
yīn zǐ fēn xī
  • factor analysis
  1. 因子分析与DEA模型结合在城市经营效率分析中的应用

    Factor analysis and DEA model apply to city management efficiency analysis

  2. 基于EM算法学生成绩的因子分析

    Factor analysis of students ' scores based on EM algorithm

  3. 因子分析是解决目前信道问题的最有效算法之一,本文将相关系数的MAP与因子分析相结合,从而将因子分析的复杂度大大降低。

    The MAP and factor analysis are integrated in this thesis to reduce the complexity of factor analysis .

  4. 多变量分析法运用R型因子分析来判断品种生态型的基本特征和可变特征。

    Multivariate analysis is to use R-typer factor to judge the basic characters and variable natures of ecotypes of wheat varieties .

  5. 并基于多元线性回归方法和因子分析法探讨了林业用地以及气候因子对中国森林植被碳储量的影响;同时,结合生物地球化学循环模型CENTURY模型评估了中国森林生态系统的碳收支。

    Multiple linear regressive model was used to study the response of forest vegetation carbon storage to the changes of forest land use and climatic factors .

  6. 成都平原土壤重金属Pb的化学形态分布及其影响因子分析

    Analyse of the chemical forms and infection factor of heavy metal Pb of soil in Chengdu plain

  7. 利用取自冲绳海槽北部的80个表层沉积物样品,对其中的放射虫壳体进行了定量分析研究。Q型因子分析得到3个主因子,方差累积贡献为90.2%;

    Quantitative analysis of radiolarians was carried out for 80 surficial sediment samples collected from the northern Okinawa Trough .

  8. 应用渐进因子分析法研究SiO2/Si样品俄歇深度剖析

    Application of Evolving Factor Analysis to study AES Depth Profiles of SiO 2 / Si sample

  9. 实证方面,采用了灰色系统模型、因子分析模型、DEA数据包络分析和案例研究方法。

    Empirical analysis , using the gray system model , factor analysis model , DEA data envelopment analysis and case study methods .

  10. 在选取样本和确定指标的基础上,通过SPSS软件,运用因子分析法对商业银行现实竞争力进行实证分析。

    Based on the sample and the indicator data , we analyze the competitiveness of commercial banks by factor analysis , using SPSS .

  11. 东太平洋海盆CC区沉积物因子分析揭示的沉积环境地球化学演化信息

    Clues to the geochemical evolution of the sedimentary environment as revealed by factor analysis of sediments in area CC of the East Pacific oceanic basin

  12. 采用条件Logistic回归模型进行单因素分析,对单因素分析中有意义的预选变量进行共线性诊断后,进行主成分分析和因子分析,然后进行多因素分析。

    Conditional logistic regression , principal component analysis , factor analysis and generalized relative risk model were used to analyse the risk factors and the potential interactions between some risk factors .

  13. 第三部分运用SPSS软件对市场调研数据进行因子分析、聚类分析和回归分析。

    The third part analyzes data obtained from market research by SPSS software through statistical technology such as factor analysis and cluster analysis and logistic analysis .

  14. 文中用因子分析法探讨了不同成矿作用下矿化元素的特点,讨论了矿物包裹体测温结果和S、Pb、O、H同位素组成特征。

    Factor analysis is used to seek out the characteristic or ore-forming elements in different mineralization . Inclusion trap temperature and Pb , S , O , H isotope composition are also discussed .

  15. 采用病例对照研究,通过因子分析和多因素条件Logistic回归,探讨大学生伤害的相关影响因素。

    The relevant influencing factors of college students ' injury had been discussed by means of comparative study of the medical cases , factor analysis and the logistic return of multi-factor condition .

  16. 利用SAS软件,对深市537支股票2005年第一季度的八个财务指标进行了因子分析。

    Using 8 financial indexes in the financial statements of 2005 of 537 listed companies , the paper cames out the factor analysis by SAS software .

  17. 因子分析显示Si,Ca,Al,Fe,Mg和Ti有很高的相关度,表明来自地表土壤;

    Factor analysis indicates that Si , Ca , Al , Fe , Mg and Ti had a high degree of correlation , which means these elements are from the earth crust or soil .

