
tóu zī ɡù wèn
  • investment advisor
  1. 十年前,斯蒂尔作为一名成功的投资顾问在世界电信展(ITUWorld)上发言。世界电信展是联合国主导的一项活动,重点是科技在政府中的应用。

    Ten years ago , Steele was a successful investment advisor speaking at ITU World , a United Nations conference on technology for government .

  2. 现年49岁的他是一名投资顾问,也是南卡罗来纳州约克市的一名千万富翁。

    Now he 's a49-year-old investment advisor and multimillionaire in York , South Carolina .

  3. 我姐姐是个万无一失的投资顾问。

    My sister 's the oracle on investment matters .

  4. 澳大利亚透视集团(PerspectiveGroup)资深投资顾问马克·考泽(MarkCauser)说,澳大利亚政府总是会首先照顾到国家利益。

    Mark Causer , a senior investment adviser at Australia 's Perspective Group , says that Canberra will always look after national interests first .

  5. 天相投资顾问(TXInvestmentConsulting)驻北京分析师王明存说,总体出口形势显然不好。

    ' The general situation for exports is definitely not good , 'says Wang Mingcun , a Beijing-based analyst for TX Investment Consulting .

  6. 本文作者是美国凯斯勒投资顾问公司(kesslerinvestmentadvisors)首席执行官,该公司专注于美国国债和相关期货投资

    The writer is the CEO of Kessler investment advisors , Inc , which focuses on US Treasuries and related futures

  7. 这是股市失去的十年,与20世纪30年代的情况类似,德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)高级投资顾问杰拉尔德·卢卡斯(GeraldLucas)说。

    It has been a lost decade for equities , similar to the 1930s , Gerald Lucas , senior investment adviser at Deutsche Bank , said .

  8. 美林证券的FC模式是我国券商大力发展投资顾问业务最值得借鉴的一种模式。

    Especially Merrill Lynch FC mode is one of the most worthy mode for domestic securities firms to learn and develop our own broking business .

  9. 投资顾问公司OCOGlobal首席执行官马克奥康奈尔(MarkO'Connell)表示,尽管人们对经济复苏表现出了一定程度的乐观,但所有方向的现金流都在不断萎缩。

    Mark O'Connell , chief executive officer at investment consultancy OCO Global , said cash flows in all directions were shrinking despite some optimism about an economic recovery .

  10. 富裕家族设立的理财部门,但凡与美国有一丝联系,就须在美国证券交易委员会(sec)登记为投资顾问机构。

    Offices established to manage family wealth need only a tenuous connection to the us to be required to register as an investment adviser with the securities and Exchange Commission .

  11. 目前,辛普森与他的妻子在美国佛罗里达州的那不勒斯共同经营一家名为SQAdvisorsLLC的投资顾问公司。

    Simpson retired , and now is managing an investment firm , called sq advisors LLC , with his wife in Naples , Florida .

  12. 考克斯是咨询和投资顾问公司OCGlobalPartners,LLC的合伙人,曾在2010年参加纽约第一国会选区的共和党初选,最终排在第三位。

    Mr. Cox , a partner at consultancy and investment advisory firm OC Global Partners , LLC , finished third in the 2010 Republican primary for the New York 's 1st congressional district .

  13. 不过,qfii资产向来不易获得,因为许多qfii管理者并不需要内地的投资顾问。

    However , QFII assets have not been easy to come by , as many QFII managers are not in need of mainland-based investment advisers .

  14. 上述罚金包括了向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)支付的2亿美元,从而就瑞银从事未登记经纪自营商和投资顾问业务的诉讼达成和解。

    Included in the monetary penalties is a $ 200 million payment to the Securities and Exchange Commission to settle charges that UBS acted as an unregistered broker-dealer and investment adviser .

  15. 其它公司则合并了资产管理与投资顾问业务,与台湾本地银行联手建立银行保险业务(bancassurance),登记发行大量新的离岸产品。

    Others have combined their asset management and investment consulting businesses , established bancassurance alliances with local lenders and registered scores of new offshore products .

  16. 马丁.班福特(MartinBamford),InformedChoices公司的独立财经投资顾问说:“现在已经太晚了,稳健的投资者转成了现金或更安全的投资领域”。

    " This is fairly late in the day-nervous investors will have already moved into cash or safer investments ," says Martin Bamford , an independent financial adviser at Informed Choices .

