
  • 网络Android Market;google play;HiMarket;hiapk.com
  1. 谷歌还与硬件厂商和运营商积极合作,一旦确定安卓市场(AndroidMarket)出现恶意软件,他们将及时发布安全补丁。

    It also works with its hardware and carrier partners to push security patches when a malicious app does make it into the Android Market .

  2. 幸好这些恶意软件只在安卓市场上存在了很短的时间,下载量只在大约1000到5000之间。

    Fortunately the malware was available in the Android Market for a short period of time so the number of downloads was limited to1000-5000 .

  3. 从有关安卓市场份额的粗略数据来看,谷歌似乎在智能手机领域占据着主导地位。IDC的数据显示,在今年二季度发货的3.013亿部智能手机中,安卓手机的占比为84.7%,高于2013年的79.6%。

    The raw figures for Android 's market share make it look as though Google dominates the smartphone world : of the 301.3m smartphones shipped in the second quarter of this year , 84.7 per cent were Android devices , up from 79.6 per cent in 2013 , according to analysts IDC .

  4. 该项服务的另一个部分是一个依附于安卓市场的全新在线音乐商店。

    Another element of this is a new online music store that will be embedded in the Android marketplace .

  5. 这款增强现实应用于星期一在安卓市场上线,苹果版也将在九月上线。

    The augmented reality app was launched on Monday for Android , but an iPhone version will also be available in September .

  6. 市场调研公司IDC的数据显示,今年第三季度,苹果在智能手机领域的市场份额为13%,低于上年同期的14%,而安卓的市场份额则从75%升至81%。

    According to IDC , Apple 's smartphone market share stood at 13 per cent in the third quarter , down from 14 per cent a year earlier , while Android 's had increased from 75 per cent to 81 per cent over the same period .

  7. 三星只能通过生产有吸引力的硬件来主宰安卓手机市场。

    Samsung can dominate the Android marketonly by making alluring hardware .

  8. 当然,随着安卓手机市场份额的飙升,情况早已今非昔比。

    Of course , with booming market share , that has all changed .

  9. 但在平板电脑市场上,安卓的市场份额则仅为33%,远落后于苹果的63%。

    But in the tablet market , Android had a 33 % share next to Apple 's 63 % share .

  10. 这家公司表明,在这个分析列表上,运用网络的应用仅仅在安卓电子市场就被下载了八千万次。

    The firm reckons apps using the networks on its list have already been downloaded at least 80m times in the Google Play app marketplace alone .

  11. 据市场研究公司StrategyAnalytics统计,在截至今年6月底的12个月里,安卓在智能手机市场上占有60%的份额,苹果仅为20%。

    Android had a 60 % share of the smartphone market in the 12 months through June , compared with Apple 's 20 % share , according to Strategy Analytics .

  12. HTC的新任市场总监最近表示,在这个安卓手机多如牛毛的市场中,HTC将更大声、更大胆地迎合消费者。

    The company 's new marketing chief recently promised a louder voice and bolder approach in reaching out to consumers in a market flooded with Android phones .

  13. 市场研究公司KantarWorldpanelComTech通过移动商业简报完成的研究发现,安卓手机在英国市场的市占率达49.9%,环比上升了29%。而安卓手机的市场份额大多数来自于苹果公司的iPhone。

    Research from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech by way of the Mobile Business Briefing indicates that Android phones command a 49.9 percent market share in the U.K. , up from 29 percent a year ago .

  14. 不过,绝大多数安卓用户现在已经可以从安卓市场免费下载移动版的Word、Excel和PowerPoint。

    But the vast majority of Android users can now download mobile versions of Word , Excel and PowerPoint for free from the Google Play store .

  15. 而安卓与苹果(Apple)iOS则联手拿下了92%的市场份额,其中安卓的市场份额达到59%,比去年同期增长了80%。

    But phones running either Android or Apple 's ( AAPL ) iOS , captured 92 % of all mobile sales -- with Android garnering 59 % of the total market , an 80 % increase from the same time last year .