
  • 网络INVESTMENT;Investment Rate
  1. 投资率将必须升至GDP的40%,而储蓄率从35%升至37%-38%。

    The investment rate would have to rise to 40 per cent of GDP , and the savings rate rise from 35 per cent to 37-38 per cent .

  2. 然而,要想将投资率从GDP的50%下降到35%,期间又不发生严重的经济衰退,就需要大幅增加消费来弥补。

    Yet getting from an investment rate of 50 per cent of gross domestic product to one of 35 per cent , without a deep recession on the way , requires an offsetting surge in consumption .

  3. 这位美联储(Fed)主席警告说,全球经济失衡推动引发了此次危机,需要加以纠正。经济失衡是指国民储蓄率、消费率和投资率之间存在的巨大落差,体现为巨额贸易赤字或盈余。

    The Federal Reserve chairman warned that global imbalances the big gaps between national saving , consumption and investment rates reflected in large trade deficits and surpluses had helped cause the crisis and needed to be corrected .

  4. longvieweconomics的克里斯沃特林(chriswatling)指出,中国目前的投资率已高于日本和韩国在各自增长阶段的水平。

    Investment is already a higher share of output in China than in Japan or South Korea during their growth phases , according to Chris Watling at Longview economics .

  5. UIS关于科学技术统计数字的第三次调查显示,在几个方面,发达国家和发展中国家对科学的投资率的差距正在缩小。

    The third UIS survey on statistics of science and technology has shown that , on several counts , the gap in investment rates in science between the developed and developing worlds is closing .

  6. 与国内平均水平和发达国家相比,山西农业能值投入的整体水平较低,能值投资率(EIR)为1.53,对环境资源的利用效率较低,农业系统相对不发达。

    Comparing with national and international level , the emergy input level is low ( EIR 1.53 ) . Using efficiency for environmental resource is also low . Agro-ecosystem is under developed comparatively .

  7. 不确定情况下两部门经济模型最优投资率的确定

    Determination of Optimal Ratio of Investment for Two-Department Model under Uncertainty

  8. 中国投资率高低之争凸显微观与宏观的背离

    Disputes Over Chinese Investment Rate Highlights Deviation of Micro-economy from Macro-economy

  9. 我国经济增长中合理投资率的确定

    Determination of the Reasonable Capital Formation Rate in Chinese Economic Growth

  10. 一国的投资率主要受结构性因素的影响,这些因素国别间差异较大,但一般是比较稳定的。

    This indicates that investment ratio is determined mainly by structure factors .

  11. 文章表明,短期内劳动收入份额与投资率成反比。

    It asserts that labor share is in reverse relation with investment rate .

  12. 中国高投资率与通货紧缩并存的原因分析

    On the Relations and Co-occurrence of Higher Investment Rate and Deflation in China

  13. 固定资产投资率的合理区间模型

    Rational Zone Model Research on Fixed Assets Investment Rate

  14. 摘要伴随着经济的高速增长,我国的投资率不断上升。

    With rapid growth of the economy , the investment rate continuously rises .

  15. 而如此高的投资率,足以推动经济以10%的速度增长。

    Such a high rate of investment could deliver 10 per cent growth .

  16. 合理投资率的实证分析

    Empirical analysis of reasonable investment rate

  17. 长期以来,我国的投资率居高不下,投资与消费的比例失衡。

    The investment rate in China has been at the high level for a long period .

  18. 十五期间投资率和消费率的运行趋势分析

    Tendency of the Rate of Investment and Consumption during the period of the 10th Five-Year Plan

  19. 因此如果一直持有债券到收到息票为止,就存在着再投资率风险。

    There is therefore a reinvestment rate risk if the bond is held until coupons are received .

  20. 如果中国投资率大幅下降,那么全球实际利率可能需要进一步下降。

    If investment rates fell sharply in China , global real rates might need to fall still further .

  21. 新兴国家在全球产出中的比重日益上升本身也将大幅提高全球的投资率。

    The rising share of emerging countries in world output will also itself raise the global investment rate substantially .

  22. 第二章:首先通过投资率、投资弹性系数、消费率、消费弹性系数分析了投资、消费对经济增长的影响;

    ⅱ We analysis the influences investment and consumption give to economic growth with investment rate , investment elasticity coefficient .

  23. 长期的投资率偏高,加上投资结构的不合理,还会引发其他结构性问题的产生与恶化。

    High rate of investment , coupled with the irrational structure will also lead to other structural problems and make them worse .

  24. 因此,在未来若干年,与危机前的繁荣期相比,国际资本成本将会上升,投资率也会下降。

    International capital costs will therefore be higher and investment rates lower over the next several years when compared with the pre-crisis boom period .

  25. 同时,短期分析表明政府花费增加可以减少初始投资率,增加政府债务率水平;

    Short run analysis shows that an initial increase in government expenditure leads to reduction in investment , and a rise in government bonds .

  26. 信息革命使技术和知识得以迅速普及,使新兴市场中生产率的平稳增长与较高的投资率并存。

    The information revolution facilitates rapid diffusion of technology and know-how , allowing solid productivity increases to accompany high investment rates in emerging markets .

  27. 中国的转轨经济具有独特的增长模式,其典型特征就是持续的高储蓄率和高投资率。

    Sustaining high saving rate and high investment rate may be the most two intricate phenomena in the course of high-speed Chinese economic growth .

  28. 但由于国家发展重点在工业领域,忽视了住宅建设,投资率较低。

    However , due to the focus of national development in the industrial field , to the neglect of housing construction , low investment rate .

  29. 不难想象,通过提高投资率来吸收更多公司过剩储蓄,只会增加浪费。

    It is inconceivable that raising the investment rate , to absorb more of the corporate excess savings , would not add to the waste .

  30. 但是联合国粮农组织估计,如果按照目前它的投资率,到2025年度谷物的缺口将几乎增长到原来的4倍。

    But at its present rate of investment , the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation projects an almost fourfold increase in the annual deficit of cereals by2025 .