
  • 网络Certificate of competence;certificate of capability;TKT;CCC-SLP;CCC-A
  1. 商业游艇受到遵守守则,以及任何人持有一定级别的能力证书。

    Commercial yachts are subject to compliance with the Code , as well as any person holding a certificate of competence for a certain rank .

  2. 《汉语作为外语教学能力证书申请表》(一式两份);

    Application for a Certificate of Ability to Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language ( two copies );

  3. 申请资料包括:最近一个月内更新的简历、身份证、(最高学历)毕业证书、学位证书、其他能力证书、一张近照。

    The required application materials include : Resume updated in recent month , copy of Citizen ID Card , Graduation Certificate , Degree Certificate , certificates of other capacities , recent photo .

  4. 对于语言,列出你能说的语言并附加一个词说明程度,例如初级、中级、高级或者是流利,你也可以把获得的外语能力证书例如雅思附带在后面,说明获得日期。

    For languages , list all the languages you speak , with a one word description of your knowledge of that language ; conversational , intermediate , advanced and fluent . You can also list any certificates and results like IELTS scores , with a date .

  5. 成千上万的学生及英语学习者迫切想得到能证明他们英语口语能力的证书。

    Thousands of students and English learners are eager to get a certificate that may testify their spoken abilities .

  6. 所有的建筑工人和施工工人都必须有相应的能力和资格证书。

    All the building workers and processing labors must have the appropriate ability and appropriate certificate .

  7. 能够取得代表英语水平和能力的各种证书自然也成为他们学习英语的短期目标或近景目标。

    To get all kinds of certificates which can show their language level is their short-term goal to learn English .

  8. 我国日语专业学生取得一、二级日语能力考试合格证书人数逐年增多,但实际工作中日语综合运用能力较低。

    More and more Japanese majors have obtained examination certificates of Grade One and Grade Two , some of their comprehensive ability however are poor in practice .

  9. 不过,据广东某品牌推广公司经理孙先生讲,现在应聘单位侧重于求职者的经验和能力而不是证书。

    Lately , however , employers have put more stress on one ` s experiences and capabilities rather than certificates , according to Sun , a manager of a brand promotion firm in Guangdong Province .