  17. 作者德里克斯科特(DerekScott)是VestraWealth的投资顾问委员会委员,1997至2003年期间曾担任英国前首相托尼布莱尔(TonyBlair)的经济顾问

    Derek Scott is a member of the Investment Advisory Board of Vestra Wealth and was economic adviser to Tony Blair , former UK prime minister , from 1997 to 2003

  18. 在奥巴马(obama)政府所设想的、更为广泛的监管改革中,证交会预计将承担更大的责任,包括监管信贷衍生品市场,以及对信用评级机构和投资顾问实施更为严格的监督。

    In the broader regulatory revamp envisioned by the Obama administration , the Commission will be expected to take on even greater responsibilities , including oversight of the credit derivatives market and more stringent supervision of credit rating agencies and investment advisers .

  19. 克利夫兰DawsonWealthManagement投资顾问伯恩哈德(MarkBonhard)说,首先,人们通过减少储蓄额和投资额对市场的低迷做出了反应。

    ' First , people have reacted [ to the market downturn ] by reducing the amount of money they 're saving and investing , 'says Mark Bonhard , an investment adviser with Dawson Wealth Management in Cleveland .

  20. capitalgenerationpartners投资顾问夏洛特索恩(charlottethorne)表示:“规模较小的收购基金较容易达成不透明的交易,它们的定价要优于我们,但大型收购基金也有这类交易吗?”

    Charlotte Thorne of capital generation partners , an investment adviser , says : " it is easier for smaller firms to find opaque deals that they can still value better than us , but are there those deals at a bigger level ? "

  21. IFC为私人投资者提供贷款、股本、投资顾问服务和贸易信贷,所提供资金往往在项目总价值中占相对较小的份额。

    The IFC , which provides private investors with loans , equity , investment advisory services and trade credit , often finances a relatively small proportion of the overall value of a project .

  22. 三星投资者APGAssetManagementAsia的企业治理投资顾问ParkYoo-kyung表示,虽然供应商仍存在违规,但三星的信息披露程度高于亚洲其他领先企业。

    Park Yoo-kyung , an investment adviser on governance at APG Asset Management Asia , which invests in Samsung , said that despite the continuing violations by suppliers , Samsung had offered a higher degree of disclosure than many other leading Asian companies .

  23. 市场对通胀保护债券的态度的确反映出油价走向,而由于美联储并未采取定量宽松,其政策不再被视作具有通胀效应。德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)高级投资顾问杰拉尔德卢卡斯(GeraldLucas)表示。

    Sentiment for Tips does reflect the direction in oil prices , and since the Fed is not engaged in quantitative easing , its policy is no longer seen as being inflationary , said Gerald Lucas , senior investment adviser at Deutsche Bank .

  24. 我询问投资顾问公司CoburnVentures颇有见地的专家之一皮普•科伯恩,在他看来投资者在作出微观决策时是否会意识到宏观的大趋势。

    I asked PIP Coburn of Coburn ventures , one of the more insightful thinkers out there , whether he thought investors would ever wake up to the larger patterns around their own micro decisions .

  25. 韬睿惠悦(TowersWatson)资深投资顾问阿拉斯代尔麦克唐纳(AlasdairMacdonald)表示:养老基金只控制了全球大宗商品市场的很小一块,肯定不足以推动价格的长期大幅变动。

    Pension funds control a very small slice of the global commodities market and certainly not enough to move the price drastically over the long term , says Alasdair Macdonald , senior investment consultant at Towers Watson .

  26. 中国在高端消费品例如苹果手机方面增长的名声让美国消费者更容易接受中国制造汽车这一概念,Dunne汽车有限公司的战略和投资顾问MichaelDunne说。

    China 's growing reputation for making higher-endconsumer goods such as Apple Inc. " s iPhone has made the idea of Chinese-madecars more acceptable for U.S. buyers , saidMichael Dunne , a strategy andinvestment adviser at Dunne Automotive Ltd.

  27. 一位驻香港的经济学家及投资顾问霍安斯(enziovonpfeil)形容香港特区是“中国快艇后面的滑水板”。

    Enzio von Pfeil , a Hong Kong-based economist and investment adviser , describes the territory as " the water-ski off the back of the Chinese speedboat " .

  28. 据麦格理环球房地产投资顾问(mgpa)亚洲行政总裁约翰桑德斯(johnsaunders)介绍,香港写字楼的月租金仍处在每平方英尺150港元的创纪录水平,这个租金水平已保持一段时期了。

    Monthly rents for Hong Kong office space remain at record levels of HK $ 150 per square foot , where they have been for some time , according to John Saunders , chief executive in Asia for mgpa , a specialist property investor .

  29. 那个投资顾问从他的顾客那时骗取了150万美无。

    The investment counselor bilked his clients of $ 1.5 million .

  30. 一个投资顾问决定自立门户,成立她自己的公司。

    An investment counselor decided to go out on her own .