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  • mathematical games
  1. 数学游戏与初中数学课堂教学

    Mathematical games and mathematics teaching in junior high school classroom

  2. 马丁·加德纳与他的数学游戏专栏回顾

    Review of Martin Gardner and His ' Mathematical Games ' Column in the Scientific American

  3. 小学数学游戏型课件的设计与开发

    The Design and Development of Game-based Courseware on Primary Mathematics

  4. 至少,对花旗来说,这是场数学游戏。

    For Citi , at least , this is a mathematical game .

  5. 古今数学游戏

    Mathematical Recreations from Ancient to Modern Times THE GAME

  6. 用快乐和热情来进行这个数学游戏。

    Play the game with joy and enthusiasm .

  7. 数学游戏应用于数学知识传播与数学教育的探讨

    The Applications of Math Games in the Transmission of Math Knowledge and Math Education

  8. 他们现在就在玩游戏棒的数学游戏呢?

    They are playing the maths game .

  9. 扑克数学游戏的构成元素是参与者、工具、主题和规则。

    The basic elements of this game are participant , tool , theme and rule .

  10. 她喜欢玩数学游戏吗?

    Does she like playing maths games ?

  11. 幻方是古老的数学游戏,经过几个世纪的发展形成了很多有趣的构造方法。

    Magic square is the age-old mathematic game , many methods was developed by several centuries .

  12. 扑克数学游戏的特点是教育性、娱乐性、形象性以及操行性。

    The characteristics of porker maths game is being educational , recreational , figurative and operable .

  13. 试论数学游戏的功能

    On Function of Mathematical Recreation

  14. 迄今为止,父母亲和孩子应带着很大的乐趣进行这个数学游戏,并对此感到期盼。

    By now both parent and child should be approaching the math game with great pleasure and anticipation .

  15. 通常的数学游戏中,玩家只有在解得正确答案后才能得到奖励,但这个游戏奖励过程。

    The usual math game rewards you for getting answers right right now , but this game rewarded process .

  16. 这是一场令人拍案叫绝的数学游戏,用标准的形式来表达任何确定的过程。

    It suggested a wonderful mathematical game , that of expressing any ' definite method ' whatever in a standard form .

  17. 数学游戏作为数学知识的一种载体,兼具知识性、趣味性和娱乐性,因而流传较广。

    As a carrier of mathematical knowledge , mathematical recreation spreads far and wide for its richness of knowledge , interest and amusement .

  18. 最近,我们与来自华盛顿大学的游戏研究者合作,制作了一款奖励过程的数学游戏。

    We recently teamed up with game scientists from the University of Washington to create a new online math game that rewarded yet .

  19. 那些古老的富有益智性的数学游戏为组合学早期的发展提供了大量的研究素材。

    Mathematical Recreations from Ancient to Modern Times Some mathematical games and recreations acted as an essential role in the development of earlier combinatorics .

  20. 对一个有趣的古代数学游戏运用公式进行了解释,在此基础上分析了该游戏所依据的数学原理,给出游戏的设计流程图,并对其进行了两种层次的推广。

    With the introduction of mathematic principles in fractal art , the paper explores the application of fractal art in dress pattern design from the perspectives of point , line , surface and color .

  21. 如果那些带有现代派鉴赏力的人能像数学家那样行事的话如同一帮趣味相投、略带傻气、酷爱数学游戏的人们那么他们还不足为害,置之不理便了。

    If those of modernist sensibility could do as the mathematicians manage things as a band of like minded and slightly silly people who love their little puzzles they would be harmless enough and one could ignore them .

  22. 这就意味着,家长要停止消极的对话,并将数学游戏和问题揉进日常生活中,就像他们教孩子读写那样。父母还得鼓励子女要勇于钻研数学难题,不要害怕费脑子。

    This means halting negative talk , mixing math games and questions into daily life just as they do reading and spelling , and encouraging kids to dive into tough math problems and not be afraid to struggle .

  23. 组合数学的游戏起源

    Games Origination of Combinatoricss

  24. 针对数学教育游戏软件,笔者在调查问卷的基础上分析了影响学生选择数学教育游戏软件的一些因素,对使用数学教育游戏提出了一些建议。

    Base on the questionnaire , the author analyzed factors which affected the student in choosing mathematics educational game , and gave some advice for using mathematics educational game .

  25. 德雷克塞尔大学的一个团队也是创新杯美国赛区决赛的获奖者,德雷克塞尔龙队设计了一个帮助学生更好理解数学的游戏。

    A team from Drexel University also was a winner at the Imagine Cup finals in the United States . The Drexel Dragons designed a game to help students better understand mathematics . The Dr. Fishbowl team from Carnegie Melon University designed a game that teaches about sustainability , and waste .

  26. 最初它差不多只是一个数学问题的游戏。

    And originally it was a math problem more or less .

  27. 也是数学奥秘的游戏呈现。它有着复杂曼妙的曲线,却可以还原成最单纯的二维线条。

    It is a complex and lithe and graceful curve , but can be the most simple reduction of two-dimensional line .

  28. 图灵的课,是一场数学逻辑的游戏,由最初的公理,推导出整洁而严密的定理,

    The Turing course was one on the chess game of mathematical logic ; extracting the neatest and tightest set of axioms from which to begin ,

  29. 以趣味数学、数学游戏、图形问题、实际中的数学问题等为内容,通过游戏型、操作型、实践型等课型来开展。

    Based on the contents of funny math , math games , figure problems and practical math problems , the class is developed in types of games , operation and practice .

  30. 数学中的套数游戏

    The Game of the Numbers ' Trap with Sequences of Intervals in Mathmatics