
  • 网络internet economy
  1. 通信体制革命和因特网经济

    The Revolution of Telecommunication System and Internet Economy Communication ICs Communications ICs

  2. 进入九十年代以来,世界经济形势正发生着巨大的变化。科学技术的发展使得信息技术、计算机、因特网成为经济发展的主要动力,人们把这种经济称为信息经济。

    Great changes have taken place in the world economy since 1990s . The development of science and information makes information technology , computer and Internet become main power of the development of economy .

  3. 因特网驱动的经济将使网上经济与传统经济的界限不再分明。

    An internet-driven economy blurs the line between bricks and clicks .

  4. 基于高科技和因特网技术的经济是未来社会繁荣的源泉。

    The economy based on high-technology and the Internet is the source of future prosperity .

  5. 计算机业界已经历了五年时间试图定义因特网在全球经济中所扮演的角色。

    Industry has spent the last five years trying to define the role the Internet would play in the global economy .

  6. 新经济时代是一个充满机遇和挑战的时代,因特网是新经济增长的基本动力之一。

    New economic time is a period full of challenges & opportunities , and the internet is a primary impetus for the increase of new economy time .

  7. 在肯定数字鸿沟客观存在的基础上,选取指标检验了因特网发展与经济发展间的关系。

    Based on the affirmation of the existence of digital divide , the article selects several indexes to test the relationship between Internet development and economical development .

  8. 对全球化价值冲突进行统合的渠道和机制可概括为四个方面:因特网、知识经济、全球市场和全球组织。

    The approaches and mechanisms to uniting the value conflicts in the age of globalization can be summarized as four aspects : internet , knowledge economy , global market and world organization .

  9. 经济全球化背景下的因特网及网站的经济模式

    The Economic Pattern of the Internet with the Setting of Globalization

  10. 我国因特网使用需求的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Internet Utilizing Demand in China

  11. 随着新的信息技术,尤其是因特网的出现,经济全球化的浪潮日益高涨,国家干预主义和统治主义节节败退,市场竞争的障碍不断消除,资本流动更加自由化、全球化。

    With the development of information technology , especially the invention of the Internet , economy globalization has become the main trend ; the state intervention and domination are fading away and the barriers of market competition are being methodically eliminated with the circulation of capital more freely and globally .