
néng zhǐ
  • signifier;signifying
  1. 他将电影性重新确立为想象的能指。

    He redefines the film as " imaginary signifier " .

  2. 能指的游戏&拉康语言/精神分析学中的意义

    The game of the signifier : " Meaning " in Lacan 's psycholinguistics

  3. 在其他Seam组件中(例如,页面和会话bean)中,开发者能指直接使用“person”来引用被管理的Personbean。

    In other Seam components ( e.g. , pages and session beans ), you can reference the managed Person bean for this component using the " person " name .

  4. 在他们具体的阐释背后,可以窥见结构主义文论最基本的两组二元对立项:语言与言语、能指与所指。语言(langue)和言语(pa-role)存在许多区别,必须分而治之。

    And beyond all these lie two basic series of binary oppositions of Structuralism : langue and parole , the signifier and the signified . Langue and parole must be divided and ruled by their dissimilarity .

  5. 从能指和所指的角度看隐喻的符号学翻译

    Semiotic Translation of Metaphor from the Angles of Signifier and Signified

  6. 能指是符号的形式,所指是符号的内容。

    Signan is the content , and designatum is the form .

  7. 象似性理论主要研究能指与所指之间的联系。

    Iconicity studies the relationship between the signifier and the signified .

  8. 第四,语言的能指与所指之间的关系是任意的。

    The relationship between signifiers and signifieds is ultimately arbitrary .

  9. 汉语能指及其在中国文学和文化上的后果

    Signifier of Chinese Language and Its Effect on Chinese Literature and Culture

  10. 能指和所指之间存在的自然关系叫做象似性。

    The natural relationship between the signifier and the signified is iconicity .

  11. 同一能指在不同文化中有不同的所指;

    The same signifier having different signified in different cultures ;

  12. 就像你们看到的一样,看你们是否能指出来。

    As you watch , see if you can figure it out .

  13. 欲望不是能指&《洛丽塔》新论

    Desire Is Not A Signifier & A Revaluation of Lolita

  14. 能指和所指的概念与理论在修辞学中的应用

    Apply the Concept and Theory of the Signifier and Signified to the rhetoric

  15. 表示异议的形式即能指,表示的意义即所指。

    Dissent or refers to the form , meaning is refers to said .

  16. “火山”这个宏观符号是可以分节的,微观的元素构成了“火山”符号的能指成分,不可或缺。

    They are necessary elements for the total sign of " Volcano " .

  17. 通过修改索绪尔的所指与能指图式,拉康建构出S/s模式。

    He constructs his unique mode S / s by modifying Saussurean diagram .

  18. 它解构文本的世界,消解结构主义的二元对立模式,走向纯粹的能指游戏。

    It deconstructs textual world , and decomposes the duality model of structuralism .

  19. 第二是语言能指与所指的分离。

    The second is separate between signifier and signified .

  20. 汉语复合词能指与所指的特殊关系

    Unique Relationship Between Denotation and Connotation of Chinese Compounds

  21. 字本位理论与汉语的能指投射原则

    Character-centre Theory and Projection Rules of Signifier in Chinese

  22. 你能指给我那学校在地图上的位置吗?

    Can you show me the position of the school on the map ?

  23. 论语言符号中能指与所指的结合

    The Integration of Reference and What Can be Referred to of Language Symbols

  24. 作为一种符码,服饰关涉能指与所指。

    As a kind of code , costume code relates to signifier and signified .

  25. 我希望使得其中的含义模糊不清、能指范围更为广阔。

    I hope to make the meaning obscure and the range of signifier broader .

  26. 您能指给我看吗?请问是什么错误?

    Can you show me , please ? What seems to be the mistake ?

  27. 论艺术语言能指和所指之间的意指关系

    On the relation of connotation between the signifier and the Signified of Artistic Language

  28. 关于语言能指与所指的优化研究

    Optimization Study on Signifier and Signified of Language

  29. 但不断有传闻说他难以保证能指任其接班人。

    But there are persistent rumours that he has not secured his dream team .

  30. 现代诗歌语言中能指与所指的多向对应关系初探

    A Study of Language in Modern Poetry