  18. 通过对PCA中主成分的特征向量分析,以及对原始各波段的负荷因子分析可知,PCA变换处理在澜沧江流域土地覆盖遥感监测分类实施中,对波段选取具有一定的指导作用;

    Based on the analysis of feature vector and original bands loading on the main principal components , we known that PCA is of some affects about feature selection .

  19. 本文通过MATLAB软件来实现地质多元统计分析中的因子分析计算和趋势面等值线的绘制,并初步探讨了利用MATLAB进行地质多元统计分析的计算和绘图方法。

    The text is achieving gene analysis of Geologic Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis and the drawing of isoline by MATLAB , and discusses elementarily the methods of solving the count and drawing of Geologic Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis .

  20. R型因子分析可通过研究地质变量在时间和空间上的组合、变化和分布特征而形成地质概念,并恢复地质过程,指示物质来源。

    The R-factor analysis method can be used to produce geological concepts , restore geological process and predict origin of ore-forming materials by studying the association , variation and characteristics of distribution of geological variables in space and time .

  21. OSI-R量表结构效度的验证性因子分析

    Confirmatory Factor Analysis of OSI-R ' Structure Validity

  22. 本文运用Logistic回归分析、直线回归分析、相关分析、聚类分析和因子分析,对肺活量、血压和脉搏等项身体机能指标进行了筛选,提出了评价身体机能的新方案。

    We applied Logistic regression , linear regression , correlation analysis , cluster analysis ami factor analysis to sieve somatic function indexes , and put forward a new schewe which form an estimate of student individual somatic function .

  23. 在目标转换因子分析的基础上建立了一种新的模型传递方法,并将该方法与传统的分段直接标准化(PDS)方法进行比较。

    A new calibration transfer method based on target factor analysis is proposed . The performance of the new method is compared with the piecewise direct standardization method .

  24. 进而,运用因子分析法和基于SVAR模型的脉冲反应函数对近期通货膨胀的成因进行了实证验证。

    Then , makes empirical analysis by using element analysis and pulse response function based on the SVAR model .

  25. 主成分因子分析SF-36可分为8个领域和2个综合测量指标;各条目与其所属领域相关系数绝对值均大于0.59。

    The Pearson correlate coefficients of all the items to their dimensions were more than 0.59.SF-36 contained 8 domains and 2 summary scales in the factor analysis .

  26. 本文认为,制定海洋制品中REE的最大允许残留(MRL)和危害因子分析及关键控制点(HACCP)迫在眉睫;

    It is suggested that MRL ( maximum residue limit ) of REE and the HACCP ( hazard analysis and critical control point ) are extremely needed for marine products .

  27. 采用因子分析的方法,提取规模、结构、教育管理体制、招生方式、教学、就业指导作为分析和评价MBA教育的市场适应性的六个要素。

    By using factor analysis method , it puts forward six elements to analyze and evaluate MBA education 's market adaptability : scale , structure , education management system , way of enrollment , teaching , employment guidance .

  28. 最后并且运用SPSS软件进行因子分析,总结出影响轨道交通站点周边房地产价格的六大因子,为今后研究同一领域相关问题提供理论铺垫。

    Finally , SPSS software is used to factor analysis , to summed up six influence factors that the real estate around mass transit stations affect the price , providing theoretical foundation for the future research in same areas .

  29. 阐述了数据包络分析(DEA)的原理与方法,用因子分析法选取指标,用DEA方法对广西14个城市的经济发展进行了相对效率的评价与分析。

    We elaborate the principle and the method of data envelope analysis ( DEA ), and use the factor analytic method to select index and present the relative efficiency appraisal and the analysis of the Guangxi 14 cities economical development with the DEA method .

  30. 方法:对首发精神分裂症患者在治疗前后分别评定BPRS,然后对其18个项目进行因子分析、项目分析和计算Cronbachα值。

    Method : 146 first-episode schizophrenic patients were evaluated with BPRS before and after treatment , then 18 items of BPRS were conducted factor analysis , item analysis and computed Cronbach alpha .