
  1. 因此上世纪30年代就有了代Co粘结剂的研究,起初主要是为了打破专利的限制,后来则是因为Co资源的稀缺。

    Research on binders substituting Co began in the 1930s , and it was to avoid the patent at that time and later for the rareness of cobalt .

  2. 东丽认为,碳纤维可以被用来制造飞机,因此上世纪70年代,该公司高管曾多次访问波音(boeing),来推销这一想法。

    Toray believed that carbon fibre could be used to make aircraft so its executives visited Boeing repeatedly in the 1970s to market the idea .

  3. 因此上,本周将鲜花别在头发上,尽你最大的努力相信爱的力量吧。

    So this week , put a flower in your hair , and do your best to believe in the power of love .

  4. 因此这点上x的偏导为零。

    So , at that point , the partial derivative is zero with respect to x.

  5. 目前,Web流量成为Internet上信息传输的主流,并呈指数性增长,因此Internet上的许多热门站点都经常面临着服务器超载和HTTP请求响应时间过长等问题;

    Nowadays , the web flow is becoming the main flow on Internet and is increasing by exponent , so many popular web sites usually face the situations of the overload of web servers and the delay of Http response time .

  6. 与Seam框架的集成已经完成,因此事实上你可以不改动任何服务器端代码来创建一个针对现有JSF/Seam应用的Flex前端。

    The integration with the Seam framework is complete , so you may really create a Flex frontend to your existing JSF / Seam application without changing anything to your server code .

  7. 相反,RACF将摘要文件储存在RACF数据库中,因此z/OS上的安全性独立于队列管理器进行定义。

    On the other hand , RACF stores its profiles in the RACF database , and therefore security on z / OS is defined independently of the queue manager .

  8. 因此本质上我们正在试图拦截拦截器。

    So essentially we are trying to intercept the interceptor .

  9. 信息化涉及企业运作模式和发展方向,因此本质上是一项管理创新,是推动企业管理上台阶的重要手段。

    It involves the enterprise management mode and the direction of the development .

  10. 因此,上世纪90年代的互联网泡沫同时带有二者的味道。

    The 1990s Internet bubble , therefore , was a little bit of both .

  11. 经济数据也在政府的掌握之中,因此基本上已公布的数字都很合适。

    It also controls the statistics , so can basically report whatever number suits .

  12. 由于适用财产性质、构成要件等的不同,因此概念上自然有差异。

    Due to different nature of applied property and constitutive requirements , the concepts have some differences .

  13. 因此基本上,这意味着那个在,s,轨道上价电子是最外层的。

    So basically , that means one electron in an s orbital in their outer-most most shell .

  14. 在我的第一份工作中,我是接待员,因此基本上总是我来担当蛋糕执刀手的角色。

    At my first office job , I was the receptionist and therefore almost always the cake cutter .

  15. 因此生产上可用这几种方法处理种子,使种子发芽迅速,幼苗出土整齐、生育健壮。

    60 ℃ . So the seeds can be treated with those methods to increase the germination rate .

  16. 因此,上法学院是耶鲁大学历史系毕业生最为普遍的目标之一并不奇怪。

    Not surprisingly , law school is one of the most popular destinations for Yale grads majoring in history .

  17. 野生动物过去习惯了挣扎生存了,在极移之后几乎会持续不断地进行迁徙,因此总体上讲会存活下来。

    Wildlife is used to a struggle , and migrates almost constantly after the shift , so survives in general .

  18. 因此,上个世纪三十年代的这次哲学论战与新世纪中国哲学乃至世界哲学的发展走向仍密切相关。

    Therefore , this controversy is still closely relevant with Chinese philosophy in new century and the development of world philosophy .

  19. 很多外国出版商都懂英语,因此世界上每年四分之三的图书译本都出自英文版。

    Many foreign publishers can read English , and so three-quarters of all translations of books each year are from English .

  20. 少数民族代表在参会时一般使用少数民族语言,因此会上有口译员为少数民族代表提供同声传译。

    Interpreters are rallied to provide simultaneous interpretation for deputies from ethnic groups , which usually keep using their own languages .

  21. 信用担保业历来是高风险行业,为中小企业提供贷款担保,风险更大。因此国际上商业性担保公司早已退出该领域,为中小企业提供信用担保的主要是政策性担保公司。

    Credit guarantee business is commonly acknowledged as a high risky business , and loan guarantee for SME bears much more risks .

  22. 他表示:高收入国家拥有储备货币,因此资源上不存在约束,但好的投资机遇相对稀少。

    High income countries have reserve currencies so resources are not a constraint , but good investment opportunities are relatively few , he says .

  23. 由于工具理性的盛行,导致了传统信仰的崩溃而又无家可归,因此染上了悲剧性色彩;

    Because tool rational being in vogue , caused the traditional belief collapse but to be also homeless , therefore caught the tragic color ;

  24. 因此,上周二到家时,我确信自己做得不对,打算告诉父亲我爱他。

    So last Tuesday by the time I got home I had convinced myself I was going to tell my father I loved him .

  25. 因此,上人并不完全从内心修定做为人唯一达到内心禅寂、常在三昧的唯一途径,环境的改造及作用仍是必要关键。

    Therefore the Master does not see the cultivation of the inner mind as the only path to reaching inner peace and constant meditation .

  26. 因此临床上常以肿瘤体积是否缩小或消失作为衡量肿瘤疗效的一个标准。

    Accordingly , it is an accepted standard for the curative effect in clinical tumor therapy that tumor volume could grown downwards or even vanish .

  27. 违法性要件是必需的,应从法律责任可分为个人责任和集体责任两种类型来理解。违法应当是客观违法,因此理论上过错要件有其存在的必要性。

    Besides , the requirement of illegality is necessary , which should be understood from the angle of division of individual responsibility and collective responsibility .

  28. 因此市场上非常迫切地需要一种手机话费自动查询缴费机以及相应的管理服务平台来满足客户的需求。

    So the market is very urgent need for a phone bill automatically check payment machines and the corresponding management platform to meet customer demand .

  29. 不带船锚出海存在着明显的危险,因此船上有些海盗对这一决定感到很是震惊。

    Some of the Vikings on the ship were appalled at the decision of not bringing an anchor because of the apparent danger of not bringing one .

  30. 美国也违反了国际公约的规定,在战争进行的时候,没有设法捍卫和保护文化遗产,美国的国际形象将因此蒙上永远抹不去的污点。

    It is a permanent blot on its international image and violates US obligations under international conventions to safeguard and protect cultural properties in times of war .