
  • 网络Investment Banking;Investment Banking Activities
  1. 加入WTO我国投资银行业务发展策略研究

    A study on development strategy of Chinese investment banking operation facing China 's entering WTO

  2. 德意志银行(deutschebank)昨日公布了5年来的首次季度亏损,这显示出信贷危机对其投资银行业务的明显影响。

    Deutsche Bank reported its first quarterly loss in five years yesterday as it revealed the stark impact of the credit crisis on its investment banking activities .

  3. 苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)试图扩大在中国的投资银行业务,正考虑投资于第二家中资机构。

    Royal Bank of Scotland is considering investing in a second Chinese institution as the banking group seeks to build up its investment banking operations in the country .

  4. 摩根大通(JPMorganChase)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)也于今年1月获得了中国投资银行业务资格。

    JPMorgan Chase ( JPM ) and Morgan Stanley ( MS ) received Chinese regulatory approval for investment banking in January .

  5. WilsonFeng已卸任美林(MerrillLynch)投资银行业务中国区董事长一职,转而供职于中国国有企业。

    Wilson Feng has left his post as a chairman of China investment banking for Merrill Lynch to work in China 's state-owned enterprises .

  6. 瑞银(UBS)日前对其投资银行业务展开了一次大规模改组,以降低自营业务所承担的风险,此前该银行在美国次贷危机中遭受了重大损失。

    UBS has launched a shake-up of its investment banking division to reduce proprietary risk-taking after suffering heavy losses in the US subprime mortgage meltdown .

  7. 美林(merrilllynch)昨日一反常态,宣布其全球市场和投资银行业务联席总裁道金(dowkim)将友好离职。

    Merrill Lynch broke with tradition yesterday by announcing that a senior executive , Dow Kim , was leaving the company on friendly terms .

  8. 毕业后,他在纽约的美林证券(MerrillLynch)从事了两年的投资银行业务,然后去旧金山的私募股票公司VectorCapital工作了两年。

    Since then , he had worked for two years as an investment banker at Merrill Lynch in New York and for two more years in private equity at vector capital in San Francisco .

  9. 在2008年年底被美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)收购的美林(MerrillLynch),长期以来一直在全球各地拥有强大的投资银行业务,多诺里奥将此视为全球扩张的关键因素。

    Merrill Lynch , acquired by Bank of America in late 2008 , has long had powerful investment banking operations around the world , which Mr Donofrio sees as the key to expanding globally .

  10. 竞争对手摩根大通(JPMorgan)亚洲房地产投资银行业务负责人安东尼•赖安(AnthonyRyan)表示:只要有可能,银行都希望让所有人在一个地方办公。

    Anthony Ryan , head of Asian real estate investment banking at rival JPMorgan , says : Whenever possible , banks like to keep everybody in one place .

  11. 本周,花旗银行将几个部门合并为新的民用房贷部门,而ubs则否认其要将投资银行业务出售的谣言。

    This week Citi folded several units into a new residential-mortgage business , and UBS was prompted to deny rumours that it will try to offload its investment bank .

  12. 之后他负责投资银行业务,1994年,他说服了分明感到迷惑不解的东京老板们,为一位叫做葛涵思(guyhands)的人提供资金,此人当时想买下数百家英国酒吧。

    He went on to run investment banking and , in 1994 , was the man who convinced his undoubtedly puzzled bosses back in Tokyo to bankroll a certain guy hands , who wanted to buy several thousand British pubs .

  13. 花旗集团周三表示,公司已经任命蔡红军(CatherineCai)为其中国区主席及中国投资银行业务负责人,她拥有20年在中国从事投资银行业务的经验。

    Citigroup said on Wednesday that it had appointed Catherine Cai , who has two decades of experience in investment banking in China , as its chairwoman and head of China investment banking .

  14. 鉴于投资银行业务的复杂性,投资银行在市场上的竞争优势是通过投资银行的服务小组(IBS)表现出来的。

    In the complex nature of the investment banking business , an important competitive advantage in the marketing efforts is delivered through the investment banking services ( IBS ) group .

  15. 除此之外,还有首席法律顾问蒂姆•梅尔波洛斯(TimMayopoulos),曾任公司及投资银行业务主管的布赖恩•莫伊尼汉(BrianMoynihan)将接替他的职务。

    Another was general counsel Tim Mayopoulos , who was succeeded by Brian Moynihan , most recently head of corporate and investment banking .

  16. 花旗集团(Citigroup)的竞争对手们正在游说美国政府:如果政府要将这家陷入困境的金融集团国有化,或是收购其大量股权,那么就要限制其投资银行业务和国际业务。

    Citigroup 's rivals are lobbying the government to shackle its investment banking business and international operations if the authorities nationalise or take a large stake in the troubled financial group .

