- A disaster;curse;force compared to flood, causing trouble, disaster, etc;one causing the trouble;woman compared to flood causing trouble to an individual or ruling dynasty

[one causing the trouble;woman compared to flood causing trouble to an individual or ruling dynasty] 比喻引起祸患的人或势力,旧指得宠而使国家丧乱的女人
He depicts her as a siren who has drawn him to his ruin .
Sexual taboo : how women become the source of trouble ?
It was the jailbait that had ruined his once happy marriage .
It is utterly wrong to regard women as the bane of men .
In traditional Chinese culture women used to be considered a source of evil .
She wouldn 't want her son to have a jailbait hanging around him .
The first comer is a wretch , Femme woman rhymes with infame , infamous .
She was his femme fatale .
Don 't be so proud of having such a girl . She might be your jailbait .
A bout of violent mindlessness that has shaken Britain 's sense of self - and may be exportable
It is not proper that people always attribute the fall of a country to Helen of Troy .
She was his femme fatale . Analysis of Soil Water Characters Between Upland Red Soil and Paddy Soil
Essay on the " Women - worship " made by society and damage caused by women in Chinese ancient literature
She was cutting up one of the key evidence of justness , reflects the author deeply rooted " femme fatale " thought .
But in one narrow aspect of life , beauty can be a hindrance , something researchers have called the ` beauty is beastly ` effect .
In particular , the pair of contrasting images of women set in the books shows that women are being looked down upon and unequally treated .
But in one narrow aspect of life , beauty can be a hindrance , something researchers have called the ' beauty is beastly ' effect .
In China , women are brought trouble 's remarks are monster image of the psychological foundation * Men monster hearts of men is the fear of castration anxiety due .
Nanjing National Government was close to England and American , and England tried to break out the war in Russia , then England came to terms with Japan again and again .
Appeasement Policy of Anglo-French and their attempt to channel the conflict between Russia and Germany ultimately compelled USSR to give up pursuing of collective security conception gradually , opting instead to engage with Germany for security guarantees .
Therefore , the quantitative easing of the United States to print $ 600 billion is an absolute disaster for global economy , so the remark that hot money is beneficial by U. s.finance minister is sophism against facts .
The second is that the male heroes are the exclusion of women , and even believed that women are " the roots of troubles . " By the progressive view of women is also reflected in two aspects .
Jia thus was the another femme fatale in Chinese history after Empress Lu in the Han Dynasty . According to the records , " Jia Nanfeng was a short , dark-skinned and ugly woman with hot temper and her husband was afraid of her . "
Financial crisis that outbroke in the United States in 2008 had brought a great impact on the global economy . The hundred-year financial crisis was rooted in the bubble burst of US housing and excessive financial innovation , and real estate credit was the source of the financial crisis .