
  • 网络employing units
  1. 这家电话公司是该国最大的用工单位。

    The telephone company is the country 's largest employer .

  2. 用工单位不得将被派遣劳动者再派遣到其他用人单位。

    No accepting entity may reassign the dispatched workers to any other employer .

  3. 劳务派遣涉及的三方主体是派遣单位、被派遣劳动者和用工单位,并且劳务派遣涉及三方两地的法律关系较为复杂。

    The legal relationship of the tripartite two place nature of dispatched employment is complex .

  4. 为吸引工人,用工单位采取了种种激励措施,包括提供带空调的宿舍、供应热水、改善食堂伙食等。

    Employers offer incentives such as air-conditioned dormitories , hot water and better canteen food .

  5. 劳务派遣单位和用工单位遵守劳务派遣有关规定的情况;

    The abidance by relevant regulations concerning labor dispatch by labor dispatch service providers and the accepting entities ;

  6. 如何确定“用工单位无同类岗位劳动者”?

    How to identify the fact that " an Accepting Unit has no Employee in the same position "?

  7. 劳务派遣单位和用工单位不得向被派遣劳动者收取费用。

    Dispatching units and the units to which laborers are dispatched may not charge fees to dispatched laborers .

  8. 犯罪主体将用人单位和用工单位都确定为本罪的主体。

    Subject of a crime will be the unit and the employer shall be the main body of this crime .

  9. 加强用工单位的人文管理,加大对新生代农民工的人文关怀。

    Humanistic management of labor units , increase the humane care of the new generation of migrant workers . 4 .

  10. 在这一履约机制实现过程中,派遣机构的立场选择将对惩罚效果、进而对用工单位的履约行为产生重要作用。

    In this operation mechanism , the position choice of agency will affect the punishment effect and the behavior of labor user .

  11. 建议派遣单位和用工单位对被派遣劳动者共同承担连带雇主责任。

    The employing unit and the dispatching agency are the " co-employer " of the dispatched workers , they should bear joint liability .

  12. 而这些问题将直接影响用工单位采用劳务派遣用工方式的价值,降低了原本期望的用工弹性。

    These issues will directly affect the value of corporations adopting the labor dispatching , and reduce the original expectations of labor flexibility .

  13. 劳务派遣单位不得克扣用工单位按照劳务派遣协议支付给被派遣劳动者的劳动报酬。

    No labor dispatch service provider may withhold any remuneration that is paid to the workers by an accepting entity under the dispatch agreement .

  14. 给被派遣劳动者造成损害的,劳务派遣单位与用工单位承担连带赔偿责任。

    If harm is caused to the dispatched workers , the labor-dispatching unit and the labor-receiving unit shall bear joint and several liability for compensation .

  15. 建立农民工参加社会保险网上申报系统已成为一种趋势,它将为用工单位有效地管理农民工提供一个信息平台。

    To establish off-farm workers ' society insurance Online Declaration System is a trend , it is a platform which can efficient manage information about off-farm workers .

  16. 劳务派遣单位或者用工单位与劳动者发生劳动争议的,劳务派遣单位和用工单位为共同当事人。

    Where a dispute arises between a labor dispatch entity or employer and an employee , the labor dispatch entity and employer shall be the joint party .

  17. 根据研究结论,笔者认为要达到供需均衡的状态,需要政府、用工单位、培训机构和其他社会组织等多主体协调配合,重点提高农民工培训的质量。

    In order to improve the satisfaction of migrant workers , government , employers , training institutions and other social organizations should coordinate to improve training quality .

  18. 本项目为就业指导中心、学校、用工单位配置二代身份证阅读器,对招聘现场情况全程记录,有效的解决了参加现场招聘会人员的信息验证、动态数据采集。

    In this project , the Guidance Center , schools , and employers are equipped with the second-generation ID card scanner to dynamically validate and collect participants ' personal information .

  19. 劳动关系的双方是用工单位(组织)和员工,组织支持感和组织承诺理论是研究员工-组织关系的重要理论。

    The Perceived Organizational Support ( POS ) and the theory of organization commitment ( OC ) are the important theory on the research of relation between employee and organization .

  20. 少于其全年应当享受的年休假天数的,劳务派遣单位、用工单位应当协商安排补足被派遣职工年休假天数。

    If the days are less than the entitled days of annual leave in the year the staffing firm or the employer shall negotiate to give the dispatched employee the untaken annual leave .

  21. 第三,劳务派谴等非用工单位在编人员在用工单位,利用职务上的便利,将本单位财物非法占为己有的,是职务侵占主体。

    Third , placement the service personnel in the Employer , use in the duty the convenience , illegal possesses oneself of this unit belongings , is the duty invades the main body .

  22. 劳动者与用工单位解除劳动关系后,其参加社会养老保险的关系由当地社会保险经办机构予以保留。

    Laborer removes with the unit that use worker worker after labor concerns , the significance that its play social endowment insurance is given by orgnaization of agency of local society insurance reservation .

  23. 通过对相应典型案例的分析,作者从政府、派遣公司、用工单位和被派遣员工的角度提出了减少和应对劳务派遣争议的对策。

    Through case analysis on typical disputes , the author put forward possible counter practices to decrease and resolve disputes from the perspective of government , organization providing dispatching service , employer and employee .

  24. 但人才派遣业务在中国起步较晚,尚存在一些急需解决的问题。其中,派遣员工工作绩效低下以及离职率较高等问题导致用工单位满意度和忠诚度降低的现象层出不穷。

    However , personnel dispatch business starts fairly late in China , some urging problems exist , among which low performance of dispatched personnel and high turnover rate caused the satisfactory rate and fidelity drops .

  25. 《劳动合同法》第63条规定:被派遣劳动者享有与用工单位的劳动者同工同酬的权利。

    Article 63 of the Labor Contract Law provide that the dispatched worker shall have the right to receive the same pay as that received by Employees of the Accepting Unit for the same work .

  26. 从规范我国劳务派遣中的雇主责任出发,进而进一步提出对派遣单位、劳动者以及用工单位的规制,完善我国的劳务派遣法律制度。

    From regulating Chinese labor dispatching of employers are liable to start , and then put forward further send unit , laborer and the regulation of the accepting unit and perfect our labor dispatching legal system .

  27. 劳务派遣牵涉派遣单位、要派用工单位和被派遣劳动者三方面的劳动关系参与者,改变了传统两方劳动关系,是一种不同于以往的新型劳动关系。

    The dispatched employment covers three participants of labor relations , including the laborer , the labor dispatch service providers and the accepting entity , which changes traditional two-party labor relations and becomes a brand new type .

  28. 因此,我们需要总结国内外的实践经验,规范好劳务派遣单位和用工单位,更合理地分配好雇主责任。

    Therefore , it is necessary to summarize the practical experiences both within China and overseas to better regulate the relationship between labor dispatch service provider and the accepting entity and to reasonably allocate the corresponding liabilities between them .

  29. 被派遣劳动者有权在劳务派遣单位或者用工单位依法参加或者组织工会,维护自身的合法权益。

    The dispatched workers are entitled to join the labor union or to organize such unions in the labor dispatch service provider or in the accepting entity according to law , in order to safeguard their lawful rights and interests .

  30. 对于用工单位来说,通过劳务派遣可以有效的降低人力资源的管理成本,从而提高企业的竞争力;对派遣单位来说,可以开拓自己的发展空间,获得不断增长的经济利益。

    For the employer , the labor dispatch can effectively reduce the cost of human resources management , thereby enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises ; the sending unit , can develop their own development space , to access the growing economic interests .