
  • 网络competency pay
  1. 能力工资尽量激励员工纷繁的个体差异;

    Capability salary is to stimulate individualities of the staff ;

  2. 提出了一套能充分调动员工积极性和主动性的能力工资制。

    Puts forward a set of wage system based on competency improve enthusiasm and initiative ability of staff .

  3. 我们没有能力提高工资,或为所有人发放补贴。

    We could not afford to raise salaries or provide subsidies for everybody .

  4. 基于能力的工资+基于组织、团队和个人业绩的奖励+内在薪酬的全面薪酬体系。

    The Compensation System which includes Salary based on competence 、 Variable compensation based on the performance of staff 、 team and Enterprise and Inherent compensation .

  5. 本文首先采用规范性分析方法,对企业基本工资制度的四种类型:基于岗位的工资制度、基于能力的工资制度、基于绩效的工资制度和基于市场的工资制度,进行对比分析。

    Firstly , in the thesis , the author uses the criterion analysis method , make a comparative analysis to the four types of pay systems : Post-based Pay System , Competency-based Pay System , Performance-based Pay System and Market-based Pay System .

  6. 在我的国情咨文中,我也请求美国的各个公司领导提前谋划,尽他们能力提高员工工资。

    And in my State of the Union Address , I asked America 's business leaders to go ahead and do what they could to raise their employees ' wages , too .

  7. 高收入的核心是因为营销与销售能力强,工资低的关键就是因为不懂得销售自己的能力给老板和客户。

    The core of high-income earners because of marketing and sales ability , the key is the low wages because they do not know how to sell their abilities to employers and customers .

  8. 据笔者所查文献,本文首次将高考分数、工作能力和就业工资三者有机结合分析的论文,为评价高考制度的有效性提供了新的视角和参考。

    As far as I know , this is the first paper analyzing the college entrance examination from the perspective of exam score , working ability and wage , which provides a new research method and policy consult . 3 .

  9. 而且,我真心觉得我的技能和能力值更高的工资。

    And I really think my skills and abilities deserve a higher salary .

  10. 但至少人们有工作,有能力生存,也许工资的上涨无法跟上生活费用的上涨,但人们能够生存。

    At least people have jobs , and will be able to survive , maybe wages aren 't keeping up with the cost of living , but people can still survive .

  11. 研究者也发现,有证据能表明阅读能力好的小学生将来工资也会更高,不过阅读能力对工资的影响比起数学来说要小一些。

    Researchers also found evidence of a wage premium for schoolchildren with good reading skills , although the effect was considerably less marked than for maths .