
jiào chéng
  • tutorial;course;course of study
教程 [jiào chéng]
  • [course of study] 指某一学科的课程

教程[jiào chéng]
  1. 你要参加这个大学教程,就需要通过三科高级证书考试。

    You need three A levels to get onto this university course .

  2. 我学习一种高级英语教程。

    I study an advanced English course .

  3. 这是对一门极为复杂的学科的有益入门教程。

    It 's a useful introduction to an extremely complex subject .

  4. 只要有电脑、智能手机或电视,任何人都能跟着许多做菜视频教程和烹饪课程学习做菜。

    There are plenty of recipes how-to videos and cooking classes available to anyone who has a computer , smartphone or television .

  5. 与此同时,图齐列出了另外一组他认为应该入选的明星(包括他自己)。图齐在Ins上分享的治愈系调酒教程深入人心,最近拍的CNN美食节目《寻找意大利》也俘获了一众粉丝。

    Meanwhile , Tucci — who 's captured people 's hearts with his soothing bartending tutorials on Instagram and recently , his own food-centric CNN show , " Searching for Italy " — suggested a group of other stars who he thought would also fit into the category ( including himself ) .

  6. C语言程序设计简明教程

    Surefire Programming in C

  7. 您将需要一个IBM配置文件来访问该教程。

    You will need an IBM profile to access this tutorial .

  8. 本教程也适合具有XML和Web服务背景的开发人员。

    This tutorial is also intended for developers who have a background in XML technologies and Web services .

  9. 本教程面向对编写Comet风格的Web应用程序感兴趣的开发人员。

    This tutorial is for developers interested in writing Comet-style Web applications .

  10. 本教程共两个部分,在第一部分中详细演示了如何实现包含多个操作的Web服务。

    The first part of this two-part tutorial presented detailed instructions illustrating the implementation of a Web service with multiple operations .

  11. 这个教程包含许多不错的信息,可以帮您开始您的Web服务开发工作。

    A lot of good information is contained within the tutorial that will help you launch your Web services development efforts .

  12. 要按照本教程中的说明进行操作,您应该对Java技术和Web服务有基本的了解。

    You should have a basic understanding of Java technology and Web services to follow along with this tutorial .

  13. 本教程将向您介绍在软件项目中使用SOA技术的各个主要方面。

    This tutorial takes you through key aspects of using SOA technologies for your software projects .

  14. 本篇教程会向您展示如何使用DataStudio更加快速有效的自动创建可靠的数据库连接类。

    This tutorial shows you how to use Data Studio to develop applications more efficiently by automatically creating reliable database connection classes .

  15. Google和Apple均有很棒的书面教程,某些情况下,也都提供有基于视频的教程。

    Both Google and Apple have great written tutorials , and both have video-based tutorials that are exceptional .

  16. 创建新文章或教程时,验证XML的工具将安装到您的项目目录里。

    A tool for validating your XML was installed in your project directory when you created your new article or tutorial .

  17. 简介:本系列包括7个教程,介绍了Linux上的中级网络管理。

    Welcome to " Web services ," the fourth of seven tutorials covering intermediate network administration on Linux .

  18. 更多细节,请参考InfoSphereWarehouse教程。

    Please refer to the InfoSphere Warehouse tutorial for more details .

  19. IBMdeveloperWorks提供了很多有关这些主题的优秀文章和教程。

    IBM developerWorks has many excellent articles and tutorials about these topics .

  20. 上述Python教程有一节讨论了字符串类型。

    The above Python tutorial has a section on the string type .

  21. 本篇教程将要创建的搜索页面,不同于Web搜索引擎,也不同于搜索Internet或者单个Web站点的页面。

    The search pages you create in this tutorial are very different from Web search engines or pages that search the Internet or a single Web site .

  22. 对于其它在一个面向服务架构中扮演重要角色的产品,参见HelloWorld教程的完整列表。

    For introductions to other products that play key roles in a service-oriented architecture , see the complete list of Hello World tutorials .

  23. 本系列后面的教程中将详细描述利用IBM工具构建Windows应用程序和Web站点的过程。

    A later tutorial in this series will describe in detail the process of building Windows applications and Web sites using IBM tools .

  24. 此项目包含更新和运行weather应用程序所用的文件,以及在执行了某些教程课程之后检查数据库更改所用的文件。

    This project contains files used to update and run the weather application and to review database changes after performing some tutorial lessons .

  25. 整个教程的任务将以非GUI或静默模式执行。

    Throughout the tutorial , the tasks will be performed in a non-GUI or silent mode .

  26. 本教程假设您使用MicrosoftWindows操作系统,最好是XP或更新版本。

    This tutorial assumes that you are using a Microsoft Windows operating system , preferably XP or later .

  27. 本教程的目标读者是构建Web服务,并希望确保其服务的设计能够满足最大潜在用户的使用需求的程序员。

    This tutorial is for programmers who build web services and want to ensure that their services are designed to work well for the largest number of potential users .

  28. 此外,本教程还讨论了各种重要的XML编程接口和标准,并介绍了两个企业如何通过XML解决业务问题的案例研究。

    Also , cover various important XML programming interfaces and standards , plus two case studies that show how companies solve business problems with XML .

  29. 且本文也不能作为了解ApplicationDeveloper的全面特性包括流程设计及Web服务功能的教程。

    Neither should this article be considered as a tutorial to learn the entire breadth of the features of Application Developer that allows Process Choreography and Web Service functionality .

  30. 本教程阐述了使用Selenium工具为IBMSystemsDirector自动化图形用户界面(GUI)测试的基本步骤。

    This tutorial explains basic steps to automate graphical user interface ( GUI ) testing for IBM Systems Director using the Selenium tool .