
zhù zhái
  • residence;dwelling;dwelling house;domicile
住宅 [zhù zhái]
  • [residence;dwelling;house;domicile] 住房;宅院

住宅[zhù zhái]
  1. 有五人死于昨夜的住宅火灾。

    Five people died in a house fire last night .

  2. 我们正在出售自家的住宅。

    We 're in the process of selling our house .

  3. 这片住宅区的风貌依旧。

    The character of the neighbourhood hasn 't changed at all .

  4. 那道篱笆是我和她的住宅之间的分界。

    The fence marks the boundary between my property and hers .

  5. 几场暴风雨毁了成百上千所住宅,连结构都破坏了。

    Storms have caused structural damage to hundreds of homes .

  6. 她住在伦敦一个高级住宅区。

    She lives in a very fashionable part of London .

  7. 她住在伦敦某住宅区的一栋高楼里。

    She lives in a tower block on an estate in London .

  8. 计划中的住宅建设将于明年动工。

    The projected housing development will go ahead next year .

  9. 市政会在住宅项目上投入了大量资金。

    The council has committed large amounts of money to housing projects .

  10. 有些住宅仍没有像卫生间这样的基本设施。

    Some houses still lack basic amenities such as bathrooms .

  11. 这是我心目中完美的家庭住宅。

    It 's my ideal of what a family home should be .

  12. 史蒂夫带我们参观了这栋住宅和花园。

    Steve took us on a grand tour of the house and gardens .

  13. 这所住宅不对外开放。

    The house is not open to the public .

  14. 对新住宅需求的主要结果是促使价格上涨。

    The principal effect of the demand for new houses was to inflate prices .

  15. 这栋房子现在的位置恰与原住宅的位置一致。

    The present position of the house coincides with that of an earlier dwelling .

  16. 他们住在一个住宅区里。

    They live on a housing estate .

  17. 房子十分狭小拥挤,但经纪人却把它说成是小巧别致的住宅。

    The house was terribly small and cramped , but the agent described it as a bijou residence .

  18. 我知道他们住在哪一地区,但能不能找到他们的住宅则是另外一回事了。

    I know which area they live in , but whether I can find their house is a different matter .

  19. 该市约90%的独户住宅都不适合居住。

    About 90 percent of the city 's single-family homes are uninhabitable

  20. 它几乎成为了城市的一个市郊住宅区。

    It had become almost a dormitory suburb of the city .

  21. 在新建的远郊住宅区之间还有空地可以盖房。

    There is room for infill between the new outer suburbs .

  22. 他在贝克斯利的住宅坐落在一片小森林中。

    His home in Bexley is tucked away in a miniature forest .

  23. 上周五警方与一些青年在住宅区发生了冲突。

    Police skirmished with youths on the estate last Friday .

  24. 有什么办法可以使我们的住宅隔音吗?

    Is there any way we can insulate our home from the noise ?

  25. 该男子在其住宅外拒捕时被击毙。

    The man was shot outside his house as he tried to resist arrest

  26. 安全部队搜查了数千所住宅,没收了武器和赃物。

    Security forces searched thousands of homes , confiscating weapons and stolen property .

  27. 城里还有些住宅无人问津。

    There is other housing going begging in town .

  28. 现在住宅比过去5年里的任何时候都要便宜。

    Homes are more affordable than at any time in the past five years

  29. 曼彻斯特周围环绕着绿色乡村带、住宅区和工业区。

    Manchester is hemmed in by greenbelt countryside and by housing and industrial areas

  30. 他过去曾住在那个住宅区。

    He used to live on the estate .