
  • 网络brokerage services;Broking Services
  1. 比如,美国银行(BankofAmerica)正在集中精力巩固和精简国内个人银行业务,而摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)则在努力扩张国内个人经纪服务。

    For example , Bank of America ( BAC ) is concentrating on solidifying and rightsizing its domestic retail banking operations , while Morgan Stanley ( MS ) is looking to expand its domestic retail brokerage services .

  2. 投行从其承揽的每宗交易中收取服务费,而经纪服务则可以保证收入的源源不断。

    Investment banking generates fees deal by deal , while brokerage services can generate continuing streams of income .

  3. 状态:非常好、上印有制造厂商/年份、大兵个人标签『YAN』样。那家商行的目标是向公司和个人提供进一步的经纪服务。

    Conditions : Very Good , Manufacturer / Year Marking , with Field Marking " RYAN " . The firm aims to provide further ~ services to companies and individuals .

  4. 这个房屋经纪服务以及模仿它的服务,比如租车服务Uber和跟风者,在它所到的几乎所有地方都掀起了波澜。

    The housing broker and its imitators , like the taxi service Uber and its clones , have been prompting upheaval just about everywhere they go .

  5. “石油价格上涨的前景很乐观,因为美国现在是驾驶季节,”悉尼商品经纪服务公司的JB说到。

    " There are expectations of prices picking up purely because of the drive time in the U.S. ," said Jonathan Barratt of Commodity Broking Services in Sydney .

  6. 折扣经纪服务在网络时代已经完全平价商品化。

    Discount broking in the internet age has become commoditised .

  7. 鉴于此,他们要依赖大宗经纪服务。

    For these , they rely on the services of a prime broker .

  8. 华嘉汇是北京优秀的高端房地产经纪服务公司之一。

    Good View Property is one of the outstanding high-end real property agencies in Beijing .

  9. 伴随着房地产市场的发展,房产经纪服务机构也迅速成长。

    Along with the development of the real estate market , real estate brokerage services also grow very quickly .

  10. 身边有一个称职的云经纪服务,实现预期结果的概率将会显著增加。

    With a competent cloud brokerage service in your corner , the probability of attaining the desired results increases significantly .

  11. 近年来,作为房地产行业产业链中不可或缺的一个重要环节&房地产经纪服务业迅速发展。

    In recent years , as an important part in the real estate industry chain & the realestate broking services industry is developing rapidly .

  12. 但备忘录并未向台湾的银行提供开展a股经纪服务或任何形式人民币银行业务的平台。

    But the Mou does not provide a platform for Taiwanese banks to operate A-share brokerage services or any form of Renminbi banking businesses .

  13. 对于一家以提供经纪服务和研究分析闻名的公司而言,这一不寻常的举措突显,整个金融服务领域正在发生迅速改变。

    The unusual move , by a firm regarded primarily as a broking and research house , underscores the fast changing dynamics across the financial services industry .

  14. 澳大利亚商品经纪服务的执行主任乔纳森巴瑞特认为,中国正试图对商品部门施加更多的控制权。

    Jonathan Barrett , the managing director of commodity broking services in Australia , thinks the Chinese are trying to exert more control over the commodities sector .

  15. 本条例所称委托人,是指依照本条例的规定,委托经纪人为其提供经纪服务的组织或者个人。

    The " trustor " as used in the present Regulations refers to the organization or individual that commissions the broker to provide brokering services for it pursuant to the present Regulations .

  16. 公司目前是国内最大的理财产品经纪服务商、产品设计服务商和投资顾问提供商之一。

    Currently CSC has become one of China 's largest brokers of wealth management products , providers of the design service for wealth management products , and providers of investment advisory service .

  17. 杠杆的降低不仅会对两家投行未来的收益构成压力,而且限制了它们的业务范围,例如向对冲基金客户和自营交易提供大宗经纪服务。

    Lower leverage will not only put pressure on the two banks ' future earnings but could also limit the scope of activities such as prime brokerage services for hedge fund clients and proprietary trading .

  18. 随着这些海外资产管理公司越来越多地采用分项收费,并通过佣金分成协议购买经纪服务,这些公司在日本能否采用同样方式将变得更加重要。

    As these overseas asset managers increasingly adopt unbundling and purchase brokerage services through Commission sharing agreements , the more important it will be for those asset managers to be able to operate in the same way in Japan .

  19. 监管部门发布的《证券投资顾问业务暂行规定》为券商经纪服务转型带来了指引,投资顾问的推出成为提升专业化理财和个性化咨询服务的关键。

    The regulatory authorities publish " The securities investment consulting business provisional regulations " which give guidelines for securities trader brokerage service transformation , the introduction of investment advisers become the key to enhance the specialized financial management and personalized consulting services .

  20. 本文结合实际案例,以营业部为创新单元提出了:全程体验式经纪业务服务新模式。

    Firstly , the paper combining with actual cases , with sales department for innovation unit puts forward the brokerage business new service mode of the whole experience type .

  21. 金士顿追求,可帮助您的公司在谈判中,经纪,代理服务,货源工厂或财产

    Kingston Quest Can Assist Your Company In Negotiations , Brokering , Agency Services , Sourcing Factories Or Property .

  22. 银行抓住了提供这些服务的机会,并通过其大宗经纪业务部提供服务,这是银行近年来利润最稳定的业务之一。

    The provision of these services has been captured by the banks and offered through their prime brokerage arms , one of the most consistently profitable businesses for them in recent years .

  23. 第三部分从制度变迁与制度创新的角度,研究了我国期货基本管理制度的创新、企业内部期货管理体制的创新、期货经纪行业套期保值服务与管理模式的创新等问题;

    Systematic innovations of the basic hedge management system of our futures market , the internal hedge management system of the enterprises , and the hedge service and management system of the brokerage firms are included .

  24. 国内证券业能否以发展网上证券交易业务为契机,从交易手段、经纪业务模式到服务理念等各个层面,进行全方位的业务创新,提高我国证券行业未来的生存和竞争能力意义重大。

    That whether the internal securities catch hold of developing the network bond transaction is significant for the internal securities to innovate the full business from the transaction means , brokerage pattern , and service ideas and so on to improve the futuristic survival and the competition ability .

  25. 该《办法》明确,房地产经纪机构和人员不得从事赚取差价、协助签订“阴阳合同”、为不符合交易条件和禁止交易的房屋提供经纪服务等违法违规行为。

    According to the rules , the agencies and agents cannot make price difference , provide help in equivocal contracts or provide real estate brokering service to illegal and banned deals .