
zhù yuàn yī shī
  • doctor;student physician;resident
  1. 结论:Workshop教学在初级住院医师/进修生培训中更多传授灵活理论的知识、培养解决问题的能力、学习灵活的专业技能。

    Conclusion : The Workshop teaching mode can impart more active theories knowledge , cultivate capability to solve problem , to learn active specialized skill during resident doctor / advanced doctor training .

  2. 目的:比较初级住院医师/进修生培训中Workshop教学与PowerPoint教学效果的差异,探讨Workshop教学的效果。

    Objective : To compare the differences between Workshop teaching and PowerPoint teaching being used in resident doctor / advanced doctor training , and to investigate effectiveness of Workshop teaching .

  3. 在南加州,洛玛·琳达大学医学院正在为其生活方式医学专业(这是使用食物来治疗疾病的一个正式专业)的住院医师提供专门的培训。

    In Southern California , Loma Linda University School of Medicine is offering specialized training for its resident physicians in Lifestyle Medicine — that is a formal specialty in using food to treat disease .

  4. “这是一种不同的治疗疾病的范式,”帮忙运营洛玛·琳达大学医学院家庭和预防医学住院医师项目的布伦达·雷亚博士说。

    " It 's a different paradigm of how to treat disease , " says Dr. Brenda Rea , who helps run the family and preventive medicine residency program at Loma Linda University School of Medicine .

  5. 随着文案工作的增加,“我们不得不放弃一些东西,通常是和病人见面的时间”,芝加哥大学内科项目前总住院医师巴克蒂·帕特尔医生说。

    As clerical loads increased , " something had to give , and that was always face time with patients , " says Dr. hakti Patel , a former chief resident in the University of Chicago 's internal-medicine program .

  6. Delphi法在住院医师规范化培训考核指标体系建立中的应用

    The application of Delphi method in establishing assessing system of residents training

  7. 据《迈阿密先驱报》报道,JacksonHealthSystem医院发布官方声明称,将终止同这位今年30岁、名叫安贾莉·拉洁斯森、工作四年的住院医师的工作关系。

    Jackson Health System officials released a statement Friday saying that fourth-year resident Anjali Ramkissoon , 30 , would be terminated , the Miami Herald reported .

  8. PBL教学模式应用于口腔专业住院医师规范化培训初探

    Study of PBL teaching mode in stomatology resident standardization training

  9. 结论:墓碑形ST段抬高是AMI近期预后险恶的独立指标,应引起急诊和住院医师高度重视。

    Conclusion : Tombstoning of ST segment elevation in AMI is an independent parameter indicating poor short term prognosis .

  10. PBL联合阶段性操作技能考核在超声住院医师培训中的应用

    Application of PBL Teaching Method Combined with Regular Skill Quiz in the Training of Residents in Ultrasound Medicine

  11. 另外一个名叫DXplain的系统是由波士顿麻省总医院(MassachusettsGeneralHospital)开发的。去年的一项研究显示,该系统能显著增强第一年住院医师诊断的准确性。

    Another system , DXplain , developed at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston , was shown in a study last year to significantly improve diagnostic accuracy among first-year medical residents .

  12. 目的探讨PBL教学法在住院医师规范化培训中的优越性。

    Objective To explore the superiority of problem-based leaning ( PBL ) teaching method in standardization training of residents .

  13. 关于这门课的酝酿,阿扎姆医生表示他要感谢自己从前的一位学生——32岁的迈克尔·特尔肯医生,他现在斯坦福大学医院诊所(StanfordHospitalandClinics)内科部担任第一年住院医师。

    He credited one of his former students , Dr. Michael Turken , 32 , a first-year resident in internal medicine at Stanford Hospital and Clinics , with helping to conceive of the course .

  14. 由主治医师、普通医生或住院医师呼叫ICU主管护师,弄清病人的姓名、疾病、转室原因,立即制订治疗计划。

    An attending , fellow , or resident should call the ICU charge nurse and indicate the patient 's name , illness , reason for transfer to the ICU , and immediate plans for treatment .

