
huò shuǐ
  • A disaster;curse;force compared to flood, causing trouble, disaster, etc;one causing the trouble;woman compared to flood causing trouble to an individual or ruling dynasty
祸水 [huò shuǐ]
  • [one causing the trouble;woman compared to flood causing trouble to an individual or ruling dynasty] 比喻引起祸患的人或势力,旧指得宠而使国家丧乱的女人

祸水[huò shuǐ]
  1. 他把她描述成是红颜祸水——就是她毁掉了自己。

    He depicts her as a siren who has drawn him to his ruin .

  2. 性别禁忌:女人何以成为祸水?

    Sexual taboo : how women become the source of trouble ?

  3. 是那个祸水妞毁了他原本美满的婚姻。

    It was the jailbait that had ruined his once happy marriage .

  4. 把女人看作祸水是极端错误的。

    It is utterly wrong to regard women as the bane of men .

  5. 她们是中国古人观念中的祸水。

    In traditional Chinese culture women used to be considered a source of evil .

  6. 她不想让个祸水妞跟她的儿子整天出来进去的。

    She wouldn 't want her son to have a jailbait hanging around him .

  7. 任挑一个也是无赖。女人是祸水。

    The first comer is a wretch , Femme woman rhymes with infame , infamous .

  8. 她是他的红颜祸水。

    She was his femme fatale .

  9. 别太引以为自豪了。那个女孩子说不定就是你的祸水呢。

    Don 't be so proud of having such a girl . She might be your jailbait .

  10. 极端的无知动摇了英国的自我意识,并可能祸水外流

    A bout of violent mindlessness that has shaken Britain 's sense of self - and may be exportable

  11. 人们总把国家覆灭的原因归结为红颜祸水,这太不合适了。

    It is not proper that people always attribute the fall of a country to Helen of Troy .

  12. 她是他的红颜祸水.旱地红壤与红壤性水稻土水分特性分析

    She was his femme fatale . Analysis of Soil Water Characters Between Upland Red Soil and Paddy Soil

  13. 论中国古代文学中的女性崇拜与女人祸水观

    Essay on the " Women - worship " made by society and damage caused by women in Chinese ancient literature

  14. 她成了伐纣正义性的关键证据之一,反映出作者根深蒂固的红颜祸水思想。

    She was cutting up one of the key evidence of justness , reflects the author deeply rooted " femme fatale " thought .

  15. 但在生活中的某些细微方面,美丽可能会成为一种阻碍,研究者称之为红颜祸水效应。

    But in one narrow aspect of life , beauty can be a hindrance , something researchers have called the ` beauty is beastly ` effect .

  16. 两书都表现了红颜祸水和德欲矛盾的观念,尤其都设置了一组对立的类型,表现了对女性的轻视和不平等。

    In particular , the pair of contrasting images of women set in the books shows that women are being looked down upon and unequally treated .

  17. 但在生活中的某些细微方面,美丽可能会成为一种阻碍,研究者称之为“红颜祸水”效应。

    But in one narrow aspect of life , beauty can be a hindrance , something researchers have called the ' beauty is beastly ' effect .

  18. 在中国,女人祸水论是妖妇形象产生的心理基础。男性对妖妇的恐惧是男人心中的阉割焦虑使然。

    In China , women are brought trouble 's remarks are monster image of the psychological foundation * Men monster hearts of men is the fear of castration anxiety due .

  19. 南京国民政府实行亲英美政策,而英国试图把战争祸水引往苏联,对日步步妥协。

    Nanjing National Government was close to England and American , and England tried to break out the war in Russia , then England came to terms with Japan again and again .

  20. 英法的绥靖行为和祸水东引的企图最终使苏联逐步放弃追求集体安全的构想,转而与德国接触以获得安全保障。

    Appeasement Policy of Anglo-French and their attempt to channel the conflict between Russia and Germany ultimately compelled USSR to give up pursuing of collective security conception gradually , opting instead to engage with Germany for security guarantees .

  21. 因此,可以说,美国的量化宽松政策,美国大肆印钞6000亿美元绝对是全球经济的祸水,美国财长的热钱有益是不符合事实的诡辩。

    Therefore , the quantitative easing of the United States to print $ 600 billion is an absolute disaster for global economy , so the remark that hot money is beneficial by U. s.finance minister is sophism against facts .

  22. 二是认为男性英雄都是排斥女性的,甚至认为女人是红颜祸水。作者女性观的进步性也体现在两个方面。

    The second is that the male heroes are the exclusion of women , and even believed that women are " the roots of troubles . " By the progressive view of women is also reflected in two aspects .

  23. 据载,“惠帝后贾氏,名南风……其人丑且短黑,荒淫放恣,惠帝畏之”。因此,贾后继吕后等人之后,成了历史上另一有名的“祸水”女人。

    Jia thus was the another femme fatale in Chinese history after Empress Lu in the Han Dynasty . According to the records , " Jia Nanfeng was a short , dark-skinned and ugly woman with hot temper and her husband was afraid of her . "

  24. 2008年源于美国的金融危机给全球经济带来极大冲击,此次百年一遇的金融危机的根源在于美国房地产泡沫的破裂和过度的金融创新,房地产信贷成为此次金融危机的源头祸水。

    Financial crisis that outbroke in the United States in 2008 had brought a great impact on the global economy . The hundred-year financial crisis was rooted in the bubble burst of US housing and excessive financial innovation , and real estate credit was the source of the financial crisis .
