
tóu biāo zhě
  • bidder
  1. 尽管有6家银行参与谈判,可由高盛(goldmansachs)主持的拍卖过程,至今仍未产生一位投标者。

    The auction process run by Goldman Sachs has so far failed to produce a bidder in spite of six banks entering discussions .

  2. 在英美烟草和奥地利的CB家庭办公室服务公司退出了拍卖后,BT投资公司是保加利亚烟草专卖公司的唯一投标者。

    BT Invest remained the only bidder for the Bulgarian tobacco monopoly after British American Tobacco and Austria-based CB Family Office Service dumped the sale .

  3. 为了更好地保护投标者,提出了一种推广的Power安全拍卖方案。

    An extended power auction scheme was proposed for protecting bidders .

  4. 从保护投标者的角度出发,基于Lagrange插值法提出了一个完全匿名的安全电子拍卖协议。

    Based on the Lagrange interpolation , this paper proposes a secure electronic auction protocol with full anonymity in the case of protecting bidders .

  5. 昨日,苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)出售业务的努力遭遇挫折。在仅剩的一家投标者退出后,这家英国银行集团取消了其澳大利亚和新西兰业务的拍卖。

    Royal Bank of Scotland 's efforts to offload businesses suffered a setback yesterday when the UK banking group scrapped the sale of its operations in Australia and New Zealand after the last remaining bidder dropped out .

  6. rbs本周二表示,正与已决定出售的剩余亚洲资产的投标者进行“深入商谈”。

    RBS said on Tuesday it was in " advanced discussions " with bidders for the remaining assets in Asia it had decided to sell .

  7. 我们的证明还表明无需知道投标者的行为,TORA就能保证诚实性。

    Our proof also shows that the truthfulness of TORA does not depend on the knowledge of the bidder behavior .

  8. 一位匿名投标者支付了3456789美元与这位投资大师、伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)创始人相约共进午餐,比这场慈善拍卖去年中标者的出价高出大约47%。

    An anonymous bidder has paid $ 3456789 for a lunch date with the investment guru and founder of Berkshire Hathaway , some 47 per cent more than the winner of the charity auction last year .

  9. 了解情况的消息人士表示,台湾辜氏(Koo)家族要求的高价,已使一些投标者知难而退。辜氏家族持有中嘉网路80%股权。

    Sources familiar with the situation said the high price asked by the Koo family , the business clan that owns 80 per cent of CNS , had put some bidders off .

  10. 两位潜在的投标者都有旅馆业的经验。

    Both poten tial biddes have experience of the hotel industry .

  11. 投标者在投标之后撤销了投标书。

    The bidder withdrew his bid after submission of his bid .

  12. 福特已要求潜在的投标者签署保密协议。

    It has asked potential bidders to sign confidentiality agreements .

  13. 增价拍卖中投标者跳跃报价的收益效应研究

    Research on Revenue Effect of Jump Bidding of Bidders in Ascending Auction

  14. 对于公开招标,投标者们可以反复修改自己的标书。

    For the open bid , bidders may revise their bids repeatedly .

  15. 如果没有其他投标者,可重新招标。

    If there are no other tenderers , call for new tenders .

  16. 投标者交出了她异常纤细娇嫩的手指。

    The tenderer surrendered her tremendously slender tender fingers .

  17. 什么时候能把你们注册为投标者?

    When are you to be registered as bidder ?

  18. 有四个投标者投标这栋大楼。

    There are altogether four bidders for this building .

  19. 撤消投标者的安全的网上招投标方案

    A Secure Scheme of Bidding and Tendering on Internet with Revocation of Bidder

  20. 然而,业界的运作模式存在不少弊病,工程委托人倾向合约包给出价最低的投标者;

    However , there are many disadvantages in the working mode of this industry .

  21. 选择最佳的投标者,需要采用科学的方法建立评标体系。

    The evaluation systems need to be established scientifically to choose the best bidder .

  22. 为了忍耐无休止的吩咐,氧化物投标者在海滨阔步行走。

    To abide the abiding bidding , the oxide bidder strides on the seaside .

  23. 不过我是这包包唯一的投标者,所以很便宜就到手了。

    But I was the sole bidder for this bag and got it dirt-cheap .

  24. 现场参观费用由投标者自己承担。

    The costs of visiting the site shall be at the tenderer 's own expense .

  25. 货物、服务来源地与投标者国籍含义不同。

    The origin of goods and services is distinct from the nationality of the tenderer .

  26. 一般而言,我们会让投标者最少有三个星期的时间来提交投标书。

    Normally , we allow at least three weeks for tenderers to submit their bids .

  27. 雇主一般不受报价最低的投标者或任何投标者约束。

    The employer does not usually bind himself to accept the lowest or indeed any tender .

  28. 其它投标者也被要求离开,但它们正要求重新回来。

    Others too have been asked to go away but they are asking to get back in .

  29. 一般来说,在开标后,任何投标者都不能修改投标。

    Normally , no bidder should be permitted to alter his bid after bid has been opened .

  30. 不平衡报价是投标者在工程投标过程中经常使用的一种方法,目的是为了获得更多的收益。

    The unbalanced bidding is frequently used in engineering bidding by the bidder to gain more profit .