
chǐ zhì
  • dentine;dentinum
齿质[chǐ zhì]
  1. 除了V,抹香鲸齿质对海产动物(干质量)的其他9种元素都没有富集作用。

    Except element V , the other nine elements in the sea organisms aren 't accumulated by dentinal GLGs .

  2. 巨型抹香鲸齿质层元素分析

    Analysis on elements in teeth dentin layers of sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus

  3. 因此前牙做牙冠及柱心冠心,主要是为了美观问题,或是因为齿质剩下太少的缘故。

    Heart and Crown of anterior teeth Crown and columns , mainly to appearance issues , or because ivory leaving too little reason .

  4. 在做根管治疗时,齿质的去除愈保守愈好,以便保留多一些齿质。

    When do root canal treatment , removal of tooth mass and the more conservative , the better to keep the more ivory .

  5. 根据对牙齿磨片牙骨质和牙齿齿质上的生长层组判断,其年龄约为29龄。

    Based upon the growth layer groups in cementum and dentine of the tooth , the age of the huge Sperm Whale was estimated at 29 years .

  6. 对于前牙而言,若保留的齿质够多,做完根管治疗后可以考虑不做假牙,简单的填补即可。

    For the front teeth , if of tooth mass enough to keep , can consider not doing false teeth after root canal therapy done , simple filling .

  7. 要做这两种牙冠,需要修磨掉的齿质较多,牙齿齿质会丧失较多,此时就需要做柱心与冠心了。

    To do either of the two crowns , need more grinding out of ivory teeth tooth mass will lose more , column heart and coronary heart needs to be done at this time .

  8. 当牙齿的齿质剩下不多时候,若要做牙冠,则必须在牙根内打钉子,做上冠心,以做出牙齿必要的假牙支撑部分。

    When the ivory of teeth not much time left , to Crown , you must hit the nail in the teeth , coronary heart on doing , necessary to make teeth denture supporting parts .

  9. 做完根管治疗的牙齿,牙医师通常会建议做牙冠套起来,而做完治疗的牙齿,齿质保留的多寡,也影响是否需做柱心。

    Done root canal treated teeth , dentists will advise the Crown usually set up and finished the treatment of teeth , tooth mass amount of reservation , also affect whether column needs to be done .