
  • 网络Business Process Optimization;BPI;Business Process Improvement;bpr
  1. P企业以此为契机,在内部开展了以业务流程优化为核心的改造项目。

    P Firm took this as a business opportunity and carried out a business process optimization project at the interior .

  2. 基于Petri网的港口企业商务管理业务流程优化研究

    Optimal Research of Port Enterprise Business Management Process Based on Petri Net

  3. 基于Petri网的食品物流业务流程优化

    Business Process Optimization of Food Logistics Based on Petri Net

  4. ZN保税仓公司业务流程优化与组织结构设计

    BPR and Organizational Design of ZN Bonded Warehouse

  5. 基于RFID的港口商品车业务流程优化与系统应用设计

    Optimization of Commercial Vehicle Business Process and System Design in Port Based on RFID

  6. 基于RFID的整车物流业务流程优化与实现技术研究

    The Application Research of RFID in the Process Optimization and Realization Technology in Vehicle Logistics Management

  7. 基于作业成本法的S公司3G射频项目业务流程优化研究

    A Study of the Process Optimization of 3G Radio Frequence Project in S Company Based on ABC Method

  8. 业务流程优化理论(BPR理论)是当今企业界和管理学界研究的热点。

    Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ) is a hot research on business managements .

  9. 动态流程优化:业务流程优化以前一直是BPM的驱动概念之一。

    Dynamic process optimization : Business process optimization was always one of the driving concepts of BPM .

  10. 基于ERM的国家开发银行信贷业务流程优化研究

    A Study of Credit Business Process in China Development Bank Based on ERM

  11. 最后,本文通过实际的案例&电脑拆卸来证实将Petri网和贝叶斯概率推理应用到动态业务流程优化中的可行性。

    Finally , the paper confirms the feasibility of applying Petri net and Bayesian inference to the dynamic optimization of business processes through actual case-PC Demolition .

  12. 本文的研究具有实际的应用价值,可以为工程机械制造企业的ERP实施和业务流程优化提供一定的借鉴。

    So this thesis has certain value in practice , which can be of some reference for ERP implementation and business process optimization of construction machinery manufacturing enterprises .

  13. 本论文通过对国内外的顾客价值、流程再造理论的学习及研究,并借鉴相关模型进行X基金管理有限公司的业务流程优化。

    In this paper home and abroad through customer value , process reengineering theory of learning and research , and draw the relevant model X Fund Management Co. , business process optimization .

  14. 本论文的主要内容就是结合E公司的真实情况,围绕着如何进行业务流程优化展开,在企业的实施ERP实践中提炼总结出一套解决方案。

    The main content of this paper is the combination of the real situation of E company , according to business process optimization , in business practice summarizes a set of solutions .

  15. SOA的系统架构:针对目前业务流程优化过程复杂的简化情况,基于SOA的理念实现了业务流程的可配置化管理。

    A system architecture based on SOA : in order to simplify the optimization of business process , this paper based on the concept of SOA to make the management of business processes configurable .

  16. 在ERP的实施过程中,必然要进行企业业务流程优化,其中的一个环节就是企业流程诊断,企业流程诊断直接关系到ERP实施的效率、甚至是实施的成败。

    And to diagnose the business process is a part of the optimization , which directly contributes to the efficiency of the implementation of ERP , even decides the success or failure of it .

  17. 在案例分析部分以E公司为例,详细阐述其基于建立ERP信息系统的同时论证分析进行业务流程优化的必要性以及方法和步骤,并且选取供应链计划排产业务流程进行持续优化的实例分析。

    In the case of analysis with E company , it describes in detail the information system based on ERP method and steps of the business process optimization , and choosing the supply chain purchasing process analysis examples of continuous optimization .

  18. 同时,提出了实事求是的需求分析是三峡机电安装监理MIS成功的基础、详细的系统分析是业务流程优化的重要途径等观点。

    Meanwhile , it will point out that the practical query analysis is the successful foundation of MIS in TOP M & E equipment installation and the detailed systematical analysis is the important way to optimize of supervision business .

  19. 针对基于CRM的TK公司营销战略的实施,从营销观念的转变,组织设计及制度建设,企业资源配置,业务流程优化,营销战略调整等方面进行了分析。

    For the implementation of the CRM based strategy , the paper analyse marketing concepts adjustment , organizational design and regulation set up , enterprise resource allocation , business process optimization , marketing strategy adjustment and other aspects .

  20. 同时指出,由于客观条件的限制,目前我国商业银行在采用ABC法时有必要首先吸收成本管理(ABM)的有关思想,达到业务流程优化、成本控制效益化的管理目标。

    Because of the difficulties , our commercial banks should absorb the idea of Activity Based Manager ( ABM ) at first before the using of ABC , and then they can get more advantages .

  21. 论文从管理角度研究了这一问题,发现其根源在于过度依赖信息技术和业务流程优化不够科学,以及缺乏IE和IT相结合的系统总体架构。

    In this paper , above issue is analyzed from management aspect , and the reason is found in the overreliance of information technology , the insufficiency of scientific business process optimization , and the absence of whole system architecture combined by IE and IT .

  22. 通过引入项目管理中关于业务流程优化(BPI)以及集成管理的思想和理论,本人提出办证流程的优化途径&分批毕业审核和毕业证书集中打印的方案。

    Based on the integrated management theory of project management and BPI ( Business Process Improvement ), the article proposed an optimized path , the scheme of accrediting in batches and printing to issue concentrated .

  23. 我们目前所说的“e-HR”已经是一种包含了电子商务、互联网、人力资源业务流程优化、以客户为导向、全面人力资源管理等核心思想在内的新型人力资源管理模式。

    Currently , the e-HR in our words has already become a new HR management mode , which covers e-commerce , Internet , BPR , client-orientation , comprehensive HR management and other core ideologies .

  24. 中邮物流公司业务流程优化研究

    The Study on Optimizing Business Process of China Post Logistics Corporation

  25. 气象信息传输业务流程优化的初步分析

    The Preliminary Analysis and Optimization of Meteorological Data Delivery Operation Flow

  26. 港口汽车疏运业务流程优化与应用系统设计

    Optimization of Truck Distributing Business Process and System Design in Port

  27. 大庆油田公司财务业务流程优化的研究

    Study on Optimization of Financial Process of Daqing Oil-field Company

  28. 因此,对我们公司业务流程优化的研究是非常有必要的。

    Therefore , we optimize the business processes is necessary to study .

  29. 论大部制下政府业务流程优化与再造

    Business Process Optimization and Reengineering under big Ministry

  30. 因此,业务流程优化的优点很难实现。

    As a result of this , the benefits of business process optimization were hardly realized .