
  • 网络user satisfaction;customer satisfaction;customer satisfaction index;csi;csd
  1. 用户满意度指数已经成为许多国家衡量经济产出质量的重要指标,为宏观经济管理提供了有效的决策参考依据。

    CSI has become an important guideline for many countries to evaluate the quality of their economic output , which provide efficient reference for macro economic management .

  2. 基于Rough集理论的用户满意度测评表的约简分析

    Knowledge Reduction Analysis of User Satisfaction Survey with Rough Set Theory

  3. 基于用户满意度的IC服务质量评价体系的构建

    Construction of Evaluation System for Information Commons Service Quality based on User 's Satisfaction

  4. 基于AHP的石油装备用户满意度多层次模糊综合测评

    Multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of customer satisfaction for oil field equipment by AHP and its application

  5. 最后,通过仿真验证了算法的有效性,并证实了P流移动性方案与垂直切换技术相比,能够达到更好的负载均衡效果以及更高的用户满意度。

    Simulation results validate the flexibility and efficiency of our proposed mechanism , which can achieve a better network load balancing as well as a higher user satisfaction .

  6. 我国石油机械制造行业用户满意度指数CSI模型研究

    A research on consumer satisfaction index model for China 's petroleum machinery manufacturing industry

  7. 为此,本文对IP化后的移动网络运营进行研究,对存在的问题进行分析,进而使这种新技术的采用发挥最大的使用价值,确保IP化网络的服务质量,提高用户满意度。

    Therefore , this article focus on the study of mobile network operation after-IP bearer , analysis the existing problems . Thereby maximize the practical value of this new technology .

  8. 用户满意度指数(CSI)是评价产品质量和服务质量的重要指标。

    The Customer Satisfaction Index ( CSI ) is an index to evaluate the product or service quality .

  9. 如何能够在大量的能够实现相同功能的Web服务中,选取出一组服务,使得所组合出的服务具有最好的服务质量、最高的用户满意度,成为Web服务组合领域的一个关键问题。

    How to select a set of services among large body of services with the same function in order to make the Composite Service achieve better performance and better quality is a hot issue in recent research .

  10. 首先,Web上发布的具有相同功能属性的服务持续增多,服务组合优化问题成为目前的研究热点;需要高效率高质量的优化算法来得出用户满意度最高的组合方案。

    First published on the Web service with the same functional properties continued to increase the service portfolio optimization problem as the current research focus ; need for efficient high-quality optimization algorithm to derive the highest user satisfaction combinations .

  11. 介绍了美国用户满意度的内容、问卷的设计、与全面质量管理(TQM)的关系等内容。

    The content of customer satisfaction , design of questionnaire and the relationship with TQM were introduced .

  12. 基于ACSI的电信内容增值服务的用户满意度模型及其影响因素研究

    Study of CVAS Customer Satisfactory Model and Influence Factors Based on ACSI

  13. 据此,建立了用户满意度与产品质量之间的函数关系,在函数关系中定义一个调整系数k,用来调整质量功能配置中3种类型用户需求的重要度。

    Then , a function between customer satisfaction and product attributes was established , and a regulatory coefficient k was set up to adjust importance of three kinds of customer requirements in Quality Function Deployment ( QFD ) .

  14. 在业务流程建模中,Web服务组合验证能够提前发现Web服务组合中存在的问题,以确保正确可用的服务组合投入使用,从而提高服务组合执行的成功率和用户满意度。

    In business process modeling , Web service composition verification Web service composition can be found ahead of the problems to ensure the correct mix of services available and put into use , thereby improving the success rate of composite service execution and customer satisfaction .

  15. 首先构建了物流信息系统用户满意度评价的指标体系,然后建立了基于AHP的用户满意度模糊综合评价模型,最后通过案例分析了模型的应用方法,同时案例表明了方法的有效性。

    The paper establishes the assessment index system for user satisfaction of logistics information system and a fuzzy-AHP model . Finally , it gives out a case to show how to apply the model .

