post-financial crisis , the dominant position of dollar as an international currency has been widely questioned .

  30. 后金融危机下愈演愈烈的新贸易保护主义必须引起我们的高度重视,我们必须积极主动进行妥善有效的应对。

    New trade protectionism under the increasingly fierce post-financial crisis should arouse great attention , and effective countermeasures should be taken positively .