
  • 网络Energy Infrastructure
  1. ge能源基础设施(geenergyinfrastructure)副董事长兼首席执行官约翰克瑞尼基(johnkrenicki)表示,ge已经开始在美国科罗拉多州的工厂建造试生产线。

    GE has started to build pilot production lines at its facility in Colorado , said John Krenicki , a vice-chairman and chief executive of Ge energy infrastructure , which includes the renewable energy division .

  2. 已经有越来越多的中国公司提出为矿业公司修建运输与能源基础设施,以换取“承购”(off-take)协议即购买后者生产的矿产品。

    Chinese companies are in-creasingly offering to build transport and energy infrastructure for mining companies in return for deals to buy the minerals produced , or off-take agreements .

  3. 浙江省城市能源基础设施现状分析与探讨

    Current status and proposals study on municipal energy infrastructure in Zhejiang province

  4. 我们也无法一夜间替换掉所有的能源基础设施。

    Nor can we replace our energy infrastructure overnight .

  5. 新闻中的词汇1.n.基础结构;基础设施各国都应该投资建设更好的能源基础设施。

    Infrastructure Nations should invest in better energy infrastructure .

  6. 各国都应该投资建设更好的能源基础设施。

    Nations should invest in better energy infrastructure .

  7. 每隔几个星期,都有关于中国升级其交通和能源基础设施的最新报道。

    Every few weeks there is fresh news that China is upgrading its transport and energy infrastructure .

  8. 能源基础设施项目土地价格的确定&以电网工程为例

    Study on Determination of Land Price of Energy Infrastructure Projects : A Case Study on Power Grid Project

  9. 若对此置之不理,结果将是能源基础设施的投资不足,最终导致燃料短缺。

    Left unchecked , the result would have been underinvestment in energy infrastructure , and ultimately shortages of fuel .

  10. 在这些承诺中,有三分之二用来支持农业、农村生产率和可持续的资源利用、能源基础设施、商业环境和运输。

    Two thirds support agriculture , rural productivity and sustainable resource use , energy infrastructure , the business environment , and transport .

  11. 融合程度更高的欧洲能源基础设施,以及政策的相互协调,能够加大市场的流动性&在这样一个市场上,曾经时断时续的风能和太阳能发电项目将更容易获得融资。

    A more integrated European energy infrastructure and co-ordinated policies would permit a more liquid market – one easier for intermittent wind and solar generation to sell into .

  12. 文章探讨了浙江省城市能源基础设施发展现状,对比分析了具有代表性的能源指标,并对浙江省的能源建设提出了建议。

    This paper discussed the current status of municipal energy infrastructure of Zhejiang province , and analyzed typical energy index . This paper also put forward proposals for the constructions of municipal energy infrastructure .

  13. 但能源基础设施的成本极高,而且投资者不会重视一个更加一体化的市场,除非我们发出明确信号,表明美国和欧洲能源规划的新时代已经开启。

    But energy infrastructure is enormously expensive , and investors will not take a more integrated market seriously unless we send a clear message that a new era of American and European energy planning has begun .

  14. 但在《财富》500强企业中,很难发现有几家是和陆上资产无关的——不管是房地产、农业、交通基础设施、能源基础设施还是实体建筑。

    But it 's hard to find a company on the Fortune 500 that isn 't intimately connected to terrestrial assets - real estate , agriculture , transportation infrastructure , energy infrastructure , brick and mortar facilities .

  15. 57.我们鼓励经济体加强能源基础设施建设和互联互通,例如石油和天然气管道和传输网络、液态天然气终端、智能电网和能源输送网络。

    57 . We encourage member economies to strengthen energy infrastructural development and connectivity , such as oil and natural gas pipelines and transmission networks , LNG terminals , smart grids and distributed energy systems on the basis of shared interest and mutual benefit .

  16. 基于Agent能源管网基础设施模型设计与研究

    Design and Research of Agent-based Model on Energy Pipeline Infrastructure Networks

  17. 这些挑战包括低投资,基础设施不足,信息和通信技术(ICT),能源,基础设施融资,产业化,腐败,和平与安全。

    While on the Challenges the researcher will explore the likes of low investments , inadequate infrastructure , transport sector , Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ), energy sector , financing infrastructure , Industrialization , corruption and that of peace and security .

  18. 能源管网基础设施网络具有脆弱性、不确定性和自适应修复性特征。

    The energy pipeline infrastructure networks have characters of vulnerability , uncertainty and self-adaptation .

  19. 作为交换,利比亚在能源、基础设施和防务合同上给予意大利优惠待遇。

    In exchange , Libya gave Italy favorable treatment in lucrative energy , infrastructure and defense contracts .

  20. 包括能源和基础设施部分的价值140亿美元的项目也在进行之中。

    Work on projects valued at $ 14 billion including in the energy and infrastructure sectors is ongoing .

  21. 两国在能源、基础设施、电信、金融等领域合作也不断推进。

    Steady progress has been made in our cooperation in energy , infrastructure , telecommunications and financial sectors .

  22. 其中议程最关注的问题是食品生产,教育,能源,基础设施建设和贸易。

    Among the issues topping the agenda are food production , education , energy , infrastructure , and trade .

  23. 我们协助客户为新兴市场带来出色的产品、能源、基础设施、金融服务和医疗保健。

    We help clients bring great products , energy , infrastructure , financial services , and health care to emerging markets .

  24. 在我国,交通、能源等基础设施和基础产业一直是制约国民经济和社会发展的瓶颈。

    In China , infrastructure of transportation , energy and relevant industries are bottleneck of restricting national economy and social development .

  25. 电动汽车成本、里程、用户体验等方面的问题一定程度上可以通过加强能源供给基础设施建设来解决。

    Problems such as cost , mileage , user experience of electric vehicles can be solved by enhancing energy supply infrastructure .

  26. 由于缺少清晰的政策架构,那些探索更具前景领域(如低碳能源和基础设施)的潜在投资者,遇到了重重障碍。

    Potential investors exploring more promising areas , such as low-carbon energy and infrastructure , are stymied because of the lack of a clear policy framework .

  27. 我们愿意和加方共同努力,推动两国在经贸、能源、基础设施建设等领域的合作迈上新的台阶。

    We 'd like to make joint efforts with Canada to push our cooperation in business , trade , energy and infrastructure construction to a new high .

  28. 这些在建造、能源、基础设施、房地产领域的倡议这所有的一切都将帮助企业家和小企业拥有者扩张发展领域,创造新的就业岗位。

    These initiatives in manufacturing , energy , infrastructure , housing & all these things will help entrepreneurs and small business owners expand and create new jobs .

  29. 亚投行的初始资金规模为1000亿美元,大部分来自中国,预计该行将在今年年底前正式运行,为交通运输、水利以及能源等基础设施项目提供资金。

    The bank is expected to be up and running by the end of this year , helping finance transport , water , energy and other infrastructure projects .

  30. 中巴制定了新的经贸合作规划,将能源、基础设施建设、农业作为重点,建立了相应的合作机制。

    The two sides have mapped out a new plan for economic and trade cooperation , giving priority to energy , infrastructure building and agriculture with relevant cooperation mechanisms established .