
yè wù yuán
  • salesman;business manager
  1. 在塘沽装货比较合适。中国公司一名业务员与日本公司的经理在北京饭店就装运港问题进行了洽谈。

    A manager of a Japanese Company and a staff member of a Chinese corporation hold a discussion on the loading port at Beijing Hotel .

  2. 为做好终端营销工作,C企业在终端营销团队建设上设置了三种营销岗位,分别是:业务员、理货员和导购员。

    C enterprise sets up three kinds of marketing positions for the construction of the supermarket marketing team , they are : salesman , stock keeper , and purchasing guider .

  3. 另外一个业务员接了一单,客人的需求量较大,但利润率偏低,超出了既往的起点范围,为此我向老板征询了一下我的处理意见,老板说OK。

    Another salesman accepted a new order , the quantity is big , but the profit is low , lower than our minimum range . I told my boss what my idea with it , and boss said OK .

  4. 我建立了一套制度,让所有业务员共享行之有效的销售策略。

    I developed a system for sharing sales gimmicks that worked .

  5. 如今绝大部分业务员都习惯了按提成工作。

    Most salesmen nowadays have gotten used to working on commission .

  6. 对公司业务员低价抛售公司财产的法律研究

    Legal Study of Company Clerk Selling Company Property in Low Prices

  7. 我以前曾在佛山做过国际贸易业务员。

    I used to work in Foshan as an international businessman .

  8. 约翰向保险业务员咨询有关人寿保险问题。

    John is consulting about life insurance with a sales clerk .

  9. 他在一家制造公司担任业务员。

    He works on the sales force of a manufacturing company .

  10. 适合职位:项目策划,设计师,业务员。

    Suitable positions : Project planner , designer , sales representative .

  11. 他上了冒牌保险业务员的当。

    He was taken in by the fake insurance salesman .

  12. 一线业务员考核指标需要进一步完善;

    The examining guideline of the operation need to be improved more ;

  13. 凯文是一家人寿保险公司的业务员。

    Kevin is a salesman for a life assurance company .

  14. 我是书没有人对业务员有兴趣。

    I mean , nobody seems to be interested in salesmen anymore .

  15. 费欧娜∶我的业务员一点忙也没帮上。

    Fiona : My agent 's no help , either .

  16. 非常规开孔,请联系责任业务员。

    For any special opening , please contact responsible salesman .

  17. 我将很高兴您的业务员来访。

    I look forward to meeting your sales representative soon .

  18. 做一个业务员,首先要有良好的态度。

    Become a clerk , want to have good attitude above all .

  19. 是的,哈特先生有兴趣见贵公司的业务员。

    Yes , Mr. Hart is interested in meeting one of your salesmen .

  20. 你看业务员有多热心。

    Look how friendly they are here , honey .

  21. 他是来自俄亥俄州的高尔夫球业务员。

    He 's a golf ball salesman from ohio .

  22. 2500名业务员来听他的演讲。

    500 salesmen came to listen to his speech .

  23. 他是一位很有能力的业务员,可不是吗?

    He 's a capable businessman , is he ?

  24. 业务员总是声称你买的东西是最好的。

    Sales clerk always make out that the goods you buy are the best .

  25. 第一年,我手下共有7名业务员,收入350000美元。

    That first year , I had seven agents and revenues of $ 350,000 .

  26. 身为业务员,一个月当中有三个星期我都到处奔走兜揽生意

    As a salesman , I am on the road about three week per month

  27. 与其说这位业务员聪明,不如说他勤勉。

    This Businessman is rather diligent than clever .

  28. 业务员:您带护照了吗?

    Clerk : Do you have your passport ?

  29. 为了留给客户深刻的印象,大多数的业务员都喜欢摆门面接待客户。

    Most salesmen like to entertain in style , in order to impress their customers .

  30. 不要接受第一个提案,让业务员哭,这是最好的技巧。

    Never accept first offer , let salesman cry , this is the best trick .