
  • Complaints Hotline;complaint call
  1. 公司的电话整天都因人们打投诉电话而占线。

    The company 's lines have been jammed all day with people making complaints .

  2. 汤普森告诉波特兰KGW电视台,一切始于上个月洛纳。珍妮。杜德斯的邻居们拨打了噪音投诉电话。

    David Thompson told KGW-TV of Portland it all started with a noise complaint called in last month by neighbors of Lorna Jeanne Dudash .

  3. 并且提供个人自保之道以及如何投诉电话诈骗事件。

    Explains how to protect yourself and how to complain about phone fraud .

  4. 本文的重点是在研究投诉电话的语言特点和序列结构。

    The thesis is focused on the characteristics of language using and sequence organization .

  5. 旅游投诉电话如果您在旅游方面遇到问题或麻烦,您可拨打96118。

    Travel complaint phone number call96118if you meet with problems or trouble in terms of travel fees .

  6. 通过投诉电话、政务公开手册或便民卡片的形式将部门政务向社会公开。

    Complaints by telephone , open form of a manual or convenience cards to the public sector Chief .

  7. 这是2节商务播客课程的第2节,涉及到处理愤怒顾客的投诉电话。

    This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast series on handling angry customers on the telephone .

  8. 这则广告引来1088个投诉电话,如果把请愿书也计算在内,投诉就达到了4688个之多。

    It provoked 1,088 individual complaints , with the figure rising to 4,688 once petitions were taken into account .

  9. 将来只有在诸如拨打投诉电话或解决具体问题等复杂操作时才会用到人工接线员。

    Human telephone will be used only for more complex operation such as dealing with complaints or solving concrete problems .

  10. 建设单位应责成施工单位在施工现场张布施工通告和投诉电话。

    The employer shall urge the construction company to issue construction notice and claim phone number on the construction site .

  11. 一个投诉电话:市软环境治理办公室投诉电话24小时开通,确保及时出现场,处理投诉不过夜。

    A phone call for appeal : City soft environmental improvement office has24-hour hotline , guarantee appear in time and cope with accidents quickly .

  12. 我们在研究投诉电话时,需要建立一个结构完整的谈话模式,这样可以有助于我们更容易的发现该会话类型的语言特点。

    To analysis the complaint calls , a structural talking mode is needed which can make the characteristics of complaint easy to be discovered .

  13. 等便捷通关措施;公开办事程序和办事时限,保证投诉电话和咨询热线畅通。

    Shall publicize the procedures for the handling of affairs and time limit , and shall ensure the smoothness of complaint telephones and consulting hotlines .

  14. 运用粗糙集理论研究并提出了利用故障投诉电话信息实现配电网故障定位的新方法。

    A new method for fault location in distribution network is presented by using the fault complain call information from different positions and the rough set theory .

  15. 针对农村配电网当前运行的特点,构建了基于故障投诉电话信息和远方终端单元结合的故障定位决策表,并利用粗糙集理论化简决策表形成了配电网故障定位规则。

    According to the characteristics of rural distribution network , a decision table of fault location is built based on the information from fault complain call and remote terminal unit .

  16. 英国白金汉郡艾尔斯伯里的一个小火车站屡屡接到投诉电话称火车售票机无法正常运行,检测后才发现是四只小睡鼠把这台机器当成了自己的家。

    A family of four Glis dormice were found in the ticket machine on the platform of a little train station in Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire after complaints it had stopped working .

  17. 幕后,执行制片人玛塔·考夫曼说:“国家广播公司预计会接到成千上万的投诉电话和邮件”。然而在这部剧集上映之后,收到的恶意信件却是寥寥无几。

    Behind the scenes , executive producer Marta Kauffman said , " NBC expected thousands and thousands of phone calls and hate mail . " However , after the episode aired , they received only four antagonistic letters .

  18. 当然,这些要等到所有的技术都准备就绪后才能变成现实,但是一旦交互式电话出现后,我们将很快习惯通过这种方式使用交互式计算机。将来只有在诸如拨打投诉电话或解决具体问题等复杂操作时才会用到人工接线员。

    course , this won 't happen until all the technology is in place , but when it is we will soon get used to interacting with computers in this w ay.Human telephone operators will be used only for more 5 ) operations such as dealing with complaints or solving concrete problems .

  19. 打来投诉的电话太多了,公司的电话总机应接不暇。

    The company 's switchboard was jammed with complaints .

  20. 去年12月,他投诉他的电话遭到窃听。

    In December of last year he complained that his telephone had been tapped .

  21. 最糟糕的投诉方式是电话,你是跟一位你看不见的人说话。

    The worst way to complain is over the telephone - You are speaking to a voice coming from someone you cannot see .

  22. 国家工商行政管理总局,也就是中国市场监管机构近日公布的数据显示,去年该局共受理消费者投诉同比增长11.1%,受理最多的就是关于汽车部件投诉、服务业投诉和移动电话投诉。

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce , China 's market watchdog , has reported an 11.1 percent rise in consumer complaints last year , with the most received for automobile parts and servicing and mobile phones .

  23. 州法律要求每件投诉必须进行调查,但是工作人员认为,这6000起投诉案件仅凭借一个投诉电话得到的信息并不重要,没必要继续调查。

    State law requires each complaint be investigated , but workers decide that based on a single phone call , 6000 of them were not serious enough for follow up .