  17. 瑞银集团(ubs)在美国开始了一次积极大胆的行动,以求重振其投资银行业务,努力阻止它在并购咨询业务排行榜上的下滑趋势。

    UBS has initiated an aggressive drive in the us to revive its investment banking operation , in an effort to halt its slide down the Advisory league tables for mergers and acquisitions .

  18. 投资银行业务正在繁荣发展:例如,汤姆森金融(ThomsonFinancial)的数据显示,2007年迄今,亚洲股本市场(日本除外)成交额较去年同期上升了50%,相比之下,美国只上升了27%。

    Investment banking business is flourishing : equity capital markets volumes in ex-Japan Asia , for example , are up 50 per cent year-on-year so far in 2007 , compared with 27 per cent in the US , according to Thomson Financial .

  19. RichardOng是一位出生于马来西亚的华人,目前担任高盛亚洲投资银行业务联席主管。过去6个月,他一直在北京为高盛高华工作。

    Richard Ong , Goldman 's ethnically Chinese , Malaysian-born co-head of investment banking in Asia , has been working at the joint venture in Beijing for the past six months .

  20. 知情人士表示,瑞银亚洲投资银行业务负责人蔡洪平(henrycai)今日向员工发送了一份备忘录,提到他决定“放个长假”,因为他“非常累”。

    People familiar with the matter said that Henry Cai , head of investment banking Asia , sent a memo to staff today outlining his decision to " take a long break " because he was " very tired " .

  21. 在成为房地产信息网站Zillow的CEO之前,拉斯科夫曾做过一段时间记者,后来还从事过投资银行业务。现在,拉斯科夫已经将自己塑造成自我完善型老板的典范。

    Briefly a journalist and then an investment banker , the CEO of the real estate information site Zillow has fashioned himself into the epitome of the self-improvement boss .

  22. 罗平表示,根据对美国在废除格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法(glass-steagallact)之后情况的观察,中国将继续保留投资银行业务和商业银行业务分开的做法。

    Mr Luo said China intends to maintain its separation of investment and Commercial Banking Based on its observations of the US after repeal of the Glass-Steagall act that enforced a similar division of banking activities .

  23. 了解大致情况的两位消息人士周日告知路透社,不久之后,花旗集团公司(citigroup)与中原证券(centralchinasecurities)不久就会向中国监管机构递交成立投资银行业务合资企业的申请。

    Shanghai ( Reuters ) - Citigroup Inc ( C. n : quote , profile , research ) and central China Securities will soon apply to Chinese regulators to set up an investment banking joint venture , two sources who were briefed on the situation told Reuters on Sunday .

  24. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)亚洲投资银行业务联席主管高浩沣(GokulLaroia)称,在交易活动不断增多的背景下,该行已有选择地展开高级职位的招聘。

    Gokul Laroia , co-head of investment banking for Morgan Stanley in Asia , said the bank had made selective senior hires on the back of rising deal activity .

  25. 不过它确实意味着,没有了BGI,巴克莱会更容易受到投资银行业务收益波动的影响。

    However , it does mean that Barclays , without BGI , will be more exposed to the earnings volatility of its investment banking operations .

  26. 日本野村证券(Nomura)就收购美国投行雷曼(Lehman)在欧洲和中东的股票与投资银行业务达成协议,交易数额未透露。此举又将挽救雷曼近2500名雇员的工作岗位。

    Nomura yesterday rescued another 2,500 Lehman employees after the Japanese bank reached an agreement to acquire the US bank 's equities and investment banking business in Europe and the Middle East for an undisclosed sum .

  27. 据预计,汇丰银行(hsbc)企业和投资银行业务前联席主管约翰斯图津斯基(johnstudzinski)将于10月份加入黑石集团,担任该集团并购咨询部门主管。

    And from October , Blackstone is expected to have on board John studzinsk , former co-head of corporate and investment banking at HSBC , as head of its M & A advisory arm .

  28. 花旗发送给员工的一则内部备忘录显示,在为美林效力近3年后,曾令祺(RodneyTsang)将加盟花旗,担任其中国投资银行业务联席主管。

    Rodney Tsang is to join Citi as co-head of China investment banking after nearly three years at Merrill Lynch , according to an internal memo sent to staff on Thursday .

  29. 论文既为GS银行广西分行投资银行业务的营销实践提供了参考,同时也对商业银行发展投资银行业务具有一定参考意义。

    Papers is used both for the GS Bank Guangxi Branch of the marketing practices of the investment banking business to provide a reference , but also on the development of commercial banks to investment banking business with a certain reference value .

  30. 瑞银集团(ubs)亚洲投资银行业务负责人洛永勤(robertrankin)表示:“在中国,人们仍然对内向并购活动兴趣浓厚,但是本地市场估值等问题,可能会影响交易量。”

    Robert Rankin , UBS Asia head of investment banking , said : " in China there is still a lot of interest in inbound activity but challenges such as valuations in the local market could affect deal volumes . "