  15. 电视屏幕上,外科总住院医师塞巴斯蒂安·舒布尔(SebastianSchubl)正在应对一起急诊,一名男子被车撞了。

    On the TV screen , she saw a chief surgery resident , Sebastian Schubl , responding to an emergency in which a man is hit by a vehicle .

  16. Mini-CEX与住院医师能力评估

    Mini-CEX and Assessment of Residents ' Competence

  17. 本文介绍了2000年春在培勒(Baylor)医学院进行的一次以内科住院医师午间小讲课为主要内容的团队学习现场试验。

    This article describe a field trial of team learning in the setting of an internal medicine residency noontime lecture in the spring of 2000 at Baylor College of Medicine .

  18. 杰克森的母亲,同时也是医术精湛的凯瑟琳·艾弗里(CatherineAvery)医生来到西雅图进行一例极富创新精神的器官移植手术,所有的住院医师都争着抢着要和这位传奇人物合作,但机会最终花落梅尔迪斯(Meredith)。

    The great Catherine Avery , also Jackson 's mom , was in town to perform this revolutionary surgery . All the residents were clamoring to work with this legend of a woman , but the honor went to Meredith .

  19. 目的通过调查住院医师对全球医学教育最基本要求(GMER)的实用性评价,为GMER在我国的大规模应用提供有益信息。

    Objective To learn about the attitudes and understanding of resident doctors with concerning Global Minimum Essential Requirements in Medical Education ( GMER ) .

  20. 研究的第一作者是罗彻斯特的一名放射肿瘤学住院医师MicheleCorsini博士,他在2007年1月20日星期六的胃肠癌专题讨论会上提出了这个发现。

    The study 's lead author , a radiation oncology resident in Rochester , Michele Corsini , M.D. , presented the findings Saturday , Jan.20 , at the2007 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium .

  21. MichaelBRothberg和他的团队所作的一项调查中显示,70%接受调查的医学生和医院住院医师称有过手机/传呼机震动的错觉。这一比例也是常常使用手机和随身携带手机的人中感受过PVS的比例。

    A survey conducted by Michael B Rothberg and his colleagues suggest that nearly 70 percent of the surveyed medical students and house staff in hospitals experienced phantom vibrations in their cell phones or pagers , and the perceptions were most common among those who used it most often or carried the device in a breast pocket .

  22. 医嘱护理分级与标准护理分级、Barthel指数分级的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01),住院医师多用惯性思维提出护理级别,影响护士规范化的护理行为。

    There were significant difference in the nursing grades rated by the doctors , standards of nursing grades and Barthel index ( P < 0.01 ) . The doctors tended to rate the nursing grades by their own experience , which influenced the standardized nursing behaviors .

  23. 同时,将这些住院医师按照所在二级学科分为内科、外科和医技科三组,对他们的各项成绩进行方差分析,对方差分析有统计学意义的变量使用LSD法进行均数的两两比较。

    Meanwhile , residents in accordance with the location of these two disciplines into medical , surgical and medical technology are the three groups , the results of their analysis of variance , the other difference was statistically analyzed using LSD hospital variables were the number two method two more .

  24. 新医学模式下肿瘤科住院医师的培养

    Training of Resident Physician of Tumor Section under New Medical Mode

  25. 住院医师/专科医师培训考核办法的研究

    The research on the assessment methods of residents / specialist training

  26. 目前,我国住院医师培训还存在不少问题。

    At present , it has many problems in training residents .

  27. 综合目标责任制管理下的住院医师培训

    Training of Hospital Resident Physicians under Administration of Comprehensive Object Obligation

  28. 疼痛科总住院医师1920例会诊病例分析

    Retrospective analysis of 1920 cases consulted by pain medicine chief residents

  29. 关于2+2住院医师培养模式的思考

    Thoughts on ' 2 + 2 ' resident training mode

  30. 住院医师规范化培训与职称晋升

    The standardized training for resident-doctors and the promotion of the professional title