
  • 网络Housing vacancy rate
  1. 用房价收入比、住房空置率、房价增长率/GDP增长率三个指标分别度量了中国房地产业最近几十年的实际状况,并预测其未来的发展趋势。

    We use the indexes of price / income , Housing vacancy rate , Housing price growth rate / GDP growth rate to measure the situation of real estate risk of Chinese real estate industry and predict the tendency of future development .

  2. 并对住房空置率和房价收入比指标做了详细的分析;

    And has made detailed analysis in index the vacancy rate of the house and rate of price and income ;

  3. 中国西南财经大学(SouthwesternUniversityofFinanceandEconomics)6月份的一项调查报告显示,2013年中国城镇地区整体住房空置率超过20%,而截至今年8月份,空置住房占据了4.2万亿元(约6740亿美元)的住房贷款余额。

    A survey by China 's Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in June said that more that 20 % of homes in urban areas were actually vacant , while as of August , around $ 674 billion was owed on empty properties .

  4. 惠誉估计,如果北京方面着力解决房地产过度供应问题,使住房空置率从当前的28%回落到2008年的水平,那么GDP增长可能降至4%左右的水平——这已符合大多数人对“硬着陆”的定义。

    Fitch estimates that if efforts to reduce an oversupply of real estate brought the number of vacant properties back to 2008 levels from its current level of about 28 per cent , it would haul GDP growth back to around 4 per cent - in line with most people 's definition of a " hard landing . "

  5. 包括分层抽样下样本轮换的估计量公式和最优样本轮换率的确定方法。再接着利用前面介绍的理论知识,结合上海市城镇住房空置率抽样调查数据进行实证分析。

    Based on the theory and method introduced before , this paper applied the rotation models to compute the sample rotation rate of sampling survey on vacancy rate of households in Shanghai .