
  1. 来自瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)的数据显示,今年4月中国商品房销售额下降了7.8%,而中国40个大中城市的商品房销售量降幅则超过了20%。

    Chinese real estate sales dropped 7.8 per cent in April , while volumes dropped more than 20 per cent in the top 40 cities in China , data from Credit Suisse show .

  2. 2009年中国商品房销售额同比增长了75.5%,而实际售出的面积仅增加了42.2%。

    The value of property sold in 2009 rose 75.5 per cent from the year before , representing just 42.2 per cent increase in actual floor space sold .

  3. 全年实现个人住宅销售额485.2亿元,比上年增长45%,占商品房销售额的79.6%。

    In 2001 , the sales of personal houses reached 48.52 billion yuan , up by 45 percent over the previous year , accounting for 79.6 percent of that of marketable houses .

  4. 该评级机构称,2013年,广东省商品房销售额增长40%,该省的政府性基金收入和支出分别同比增长62%和55%。

    In 2013 , when home sales were up 40 % , Guangdong 's government revenue surged 62 % over the previous year while spending climbed 55 % , the rating firm said .