  16. 学习ACSI逐步确立适合武钢用户满意度的评价方法

    To progressively establish applicable evaluation method of Customer Satisfaction for Wuhan Steel Corporation by studying ACSI

  17. 然后对包括全面质量管理(TQM)、用户满意度(CS)模型、LibQUAL+、ISO9000标准以及GAPS在内的各种服务质量评价方法的基本思想和内容进行比较,并将GAPS模型应用到图书馆的服务评价中;

    The author compares the basic thinking and content of different service quality evaluation systems including TQM ( Total Quality Management ), CS ( Customer Satisfactory ), LibQUAL + , ISO9000 and GAPS .

  18. 介绍了IA的定义及产生背景,阐述了用户满意度(CS)的含义及其构成,提出了优化IA的方法和提高用户满意度的对策。

    This paper introduces the definition and generating background of IA , expounds the connotations and constituents of CS , and advances some methods for optimizing IA and some countermeasures on increasing CS .

  19. 通过室内分布系统,可以明显改善通话质量,提高用户满意度和忠诚度,提高PHS系统的市场竞争力。

    Through the network distribution system , it may obviously improve the connection quality and enhance the user degree of satisfaction and loyalty , enhance the market competition of the PHS system .

  20. 最后,本文分别对LIM和SIM进行了实验证实,证实该方法切实可行,相较于传统方法,推荐准确度及用户满意度都得到了较好提升。

    Finally , this article carry out the experiment confirmed the LIM & SIM classification effect feasible . Compared to traditional methods , recommender accuracy and customer satisfy have been upgraded .

  21. 该文探讨了用户满意度调查法在数字资源评估中的运用,并重点介绍了CALIS运用用户满意度调查评估联盟采购数据库的实例。

    This paper discusses the approach on how to use user satisfaction survey in evaluating digital resources , and then especially introduces a relative case of survey conducted by CALIS .

  22. 然后通过进一步分析,建立基于用户满意度的B2C电子商务物流配送服务评价体系,并通过层次分析法确定各个评价指标的权重值。

    Then through the further analysis , the thesis builds B2C e-commerce logistics distribution services evaluation system basing on customer satisfaction , and gets the weight of each index by using Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) .

  23. 美国顾客满意度指数(ACSI)为建立中国用户满意度指数(CCSI)提供良好的借鉴。

    America Customer Satisfaction Index ( ACSI ) should be used for good reference to establish China Customer Satisfaction Index ( CCSI ) .

  24. 电信用户满意度指数(TCSI)研究

    A Study on Telecom Customer Satisfaction Index

  25. 我们的仿真结果表明TORA能够实现较低的WSP的花费,同时达到较高的用户满意度。其次,本文在CR网络中提出了一种基于在线拍卖进行中继选择从而实现合作传输的机制。

    Our evaluation results demonstrate that TORA is able to achieve a higher level of bidder satisfaction at a lower WSP cost . Secondly , we propose an online auction based relay selection scheme for cooperative communication in CR networks .

  26. ISO9000族2000标准版给出了两个新的测量体系,即自我评价和用户满意度测量,前者是质量改进的起始和基础,后者是质量改进的出发点和归宿。

    2000 edition ISO9000 race standard noticeable has produced two new surveys systems , namely the self - appraisal and the evaluation of consumer satisfaction degree . The former is the foundation of quality improvement , and the latter is the starting point of quality improvement .

  27. 图书馆用户满意度调查的问卷设计

    The Questionnaire Design of Investigation of Library User 's Satisfaction Rate

  28. 高校信息化网络建设用户满意度测评研究

    Research of Users Satisfaction Measurement on the College Information Network Construction

  29. 基于因子分析法对搜索引擎用户满意度评价研究

    Study on Customer Satisfaction of Search Engine Based on Factor Analysis

  30. 供电企业用户满意度测评方法探讨

    The Discussion of User Satisfaction Measurement Method for Supply Power Enterprise